

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Famosos
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In the rehearsal room, Woody with a thermos cup. Allen is thin and small, holding his chin with one hand, habitually shrugging his eyebrows, looking like a little old man with some literary temperament, at this time, in front of him, there are two young actors, a man and a woman.

By Woody. The brown-haired young man Allen looked at had a tender face that was far below his age, ignoring that the party was next to him, and said to the former: "Woody, this girl can't do it." "

The blonde girl on the side bit her lip hard, lowered her head to cover the unwillingness under her eyes, but sniffled lightly, deliberately controlling her shoulders to tremble slightly.

Her series of actions can easily lead to silent sobbing, and perhaps unnecessary sympathy, because blonde beauty is always easy to get preferential treatment.

But sadly, the brown-haired young man still said, "I can't convince myself, what do you think, Woody?" Can the audience believe that my character is likely to love her like crazy? "

Woody. Eren craned his eyelids and felt a dull pain in his temples, so he poured half a cup of coffee from his thermos cup and sipped it slowly.

It has to be said that Drew . Barrymore really left a huge mess for the crew.

In this circle, occasionally hi over the top is not a big deal. The problem is that it wasn't long before Drew vowed to change his mind and regain control of his life, and it wasn't long before he was slapped in the face by himself.

Outside the hottest nightclub in Manhattan last night, as soon as she got into the ambulance, the paparazzi chased and blocked like hyenas smelling blood, and then surrounded the hospital, making the whole thing too big to be publicized, her godfather Steven. Spielberg was also really angry and went to Woody late at night. Alan called here, saying that Drew must be sent to the Lean Rehabilitation Center again.

In this way, the crew, who has just finished rehearsals and is preparing to start official shooting, is embarrassed.

Hey, every day the crew operates, it's money...

The little old man sighed sadly.

He raised his eyelids and said weakly, "Then you go, Ashley." "

- Not even a polite word of apology.

Blonde girl Ashley. Mills froze, as if he didn't believe he had actually been rejected.


Ming Woody. Allen also praised her for being quite talented before, and Drew died and often accompanied the other party to rehearsals, shouldn't he be the best PlanB?

She couldn't help but clench her fists.

But the truth is, Ashley doesn't even have the qualifications to ask why.

Her heart was sour and she couldn't help but shed tears.

But after a period of realistic beatings, Ashley's emotional control has already improved a lot.

She forced back her tears, even showed a nice smile when she raised her head, and said, "I'm sorry I wasted everyone's time, but I really like this character." "

Like it, at all costs to cause Drew to make gossip headlines established, in order to take over the role vacated by Drew.

However, Ashley missed the most important point.

This is Woody. Allen's films, people are proud to star in his films, and Ashley is not alone in staring at this fat meat.

The deeper reason is that this character is Drew. One of Barrymore's springboards for gradually breaking away from Hollywood Bad Girls is the opportunity for her godfather Spielberg to use his connections to pick it up, how can she get such a "friend" who can only play smart and eat Drew.

So the actress who took over, either Woody. Allen hand-picked, or it was still sent by Spielberg's line to gild.

Woody. Eren waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, anyway, we are here today, and the person waiting is not you." "

In other words, Ashley came uninvited.

Ashley's face froze, her expression became a little embarrassed, and she looked at the absent-minded Woody. Allen, looking at the brown-haired young man on the other side who did not have a good face, finally felt that he was not welcome and walked away angrily.

After seeing her leave the rehearsal room, Woody. Allen came to a little spirit, glanced at his watch and said: "Helen found me a popular youth idol star to come to the rescue, can you give a good face when you audition in a while, Edward?" "

"If you want my good face, impress me with your performance first." The brown-haired young man known as "Edward" said bluntly, "And the one just now, don't tell me you don't know what she did." "

And he really deserves this outspoken arrogance.

In just a few years in the industry, Edward has already performed many stage plays on Broadway, which can be said to be famous.

But strikingly, before that he was just an ordinary Yale graduate student, majoring in astronomy, which had nothing to do with the performing arts, and history with a slight connection.

Just got into the talented Broadway and really made him famous, and the director of the first movie was Woody. Allen, even Woody. Allen also listens to Edward during rehearsals.

Obviously, another talented and talented player, a little arrogance is not a big deal.

Woody. Eren shrugged helplessly and said, "I don't know what type of girl you like, Edward, you are even stricter with young girls than me as a director." "

"To correct, it doesn't matter gender when performing, anyone should only be an actor." Edward leaned against the window and said, "Acting is a very serious art. Isn't it Woody? "

"Good, good, you're right." Woody. Allen will not be idle and have nothing to argue with this guy, and he will definitely not win.

Edward was also helpless.

Who said Woody is a nag that can't stop? When he didn't want to answer, he was simply a topic terminator.

At this time, the sound of footsteps belonging to the ladies came from the corridor outside the rehearsal room.

