

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Famosos
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103 Chs


"Stop. Watch your words, Josie. Horton. Frank put away the illusion of disguise, and his eyes showed admonition, "I told you many times, Janet. Mills used to sleep with me, but that was only once, and her daughter was not related to me by blood. Your mother was cranky at the time because she was already suffering from severe postpartum depression – and you should understand that no one wanted that to happen. "

"So, that's why you forgive them again and again? I don't believe you don't know what they've done to me. Josie still said that.

That's too easy to imagine.

If it weren't for the current Josie, the then "Josie. Horton "will surely sink all the way to the bad future arranged for her by Mills mother and daughter, no one will care about the girl who just wants to become a big star to get more love, she will be no different from those actresses who are at the bottom of Hollywood."

And the reason why she wants to become a big star is because her short life seems to have never lacked material, but she is so poor spiritually, and almost no one has even really loved her without expecting anything in return.

Frank was silent for a moment, his face still slightly gloomy, and he replied, "I have some unspeakable reasons, Josie." Besides, they've already been punished as they deserve, so you don't have to be so angry. "

Hold a grudge?

Those punishments that do not hurt the bones are their own fault, whether it is a scandal of mother-daughter serving, or playing smart but being banned by the big guys in the circle.

As long as they move to a small strange place, they can still live a rich and decent life, let time dilute everything, and do not know what the real pain of the world is.

That's a shame.

Josie felt slightly in her heart.

She said in a mocking tone: "Oh, in that case, Frank, you should also be satisfied with the way we get along next, because I am really tired of trying to be filial to your father and son, and at the same time always thinking about the past." Let's talk about it, what did you come to me for today, don't lie to me with those nonsense that coaxed women, I'm eighteen, not eight. "

Straightening the non-existent folds in her clothes, Josie sat down on the farthest sofa opposite Frank with her arms folded.

This defensive and resistant posture coupled with her beautiful little face actually does not have much deterrent, but for some reason it is stubborn and poignant.

Frank shook his head helplessly, "Well, Josie, I know you can't understand it for a while..."

"Dorota, we're done arguing!" As soon as he opened his mouth, Josie interrupted, and then showed impatience, and shouted to the kitchen: "Give me two glasses of ice water, one I will drink, and one to prevent Mr. Horton from saying anything out of place, and I can pour it on his annoying head!" "

At this moment, Frank paused, very helpless about Josie's vexatious teasing.

"Okay, okay, the war stops." He adjusted his expression and said squarely, "Listen to me, you need a manager, Josie." "

Managers? Josie raised her eyebrows lightly and looked up at her titular father.

Brokers and managers are professions that look somewhat similar, but are actually very different.

The former fights for artist clients, and their job is to get as many deals as possible for artists to get jobs, equivalent to a professional broker who earns commissions.

The latter's function focuses on designing and planning an artist's career and charting an artist's progression path. Their job is to advise their clients on career aspects and advise brokers on career options offered to them.

In accordance with California law and the Screen Actors Guild, agents are strictly capped and cannot engage in or be employed to produce and distribute films, or have any interest in any production or distribution company.

——However, in recent years, the CAA's packaging system has disguised itself as undermining the second provision, which is also a point that has been criticized.

All of the above avoids possible conflicts of interest between agents and artist clients, largely protects the maximization of profits as clients, and limits the work functions of agents.

Managers, however, are not restricted.

In fact, the profession doesn't even need to be licensed to work, and most parents of child stars fill this role.

They develop artists who have not yet been successful or have problems, and gradually put their careers on track; Or work on the production of films for some big-name artists who have become famous, replacing traditional commission income with producer remuneration.

Yes, managers are able to participate in film production.

For example, Keanu's manager Evan. Stoff has long served as the producer of the former starring film, which has helped him a lot in his career.

But Josie... But there is little need for a manager to steer his future.

Thinking of this, Josie asked half-jokingly: "Mr. Horton, do you want to say that you are tired of being a Wall Street financier, and now you want to take care of your career for me, a little star?" "

Frank silently looked at Josie's smiling face, seemingly a little undetectable surprise, or some other complicated emotion.

At this time, Dorota came over with a smooth footstep, and Frank poured himself and Josie a full glass from the large jug of iced lemonade that Dorota had put down.

He took a sip and moistened his throat before saying, "I invested sixty million for the Titanic." "

"Oh, sixty million." Josie shook the glass of water and didn't drink it right away, "You won't be so naïve, think I'll think you're helping me selflessly—won't you?" If it weren't for the fact that I fit the heroine of Titanic, you would think James. Will Cameron really accept your investment? "

"You're right, business is business." Frank didn't feel annoyed, but looked at his daughter with an unexpectedly approving look, "And I have to admit that Hollywood has taught you a lot, and I'm happy." "


Josie couldn't understand Frank's thoughts, and looked down and slowly sipped the lemonade, hiding the undeserved contemplation under her eyes.

Frank cleared his throat, adjusted his sitting posture, and made a businesslike appearance to Josie.

