
American Football: Domination

Beast Running Back. From mixed martial arts to football, from an unknown rookie to a superstar who swept the league, from a complete outsider to a fearsome beast… he left countless legends on the field, becoming a myth that changed the sport. Yet, at the start of this epic journey, the creator of these legends innocently asked: Football? What’s that? --------- Yes, this has a system.

michaeI · Famosos
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41 Chs

Consecutive Direction Changes

Over there, Allen was finally spinning like a top.

Over here, Lance wasn't faring much better.

His left shoulder bore the brunt of the impact. The explosive force and collision had a destructive energy, all concentrated at the point of contact on his left shoulder.


Every muscle in Lance's body tensed as he braced himself against the force. This was when the protective gear proved its worth. The shoulder pads spread out the impact, allowing Lance to absorb it with his entire shoulder, keeping his balance intact.

Lance had mentally prepared himself for this. He knew that by "smashing an egg against a rock," he was taking a calculated risk. Although it seemed like he was in a passive position, he had actually seized the initiative!

Moreover, this body's years of martial arts training had given Lance a high tolerance for pain and an excellent ability to take hits, helping him maintain his composure.

He twisted!

Using Allen's momentum against him, Lance spun counterclockwise, but unlike Allen, Lance's footwork and power followed the spin, allowing him to quickly complete a 360-degree turn and lunge toward the right.



In Lance's sights, Humphrey was charging with his arms outstretched.

This time, Humphrey's reaction, acceleration, and footwork had all stepped up a level, increasing the pressure and impact!


Danger, danger, danger!

Every cell in Lance's body was screaming in alarm, but he wasn't surprised. He didn't shrink back or hesitate; instead, his adrenaline surged, making him even calmer as he sized up the situation.

Not only did he spot Humphrey, but he also saw Foster closing in from the left!

In the blink of an eye, Lance acted.

He planted his right foot, slamming on the brakes.

The explosive force shot into the ground, making his muscles feel like they were about to burst. The overwhelming rebound propelled him into a sharp turn, sending him darting left!

One flash, one retreat.

He stopped and turned, veering sharply along a diagonal line to the left. The sudden direction change caught Humphrey off guard!

Humphrey: ???


Humphrey hadn't expected such a move. He couldn't believe Lance could change direction in the middle of a chaotic scramble like this. Caught off guard, Humphrey could only watch as Lance brushed past his right arm.

Damn it!

What the hell?!

Humphrey missed again. Missed again!

But Lance didn't let that success go to his head. He had barely dodged Humphrey when he found himself running straight into Foster's arms.

What now?!

No panic.

Lance followed his own movement, spinning counterclockwise once more. As he spun, he continued moving forward, turning like a ballerina, and collided back-first into Foster!

Foster let out a grunt: Ugh.

His chest took the full force of the impact, knocking the wind out of him. The clash of strength sent waves of force crashing around, causing Foster's grip to loosen significantly!

He held on—but couldn't secure it—

His arms didn't have time to close around Lance!

The next second, his arms were empty, leaving Foster gasping for air as darkness crept into his vision.

Lance had absorbed the impact on his back and used the force to propel himself forward. Using his right leg as a pivot, he pushed off with his left leg and spun counterclockwise again, like a dancer in a waltz.

Changing direction—a second time!

Saban's eyes widened, and he instinctively turned to Burns: What is this?!

Burns didn't respond to Saban. His eyes were glued to Lance, focusing not just on his ability to change direction but also on his spatial awareness and his anticipation of the other players' movements. Lance was showing unparalleled potential!

This was the key—

The flashes of brilliance that could create a top-tier running back!

Burns watched Lance closely, noticing his weaknesses.

In these high-intensity clashes, Lance's body was still a bit too light. After multiple hits and changes in direction, his steps were becoming unsteady, and he looked wobbly, on the verge of collapse.

However, it wasn't fair to expect too much. After all…


Just as Burns thought Lance's run might be over, with Jackson rapidly closing in, the situation on the field took a sudden turn.

It looked like Jackson was about to make the tackle, but Lance, despite his teetering, unleashed a third direction change, somehow digging deep and finding a reservoir of strength! Like Jerry in Tom and Jerry outsmarting Tom, Lance slipped past Jackson on his left side!

Jackson lunged from left to right, but Lance dodged left, leaving Jackson's tackle trailing behind. His body couldn't keep up with Lance's sudden change, and as Jackson spun counterclockwise, Lance slipped by him, brushing past him.

Lance sprinted down the narrow space between Jackson and the sideline, wobbling like a tightrope walker. Each step seemed like he would fall, yet his forward momentum kept him balanced!

And then, trembling all the way, he somehow managed to reach the end zone again!


A wave of shock rippled through the field. Everyone was stunned!

The first time could be chalked up to underestimating him, a fluke.

But what about the second time?!

It was unbelievable!

Even Burns was stunned.

Lance's ability to change direction and explode with power was exactly what Burns had seen as his greatest potential, but he hadn't expected this! Despite the defense still underestimating Lance, leading to this bizarre and almost comical outcome, Lance's ability to exceed expectations and reveal even more potential was undeniable.

Burns' heart was racing, stuck in his throat, and soaring uncontrollably!

Saban also broke into a smile. "Burton, you've really found a hidden gem!"

But Saban wasn't done with the tryout. He raised his voice and called out.

"Allen, use your brain!"

He tapped his head, his expression serious—

While Lance's performance was thrilling, the performance of the four defensive starters was another matter entirely. If this were a real game and this happened, forget defending their championship—they might lose everything!

Once was excusable, twice was understandable, but a third time would be unacceptable!

The first two times could be blamed on underestimating the opponent, but not a third!

Saban wouldn't allow a third.

"Pull yourselves together, observe, anticipate, and work together. Don't tell me that four of you, facing one rookie, allowed him to make two fifty-yard sprints to the end zone, and now you're going to let him do it a third time?"

"If there's a third time, you're all running laps until you puke!"

Saban wasn't joking.

Allen, ashamed, quickly gathered the other three players together. It was a rare sight to see them huddling up to discuss strategy. They couldn't afford to underestimate Lance again!

Sure enough, the third time, Lance faced an unprecedented challenge.

On one hand, Lance was tiring from the back-to-back high-intensity one-on-four clashes, and his explosive power was waning.

On the other hand, the four defenders had dug in, determined to stop him. Their intensity and aggression had reached a whole new level!

Lance gave it his all, darting and weaving, but this time, he couldn't escape. After being tripped by Allen, he was sandwiched by Foster and Humphrey! He fought for a few more steps, but ultimately, he couldn't break free. A third defender piled on, delivering the final blow that brought him down.

Damn it!

Lance was frustrated, dissatisfied with his performance. But as he stood up, he saw the entire field staring at him in stunned silence, jaws dropped, and glasses askew on the ground.

Lance was confused: What's going on?!

