

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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In the conference room, the director of "Titanic" James . Cameron, Lightstorm Pictures producer Jon. Landau, Fox Films' executive producer Grant. Seale, as well as the crew's casting director, Marie. Fein, each pulled out a chair at the oval conference table and sat down.

James sitting at the top. Cameron looked around at everyone and knocked on the table: "Tell me, what do you all think about our heroine candidates?" "

At first, no one spoke right away.

Jon. Landau asked the assistant to make everyone a cup of coffee, Marie. Fein sorted out most of the audition actresses' performance resumes, and asked the assistant to bring their audition tapes over and put them on the table, Grant. Cyr seemed a little speechless, observing the expressions of the others.

Wait until it's coffee, Jon. Landau spoke first: "Now, we can be considered the last one, right?" "

He made a little joke because of James. Cameron's posture has always been as if he is ready to open a public audition at any time, and he watches everyone like an obsessive-compulsive attack.

Of course, that was unrealistic, so he ended up watching only some actresses with names or agents.

Thank God this allowed everyone to reduce a lot of work and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, finished reading." James. Cameron promised, "Josie. Horton was the last, I swear. "

Jon. Landau didn't seem particularly convinced, and smiled before saying, "Okay, I'll come first." As a regular audience, I think each of them is very charming, but as a producer, I don't want to see uncontrollable actors on our crew. "

Speaking from Mary. The pile of audition tapes Finn found took Drew. Barrymore's one, and several other people's, "We'll start shooting around July this year, and we'll be shooting nineteen weeks at the earliest—so, Winona. Rhett, she decided to make "Alien 3", no; Jennifer. Aniston, she has to play 'Rachel,' no. "

"None of this will work." James. Cameron put Madonna and Nicole in one go. Overage audition tapes like Kidman were thrown.

Grant. Seall also followed suit and picked out a few and said, "Jim, you know, we need more famous actresses, so Reese. Witherspoon, Charlize. Theron, Rachel. Vichy, Kate. Beckinsale... None of them can. "

James. Cameron was unmoved, these people are not long in the industry, the faces of the first two actresses are too modern, and the performances of the last two actresses are too young to support the film itself.

He himself took the initiative to screen out Cameron. Diaz and Angelina. Julie, these two sexy modern girls, suddenly the actor's resume on the table is less seven, seven, eight, eight, leaving behind actresses who are already somewhat famous and young and beautiful.

In the end, only four candidates remained for the heroine.

Gwyneth, who has both fame and background. Paltrow; The fledgling but popular English Rose Kate. Winslet; Josie, the youth idol who became popular last year. Horton; "Juliet" Claire, known for her age-surpassed acting skills. Dennis.

Among them, only Kate, who used to specialize in literary films. Winslet is not American.

Gwyneth. Paltrow is the oldest, she is twenty-four years old this year, Claire. Dennis was the youngest, only seventeen years old.

James. Cameron didn't really want Gwyneth. Paltrow: "She's too old too, and I think she's reluctant to want to play a seventeen-year-old teen. "

"Will it? I think she looks like Claire. Dennis is also about the same age. "Grant. Seale said that Caucasian people's sense of age is actually very vague, and some look like teenagers like thirtys, "and this Kate. Winslet, her looks like trying to play a seventeen-year-old girl are also the limit - especially if you want her to be with Leonardo, who is not fully grown. DiCaprio plays. "

Marie. Fein said a fair word: "To be honest, just from the appearance point of view, they are still qualified for this role." "

That's not a lie, because Gwyneth. Paltrow, until the age of twenty-four, still maintained that naïve girlish feeling, and his temperament was elegant enough.

But James. Cameron just wasn't very happy with her, otherwise the heroine could have been settled in the first place, after all, Gwyneth. Paltrow has a family background that is difficult for the other three to match.

So he resolutely removed Gwyneth. Paltrow's actor bio explains: "She doesn't have the tenacious and unyielding spirit of the heroine I want, and she's too superior, so she must not be 'Rose'." "

Grant. Seale opened his mouth and held back and did not immediately object, but did not approve of James. Cameron's review.

"Claire. How is Dennis? "Mary. Fein took the initiative to say, "Her age and acting skills are impeccable, and when "Romeo and Juliet" is released, she should also gain a lot of popularity." "

Buzz. Luman is an excellent director, and his adaptation seems to be very interesting, especially the same film and Leonardo, who is quite popular with girls. DiCaprio, this movie shouldn't be too bad.

Yet James. Cameron once again refused: "The lower half of her face is not good looking in the camera, especially when she makes some larger expressions, and the face lines appear particularly disorganized, which makes her weaken too much beauty, which can not be saved by many performances - not to mention, she is not the best acting." "

His gaze was fixed on the only two remaining audition tapes, signaling to Mary. Fein put them into the prepared VCR.

"The faces of both of them have a common advantage, clear and clear contours, full and smooth soft tissues, and hardly any extra muscle lines, so it is beautiful to do any expression."

James. The more Cameron spoke, the more he found these two top-notch movie faces pleasing to the eye, and deliberately fixed the video camera picture on the front close-up of the two.

After listening to James. Cameron analyzed from an aesthetic point of view, and everyone else in the conference room couldn't help nodding, and there was a sense of enlightenment.

