

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Famosos
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Josie's vacation is over.

Because she turned eighteen, the Northern Trust informed her early of a portion of the property she was going to receive, her lawyer and accountant began calculating the taxes she would pay, and she herself devoted herself to the filming of First Degree Fear.

In her spare time, she also had to read some audiovisual materials about the beginning of the century according to Gloria's book list, and review the active artists of the time, such as Claude. Monet, etc., so that the character biography of "Rose" is more full and vivid.

"I have to find a female assistant." In the makeup trailer, Josie, who was wearing makeup, said.

"Look up." Makeup artist Ella. While touching up Josie's makeup, Elliot said, "You really need it, when the actress changes her outfit, the male assistant will look embarrassed." "

Josie also discovered this.

It turned out that when the first movie was made, I didn't feel much, because there was still Brettney in the dressing room to help each other with her, and now there is a new crew, and El is not the type who can shush her before and after the menstrual period and even go into the women's bathroom to send war-ready materials.

"To be honest, your entourage is a bit inadequate for your café." Ella added.

Look at Richard in the trailer next door. Kiel bar.

He is already a star whose style is not too pompous, but every day he goes in and out around bodyguards, assistants, hairstylists, tailors... It's not a celebrity follower who doesn't know what to do.

El, who had a very low sense of existence, raised his eyes on the side and said silently: "Josie, I heard them say that someone specially hired an assistant to read the script. "

"Oh, I know that too, it's because he has dyslexia. In addition, there are tutors, performance guidance, etc., and there are also people who take pets and pet sitters to shoot every day. Ella is very well-informed, so the dressing room is a first-hand source of Hollywood gossip, "but it's nothing, because a female singer hired an assistant to get her Coke." "

Josie's makeup today is not as plain as it used to be, because they will be filming a courtroom scene where the starring actors gather, which is the highlight and climax of the movie, and she finally changes out of the old prison uniform and can wear a decent formal suit.

Ella mended the lipstick for Josie.

After making up, she heard Josie say: "This sounds good, in fact, I kind of want someone to help me remove my makeup and blow my hair, and preferably wash my hair." "

"Very reasonable." Ella commented that she was using a comb to sort out Josie's hairstyle, "Specifically your requirements, I have a friend's sister who is looking for a job. "

When Josie heard this, she counted on her fingers: "I hope she is a young woman, gentle and easy to get along with, not too heavy body odor, can do some simple sewing, cooking and photography, can skillfully surf the Internet and drive... There is a sense of boundaries. Ideally, I would be willing to wash my hair. "

The work of celebrity assistants has always been tedious, they usually need to invade the private life of celebrities in all directions, 24x7 day and night, although the assistant's salary is not high.

Neversaynever, that's the only guideline for assistant work.

However, Josie attaches great importance to privacy, she does not need an assistant to accompany, sleep or be inseparable from an assistant, as long as she can take care of her food, clothing, housing and transportation during work.

And she is not demanding on food, does not love nightlife and is not very irritable or impulsive, she is the kind of person who serves well.

"I remember, I'll call in a moment." Ella said, "It's done! Let's see the final result! "

In the make-up mirror illuminated by the cold and warm light source, a girl who is as pure as an angel is reflected.

Her long blonde hair was carefully groomed soft and smooth, and fell quietly to her collarbone.

The deliberately thin bangs were trimmed over the brow bone, faintly covering half of the forehead, so that people's eyes unconsciously focused on her cornflower-colored eyes, attracted by their clarity.

The faint red color outlines her lips to a full shape, and also makes her complexion fairer, without extra blush or eye shadow, only the pure part of Josie's personal temperament, to the maximum.

The costume part is a black half-turtleneck knit top with a pale lavender-colored shoulder padded jacket, and the crew's costume designer Besti. Cox also prepared Plan B, a dark brown coat, but the combination of blonde hair and light lavender purple was too beautiful.

When Josie appeared in the studio, director Hobritt was discussing the script with the male and female protagonists, who agreed that the ten-page content was too redundant, and the screenwriter Ann. Whiteman is being deleted on the spot.

Hobritt beckoned to Josie and said, "Josie, come here, you and Richard and Laura, the three of you will go through the row first." "

Josie nodded and immediately went to work.

Richard. Kiel and the heroine Laura. Linny is both a Broadway actor by training, which means they have a lot of live experience and easy improvisation.

Josie is the opposite.

She takes a little time to brew into the play and is not good at improvisation, so in simple rehearsals, she is sometimes abused by the two actors and does not bloom the true charm of the role.