Woody. Eren only then picked up a little spirit, and said in a chatterbox: "I heard that this girl is now the dream lover of an all-rice man, oh, I remember that she just turned eighteen, I don't know if there is really Amy. Hecklin's footage is so beautiful, but to be honest, as soon as I saw the poster of that movie, I knew she was suitable for your fiancée, Edward, but Steven called Drew himself..."

The door to the rehearsal room was pushed open from the outside.

Three ladies walked in outside the door.

Beginning with a producer familiar to Edward, Helen. Rubin, followed by a white woman in a typical broker suit, and finally, a fantastic blonde came into his sight.

Edward couldn't help but straighten up.

How to say it -

She is more beautiful than on video or in the cinema.

And elegant, and intelligent, and charming.

Her appearance does not need to be repeated, and what is smarter and more difficult to present in the movie than her appearance is the light and flexible special temperament on her body.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the sun in New York was not brilliant, but the scarce light golden sunlight passed through the crowd with unmistakable clarity through the clouds, into this empty and quiet room, and into the girl's smiling eyes, and he could even see his own reflection there.

The little old man's chattering voice was suddenly pressed the mute button, and everything around her became a slow-motion with a virtual focus, only her brilliant blonde hair and blue eyes were so clear.

Woody. Alan's voice did stop abruptly.

Because he was surprised to see that Edward's handsome face, which had been gloomy after Drew's accident, instantly hung up with a perfect smile that made people feel like spring light.

But the smile only existed for a second, and he cleared his throat again and replaced it with another serious face.

Then, Edward took the initiative to leave the window and ask for Helen. Rubin and the others greeted him.

"Good morning, Helen." His steps are light, his attitude feels gentle, a little appropriately friendly, but not very eager.

Edward's gaze swept over the two strangers who entered the rehearsal room and turned to the acquainted Helen . Rubin said inquiringly.

"Good morning, Edward. This is Josie. Horton and her agent Martha. Miller, she's coming to audition for your fiancée Skyler. "Helen. Rubin said, "This is Edward. Norton, who plays Holden in the movie. "

Edward looked into Josie's eyes and said, "Hello, Miss Horton. "

"Hello." Josie also looked at him, and Manshi said, "Call me Josie or Joe, just fine." "

So Edward smiled slightly, from the goodness as the flow: "Okay, Josie." "

His tone was soothing, a little slow, and the accent fell on her name as if it had circled around the tip of his tongue.

Woody behind Edward. Allen walked over slowly, first glanced at Edward, then turned to Josie and the others, and also showed a smile: "Good morning, Josie, without further ado, why don't we start the audition directly?" "

He winked at Martha next to Josie as a greeting, and Martha smiled back, it seemed that the relationship between the two was quite familiar.

Josie got a Woody photo. Allen's handwritten character biographies and story outlines.

While she was reading, Woody. Eren hooked Edward's arm, looked ahead casually, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, little bastard, stop pretending, let me think about what you just said - you must not release water on her, right?" "

"No, I don't think it's needed because she's Josie. Horton. Edward looked a little excited, he barely endured for a moment, but did not hold back, whispered and said quickly: "You have read William. Is Deere's novel First Degree Fear Woody? This girl played a role that I particularly liked, and the movie hadn't been released yet, so I watched all three of the works she could find. You know what? Wow, she's amazingly perfect! I can't wait to get the picture of us playing each other right now, and I have to say, I'm really looking forward to the next performances. "

Woody. Eren quickly made a stop gesture, he couldn't feel the picture in Edward's head, but he could feel that his brain was about to be dizzy by Edward, especially when this guy said that he was up and put on his shoulder.

Hey, his small body can't stand this guy shaking around.

"Okay, okay, I see." Woody. Eren helplessly, "Come on, I'll tell you the scene." Before Fifth Avenue, Holden and Skyler were dating, they were in love, let me see how it feels between the two of you. "

"Woody—" Edward raised his hand.

"What?" The little old man shrugged his eyelids.

"I remember this scene, on the first page of the script, which is the opening scene of the movie." Edward frowned deliberately, "Do you need me to sing?" To be honest, I was completely unprepared. "

Woody. Eren pursed the corners of his lips and replied weakly, "Whatever you want, Edward, we all know you've sung well enough." "

"No, I don't know, I think I still need to improve." Edward spread his hands and said, "Give us ten minutes, Woody, and we'll have to talk." "

"Five minutes." Woody. Allen said.

He wanted to see what the hell this kid was going to do.

I saw Edward walking towards Josie, who had just finished reading the story over there, and said a lot of things, just by looking at it, I knew that he was radiant and confident.

As for pretending?

Forget about this, he is completely eager to try it now, I don't know if it's because Josie's acting skills are really looking forward to him, or some other reason.

Four and a half minutes later, Edward gestured to this side with a "no problem" gesture.

Woody. Allen rolled his eyes and went to turn on the handheld camera himself, they had to at least take a simple videotape for the audition.