"I agree with you, Jim." Jon. Landau said, "Before you told me this, I just thought they were all beautiful, but when you say that, these two actresses do have something outstanding." "

Grant. Seale agrees: "It is conceivable that when their close-ups appear on the big screen of the cinema, this rarely flawed beauty will be magnified countless times, and the shock will fascinate the audience." "

In the circle of Hollywood, beautiful girls are too common, but those who are so beautiful and test-standing, and who are also expensive and full of youthful vitality, are rare.

For his part, he's willing to pay a movie ticket for either of them on a movie poster—well, maybe even two, maybe a collector's edition videotape?

"Then back to acting. I needed a young actress to act out this story of ups and downs, to complete her life transformation in four and a half days, to convince the audience that any choice Rose made and how meeting and falling in love with Jack completely changed her life. "

James. Cameron stood up and looked down at everyone, propped his hands on the table, "What we are going to produce is an unparalleled love epic, a great tragedy, and a grand project, which should be legendary and irreproducible like the 'Titanic' itself." That's why I salvaged shipwrecks and built live models for shooting... I was critical of the starring cast, but I always believed that our films could only succeed if we found the perfect actor and actress. "

Jon. Landau agreed: "Excellence, that's how geniuses succeed, isn't it?" So the only question before our eyes right now is, which girl are you going to use, Josie or Kate. "

Personally, no matter which of them can play the heroine, it is already a visual feast.

As soon as the words fell, the room fell silent.

Marie. Finn's eyes looked at the ballpoint pen turning in her hand, she was considering Josie. Horton's charitable fund scholarship for her children is worth it.

Grant. Sean also withdrew his gaze and flipped through the actor's resume at hand.

From Fox's perspective, he prefers Josie. Horton, because of her extraordinary popularity, according to the survey data of video rental companies, she is a popular topic among young people nowadays, even some office workers or older men, love her.

And Kate . Winslet was in a total rout at this point.

On the one hand, British actors, especially actresses, originally did not have much box office appeal in Hollywood; On the other hand, before this, she was only a newcomer who was only famous in the UK, and it was not until this year's awards season that Hollywood noticed her.

But that's precisely Kate. Winslet's strengths.

Last year's global hit "True Lies" did not achieve satisfactory box office results in the UK, because the British did not buy much Hollywood directors and T-800 accounts, so that James . Cameron himself was upset and vowed to conquer the British Peninsula with a new movie.

And Kate . Winslet is a super newcomer in the British theater industry, as long as the crew is willing to use her as the heroine of the movie, they will promise to cooperate with the release of "Titanic" in all aspects of the country and create momentum for it.

That's quite tempting.

After all, the British are very exclusive, and there are not a few Hollywood blockbusters who break the sand on their side.

But if James . Cameron insisted on Leonardo in the male lead candidate. DiCaprio's words, Grant. Cyr still thinks it's best for the heroine to use Josie. Horton, otherwise that cast would be too unsettling for the producers - even if the young duo like Leo & Josie is not particularly perfect, they all have at least some fan base plates each.

Who knows James. Cameron also smiled wryly and replied: "Sorry, guys, in fact, I don't know." It's just too hard to decide. "

The others looked at each other, but there was also a somewhat expected feeling.

They heard from James. Cameron sighed and continued to himself: "She's bolder, she's more dignified. Both of them are the same as the beauty in the painting, both are so elegant and noble, except that one is "Moon Night Girl" and the other is "Nameless Girl". "

He used two paintings, also from Ivan. Nikolaevich. Kramsko's portrait of a maiden expresses the differences between the two, but even the harshest art critic cannot rudely judge the specific superiority between them.

Because they are all artistic treasures belonging to human beings, they are the pinnacle embodiment of the painter's artistic creation.

James. Cameron couldn't help sighing again, and said slowly: "If I have to say, Josie gives people a lighter feeling, not the difference in body shape, but the wonderful demeanor on her body is like the elegance carved into the depths of the soul, and everything is naturally revealed." And her crying scene is very sympathetic; As for Kate, she herself is a delicate classical oil painting, a work of art, and her appearance plus her acting skills are really breathtaking. "

In fact, Kate . Winslet was one of the first actresses to audition, and it stands to reason that she should give a far inferior impression to Josie, who just auditioned today. Horton was so fresh and shocking.

But the English girl, or rather her team, was smart enough to constantly call James in person. Cameron communicates and sends him a rose every day with a small handwritten card: From Your Rose.

There were a few times James . Cameron thought she was annoying.

Because he was driving when Kate. Winslet also called, and kept stressing to him: "I am your Rose, no need to look for it, I don't understand why you are still looking at other people!" "

It sounds crazy and a little vexatious.

But I have to admit, James . Cameron admires this kind of strong woman who does not hide her ambitions, and indeed impressed and remembers her well, but his perfectionism makes him insist on watching everyone on the audition list, not Kate before. Winslet convinced.

Sure enough, he was right.

Josie, who was not optimistic at first. Horton, the youth idol star who became popular in chick films, gave everyone a huge surprise.

It is precisely because of the inherent impression of the silly white sweet rich lady she gave everyone before, which makes people particularly shocked by her audition, because the same role of the rich lady, she gave a completely different and new "Rose".

- There is no trace of that chick film.

This made James . Cameron couldn't help but think that if only one of the two of them was not so good, otherwise he would not be in a dilemma.

Or, Josie. Horton's light elegance, with Kate. Winslet's classical modesty, the two in one, this is James. Cameron's most impeccable heroine.

But no.

There is only one heroine of "Titanic".

James. Cameron will choose only one actress.