
American Remanent

After a virus America has entered into a civil war that has broken the country into three territories. Follow as our main character fights the war and explores what is left after the fighting has ended.

CalebWalker · Ciencia y ficción
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12 Chs

The Next Fight / What's Left

We had been taken out of New York and to a Refugee camp. This put us on the coast of North Carolina. To be specific we had been taken over to the Outer Banks. Specifically to the new floating city of New Whales. It was built on, around, and in several air craft carriers that had been fused with an oil rig. It had been decommissioned long ago before this had been done to it.

The city itself runs off of solar and wind power so that everyone can live. Getting water is the hardest thing for everyone that lives there. You might think this is strange since they laterally live on and surrounded by water. The same could say for everyone who had lived in areas like this before everything went sideways, but now not only do you have to deal with the salt, you also have to deal with the virus. It is changing as fast if not faster than we are trying to deal with it.

From what the boss had said as we left was that we are being put on leave for a few months, but that doesn't mean what it used to. Leave means that you get put on "light duty" for a few months. Light duty is just protecting settlements of refugees that ran from the war and wanted to live under the government that they had known for so long already.

"We are landing now! Do you guys have any questions or anything to say as we depart?" The voice came over the radio, but I didn't look to see who was talking.

Another voice came over the radio this one was from one of my team. "How long are we going to be here? I want to get back into the fight."

"We don't know." The answer was short and not what we wanted to hear.

With that being said we got off of the helicopter as it hovered next to one of the aircraft carriers. I think it used to be called the USS Saint Vernon which was the name of a president who brokered the peace we know around the world. The saint part comes from where the Catholic Church claimed him as a saint because of his ability to stop wars like he did.

They actually claim this new war is due to him being killed by an assassin during his reelection campaign. Some people think that the Church might actually be right, but they don't have as much power as they used to since their main operation had been leveled. We didn't like that they had been destroyed at the source, but me personally I don't care much about the Church as much the people that lived and worked there.

One of my men stopped beside me pulling me from the thought. "I'm going to go get some rest. You should also while we can. Our guard duty starts tomorrow. You know that means it started yesterday."

They left off with a laugh giving me a case of the laughs myself. I took them up with that idea. I could use some sleep after what happened in New York. I laid down, but I don't think I can bring myself to sleep. The thought of what I know happened to New York bothers me. All of those homes, and whatever pets had been left behind. All of the memories people had made there are all gone now. Like they had never existed in the first place.

How can we sleep knowing that we had done that? How can we leave that as an option for us to use? What are we going to do with the area after the war is over? Can we use it after the war? Who will use it?

These thoughts continue as I look out over the sea. The waves flowed and the wind went through the flags causing them to dance. One thing stuck out to me more than anything though. The fog is not here. It tries to come here, but it can not stay here. The air is safe?

Looking around everyone is free of masks and suits. They are living without the restrictions that we do on the main land. It is because the wind keeps us safe. It flows without restriction. Without the buildings that are on the land and without the mountains that we have on land. We may have something great at work here on the ocean.

This maybe the peace we need before going back to the warzone.

Please leave comments on how you are enjoying the story. I can take your comments good or bad. This is only a side project so it will probably get better after my main project has been finished. :)

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