"I hope that Tianji Pictures, under your name, will sign a cooperation agreement with Tianmu Capital, which I founded." Frank said, "Skyscreen Capital will raise funds for Tianji Pictures within five years to shoot at least two films with you as the heroine, each with a budget of 50 million to 100 million." "

"Tianji Pictures now has only five employees." Josie was noncommittal, only reminding, "Five years is too long to be an exclusive agreement." "

"The production of the two films will take at least three years, and the time can be discussed in detail." Frank had already thought about it, "As for the employees. You can recruit some of your acquaintances with high salaries, such as producers and managers. Or we directly find a headhunting company to dock, Tianji Pictures currently needs at least one CEO. "

Josie didn't answer immediately, but slowly drank half a glass of water, and pressed the corner of her lips with a tissue.

Frank was not in a hurry, quietly waiting for her to finish all this and adjusting the posture of sitting there.

Josie folded her legs together, held her cheek with one hand and asked, "These are small questions that are not important." I'm more concerned about why you chose Tianji Pictures, you should know that it is just a shell company used to avoid taxes - or, in other words, what can Tianmu Capital gain by doing so? "

Her attitude has changed too much before and after.

Abandoning those unnecessary and useless ways of connecting, her age-transcending calmness and sensitivity were suddenly revealed, and there seemed to be nothing to hide.

This in turn made Frank feel more satisfied.

Apparently this man appreciates an heir as sane and strong as himself more than a mediocre and cowardly bloodline offspring, even if she stubbornly inherits another part of his minor ailments.

"Share the internal rate of return." Frank replied, "And, two fully controlled film projects, which are an investment test in a new field." "

Josie raised an eyebrow.

Frank continued under her gesture: "Before this, neither I nor my Skyscreen Capital had participated in Hollywood's capital game, because this circle is very exclusive, not only has its own set of different rules of the game, but also has a very long investment cycle, and the rate of return also has a large degree of uncertainty. "

"But the film market has been booming in recent years. The newly established Skyscreen Capital needs a shot in the arm, and what better way to satisfy the confidence of those customers than a global hit classic movie? "

"For the general public, the Hollywood film industry, which has taken the world by storm, is the most profitable. They don't care about the harsh sharing agreements between producers and theaters, they don't care that making a movie is more difficult and expensive than they think, they only care about eye-catching global box office numbers — not just three to five times the number that the producer can barely make ends meet. "

"Back-end revenue is the lion's share of the film's profits." Josie nodded and added: "I basically understand what you want to do, and in principle, I agree with this matter, but the premise is that Tianmu Capital cannot interfere with the normal operation of Tianji Pictures." "

Frank smiled slightly, "Normal operation? What are you referring to. "

"Selection of projects and creators." Josie explained, "But you can exercise your veto power, assuming that you are not satisfied with the team members we have enabled, everything can be discussed and try to achieve a mutually acceptable outcome." "

Frank came to interest and asked, "Does that sound like that... Do you already have a project you're interested in? "

"Trade Secrets." Josie smiled at him and continued, "And, I think I need an agent more at this stage than a manager. "

Her next schedule has long been arranged, and she can't be busy with the production company while making movies, which is very unprofessional and not focused enough.

It is best to have someone trustworthy to help her handle the work of Tianji Pictures and report to her regularly.

Frank laughed and leaned back on the couch, "Oh, that's a good idea—so, did you have a choice?" "

He didn't seem to mind that Josie rejected the manager's idea and didn't continue to mention it.

Josie smiled and looked Frank in the eye and, in a rather casual tone, suggested, "How's El?" Whether it is a driver or an assistant, for him, it is too big and overkill ... Forget it, he has no relevant experience. "

Frank's heart that had been pulled up by her slowly fell back, and judging by the smile on his face, his expression was still impeccable.

He put his fingers together and said, "Mr. Keiser's words are indeed too young. However, if you don't have anyone else you want to trust, you can use him to oversee this matter for the time being. "

Josie just laughed.

She was a little curious that she had never officially introduced El and his name, and Frank was already clear.

——You know, Brettney still doesn't know what El's surname is.

Or is Frank so concerned about her that even the staff around her investigate everything?

Josie couldn't guess for the time being.

She picked up the glass again and drank the rest of the lemonade before saying, "I was chosen, but I'm not sure if he would like to come and help me, so I need to make a phone call or meet directly." "

Frank immediately understood what Josie meant, stood up and said, "Then, I'll go first." If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, and I will stay in San Francisco City. "

"Goodbye, Frank." Josie said she didn't want to go on to another name anymore, and it looked like Frank didn't care.

"Goodbye, Josie." Frank paused and said as if unintentionally: "I bought a small house by the Malibu sea, and when you were a child, you said that you wanted to live there when you grew up." "

"No, I've always wanted to live in the Hamptons." Josie corrected it without thinking.

After speaking, she seemed to suddenly look away angrily, unwilling to look at her father again.

"Really? Maybe I'm mistaken. Frank finally said, "I hope you enjoyed all this today." No matter what, I love you that way, and your mother Edna. "