
Chapter 83


Tik! Tok!

8 pm.

Tik! Tok!

9 pm.

Another hour lapsed!

I should be in my study room, dealing with my endless businesses but here I am, laying in the deep silence of the dark night, tapping the soft blanket at the rhythm of the ticking clock.

But there was something about the clock ....

Its ticking was quite slow.

It had been two days since Ammy left but it seemed like a decade.

I gawked at the clock on the wall as it kept on ticking.


'You have an incoming call' the feminine voice from my phone informed.

I streched my hand to my left and grabbed the phone from the nightstand.

I had been expecting Sham's call but he had not called either.

My eyes widened abit when they landed on the screen.

She was the last person I expected a call from.

"Ammy..."I began immediately I placed the phone on my earlobe after receiving the call.

There was a deep silence from the other line for a while before she could speak.

"Maxwell..."came her response with a little shiver in a her voice.

I hoped there would be no annoying sobs following.

I remained silent when her voice got my ears.Was it that I didn't have anything to say or what was happening?

"How have you been?'she asked as though unsure of what to say too.

"Fine...are you okay?"I asked, quite nervous.

But what was I being nervous for?

Quite strange but since Ammy got in my life, strange things have always been happening to me...so it wasn't new to me.

"Well, yeah..."I could hear her chuckle a little as she responded.

"That's fine and hope you have been taking your medication as prescribed by the doctor,"I spoke, trying not to bring up what my mind wanted me to.

If it was anything about what happened between Renna and I then it was fit have a face to face conversation not on phone.

"Yeah...hey I just called to check up on you,"she spoke hurriedly.

"Um- thanks and I have been calling but you never picked my calls,"I finally brought up what had been disturbing my mind.

"Aah, sorry about that.I haven't been having my phone with me,"she responded.

From her voice I could tell that she was really sorry or maybe she was now a good liar or an actress.

"Okay but I think you should keep it close because I always crave to hear your voice,"I responded with a smirk.

She scoffed at that statement.

But I was damn serious about that though.

"Are you perhaps trying to flatter me?"she asked her voice low as but I could tell she was smiling.

"You know I always speak my mind, was telling the truth,"I responded, the corners of my mouth curving up in a genuine smile.

"It's not like you have ever told me anything,"she responded tittering.

I smiled again at her statement.That was true, I never told her anything about myself not my feelings.

"That's true but am not flattering you wife,"I responded still smiling broadly.

"I have not option but take that,"she responded calmly.

Her voice as soothing and beautiful as ever.

"So did you miss your husband?"I asked her my smile not fading.

She was silent before responding.

"Am married?"she asked with a stubborn scoff following after her statement.

What was that supposed to mean?...why was she so stubborn and mad?

"You aren't married?"I asked, playing along.

"I don't know,maybe I am but that crazy fact seems to slip my mind always,"she responded.

I sighed silently as I rubbed my forehead lightly, my smile not fading.

"I see,then I will remind you...Mrs Maxwell Storm," I responded.

"You don't need to remind me of that Maxwell Storm,"she responded calmly.

How I missed such a moment!

This kind of a happy conversation with her!

Back to what I really wanted to hear now...

"Did you miss your husband's kisses or maybe..."

"No I didn't and I don't and I don't think I will,"she responded but there sounded like a blush in her voice.

She actually did or maybe she did but didn't know if she did.That was possible but am quite sure she did.

"I know you do so don't act like you don't wife,"I opposed her with full packaged confidence, laying flat on the bed and a pillow under my head.

"You sound so sure.So how sure are you are that I do?"she asked.

"Because am also missing you quite alot and this feeling must be mutual, I can feel that something is triggering this and it must be the same feeling from my wife,"I responded.

"Hhhhm..."came her short answer.

I took that as a yes.The feeling really was mutual.

She did miss me too and that's all I needed to know for tonight.

But does that mean that she loves me?...she wouldn't miss me if she felt nothing towards me.

Green light!!

"Since you also miss your husband as I miss my wife, are you still staying for a week?"I asked calmly.

How I wished she would say no but unfortunately...

"Yeah, I think it's best, atleast I have known that you missed me so the more I stay here, the more you will miss me...and that's what I want,"she responded and I chuckled.

That's was really cool.

"That's fine but make sure you are fine and I can cover over if you miss me too much,"I responded, that was to tease her abit.

"I don't want to see you anywhere around me Maxwell Storm,"she responded.

"Isn't it too late to be out Ammy, I think you should go inside now,it's getting colder outside,"I heard a male voice speak before I could respond.He sounded as though he was really close.

A man?....that close to my wife!

"I will Richie..."she responded.

"Max, I think you should go to bed now.You will be up early for work so you should go to bed now, goodnight,"she spoke calmly.

"Goodnight,"I responded before the call disconnected.

I switched the bedside lamb on after disconnecting the call.

Somehow, I felt quite fine or maybe relieved after talking to Ammy.

I now realize I haven't been having my meals.Was I turning to a monster because of her.Going without food because of her!

That was a phase I never thought I would end up in.

I got off the bed and walked towards the door.I twisted the door knob open and walked downstairs unhurriedly to the kitchen.

The place was clear.No one was inside there.I walked to the refrigerator and picked some apples, placed them in a plate and got a small knife.

I placed the plate on the kitchen counter, peeled the apples and sliced them.I picked a fork as I placed the knife on the counter.

I was walking out of the kitchen when the main door creaked open.

I slowly walked towards the door curiously.My eyes met Renna walking inside the house.She was dressed in a way like she was from dinner or some kind of party...and she just looked like she was sneaking back inside.

That was so silly and gross of her.She really didn't have to be such a jerk.

But wait...she had not left my house yet!I had not seen her when I got back and I thought she left.

I stood at the same spot staring at her, my face calm and emotionless.

"Hello Max,"she started when she saw me.Am sure she didn't expect to see me because there was a tinge of surprise and shock when she saw me.

"Hello, went out?"I asked calmly still looking straight at her face.

The corners of her lips curved up nervously.

"I- I did.Thought you still didn't want to talk to me so I left and went to my house,"she responded still smiling.

"And why are you back?"I asked and her smile faded instantly.Her chest raised heavily as she glanced away.

"You went to your house, then came back to my house.Why?...is this your place now?"I asked I picked a slice from the table and bit it.

So juicy!

"What do you mean by that Max?"she asked trying to keep herself but as I said earlier no emotion or any kind of voice slips my senses.

I could hear her voice tremor a little no matter how she tried to mask it.

But that made me curious...why was she behaving as though she had done something really wrong?

Why was she so nervous?

"What I mean?...you mean to say that you don't understand what am saying!?...I never knew you to be so naive nor dump and am sure you understand so I won't explain anything,"I responded still looking straight at her.

She stood there gazing at me.

I left her and slowly walked back to my room.

She could stay if she wanted to.As long as she didn't cross my way...she was welcomed to stay until Sham reported back to me with everything about her.

Five days to go!

Countdown begins!

She will be off my back for good this time round.