
American Remanent

After a virus America has entered into a civil war that has broken the country into three territories. Follow as our main character fights the war and explores what is left after the fighting has ended.

CalebWalker · Ciencia y ficción
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12 Chs

The Call Of Chaos

The sounds of explosions echoed outside. Riots started when D.C. had been cleaned off the map. They are smashing in windows of business without care of innocent people inside. The last broadcast was from three days into the riots when they started last week. It was audio less video it only showed a man riding a horse towards a building. They both had the look of skin stretched over bone. When they turned to look at the camera their masks had been damaged where you could see bleeding, and blood shot eyes through one glass. The horses mask had extra damage to where the mouth was. You could see through it and I mean through the skin around its mouth.

He shouted "I am death!" Before riding through a buildings window and blowing it up. That was what had caused the riots to become so much more violent. I was in one of the areas that had the worst of the rioting. I was lucky that my building was bought by the military for everyone that had recently left to live in. Well the catch was you had to have a deployment soon to stay.

I wanted to go home, but they had a station for me in the state guard here in Charlotte. Within the building supplies had been distributed to us, and the building was locked down to keep the fog out. We change guards for the building through an airlock on the roof.

My first shift on guard I had to kill six people who tried to bomb nearby buildings along with our own. I didn't want to, but the general had declared that the state of emergency had been changed to a state of civil war. It was something we all knew would happen, but we didn't want it to be like this. Not because we had all lost the hope that our country once had.

The last report stated that the country had now been split into three territories. A nomad country of free peoples in the middle of the country, California controlled the west of the country as a communist republic, and the United States Government controlled the west. Any and all soldiers had been pushed from the western territory. They either joined the free people of the nomadic lands or continued to what was left of our country.

We didn't understand why it happened so fast, but the survivors had told us stories of how California had been plotting this for a while. They say that California had put proxies in the military on all levels. They had been turning people for years. It was a process they executed with speed and without mercy.

The soldier I was talking to at the time had tears in his eyes as he told me that they killed everyone who stood against them in the streets. They even burned down all buildings controlled by religions outside of their sick version of Catholicism. Everyone in the Church Of Scientology got locked in the building when it was set of fire. If they tried to exit they got shot right away. They took no mercy on that church. They even hunted down all their followers and hung them.

The border that California had built around it was done just for this moment. The west was divided into sectors, and now more borders are being built along the nomad territory. They haven't said anything publicly about their future movements. I don't think we could possibly get anyone in there to find out. I will say that the nomad territory was mostly peaceful and safe. One tribe moves around stealing and murdering people. That's all that I am willing to say about what they do.

That is all the information he had given me in his story. I typed up the information, and sent it to my commanding officer. No response was sent outside of an UNDERSTOOD. I think that the tensions might be rising between the three territories since two of them had opposing ideals and the third had no one leader.

The intercom crackled to life as a message came out loud and clear. "WE NEED EVERYONE ARMED AND READY TO FIGHT IN TEN!"

After that the whole building shook as all of the windows on the front of the building glowed bright. The colors of orange, red, and yellow danced through the fog. The sound of yelling was coming from outside as another command came out over the intercom.


that was a message we didn't want, but we didn't have time to pack. I gathered my arms, armor, and ammo. I sprinted to the roof as fast as I could covered in thirteen pounds of gear. When I made it to the roof I was out of breath and couldn't catch it due to my mask restricting it.

My vision started shaking as the words "Fuck you sheep!" echoed through the air around us. The helicopter came as a welcomed sight. We all got on without a second thought.

The headset we all had been required to wear crackled to life with another message.

"You are all being taken to the Samson Wells Marine base. Say hello to your new home. It was fitted with air tight coverings over each sector so you can travel without masks in each sector. Good luck and we will be in touch."

When we landed we had to keep our masks on as we entered the barracks. It was comforting to see the buildings had been surrounded by a filtering bubble, but the doors on the buildings had airlocks as well. It meant even if the outside failed then the buildings could still be safe to be in without the masks. I just know this isn't a good sign.