But no one will still look at her with questioning eyes, at most they feel that Josie is not very attentive to the preparation before the official shooting, it seems that the official film has not yet been made, and there are already signs of playing big names - because she always seems to be so perfunctory about rehearsals.

In fact, the emotions of actors are limited, especially for a contestant like Josie, who is particularly dependent on the state, and she really doesn't put much into rehearsals, because she only likes to be fully engaged in the official shoot.

The courtroom scene was filmed for a total of five days.

Period Ann. Whiteman's flypage was re-altered by Hobritt, and Josie watched coldly as Hobritt, who was already good-tempered in the director, sprayed the screenwriter to himself, until Richard, who introduced Whiteman to the crew. Kiel had to make a round.

For the next three days, Josie was under tremendous pressure.

Hobritt kept giving her NG that day, thinking that her explosive bridge did not have enough sense of power, but they tried a dozen or so and it was not as fruitless as the first one.

So Josie was temporarily put on vacation to adjust her status.

She locked herself in her room, did not answer the phone and did not go out of the room, repeatedly watched the performances of some actors in classic thrillers, constantly directed herself in front of the mirror, and little by little convinced herself that she herself was Ellen who was challenging the justice system with a brilliant performance.

Eren played everything between his hands.

She is more arrogant and conceited than the seemingly powerful and shrewd lawyer, and more condescending.

"Fantastic! Wonderful! "

With Hobritt's voice, the entire film crew gave warm applause to the three leading actors.

In this wonderful courtroom scene, Alan played by Josie was under the control of the lawyer and was cross-examined on the spot by the prosecutor in charge of questioning, so that her second personality Joey appeared on the spot, and the lawyer finally ushered in his planned victory.

The lawyer's conceit, the prosecutor's confidence, Allen's outburst, and the wonderful showdown of the three actors contributed a perfect performance, especially Josie's seamless personality switching scene, no matter how many times you watch it, it still makes people's scalps numb.

In the end, the camera freezes on the faces of the incredulous prosecutor and the clear lawyer, and Allen, who is unconscious not far away, is as innocent as at the beginning of the story.

Josie's performance conquered everyone.

She is really like the real Allen, and the closer to the finishing time, the more no one dares to joke with the actress, because she just sits quietly in the corner, and occasionally the cold and playful eyes make people dare not approach.

Gifted experiential actors are always so crazy.

Unconsciously, Josie herself had a hard time distinguishing the person who was performing "Josie. Horton" still belongs to the previously untapped dark side of "Josie's".

——Fortunately, she set herself a "code" for the play early on, that is, the balance of the bank card she had issued after the age of eighteen, and as soon as she saw the familiar number on it, the evil bred by Joey or Allen quietly faded.

Even big star Richard. Kiel was finally convinced, and took the initiative to hand over the signal to release the previous suspicion before Josie was about to finish, such as calling her name and greeting her with a smile, and on the surface there was no violation or unwillingness.

It can be said that life is more exciting than movies, and there are no real fools who can mix in Hollywood for a long time.

On the day of the finishing, Richard. Gere took the lead in offering to throw a finale party for Josie – of course, Connie would do it even if he didn't mention it – and Josie played until half past nine and then took her new assistant, Kelly. Wilson and El.

Kelly, Connie's sister, just entered the industry as a celebrity assistant, is a quiet and shy white girl who is said to have previously taken the agent license, but she is too introverted to be suitable for that profession.

Josie was a little drowsy in the car.

But just then, her cell phone rang, it was Martha.

Without unnecessary pleasantries, Martha's voice tightened and asked straight to the point: "Josie, I remember you can sing?" "

"Oh yes, for the upcoming "Life Is Beautiful Because of You", I made up for my singing skills." Josie replied, "The level of the heroine of an ordinary high school drama club is difficult to climb the hall of elegance. "

Martha's high heels tapped the wooden floor: "That's enough." Where are you? "

"West Hollywood on its way back to Santa Monica." Josie said.

Martha said to her directly: "So now, let El turn around and go to the airport, I have arranged an audition for you, just tomorrow morning in Brooklyn, New York." "

"El, let's go to the airport."

Josie did not rush to ask the reason, but first instructed El, who was driving, to turn around, and then asked: "Let's talk about it, what project is worth you calling me at this time, and let me fly to New York tonight, you should know that my bedtime is before half past ten." "

Martha didn't sell the pass, and spoke quickly: "Woody. Allen's experimental song and dance film "Everybody Says I Love You", Julia. Roberts and Droz. Barry Moore starred in the movie, but tonight's party on Drew Something happened to Barrymore. "

The sound of high heels continuing to pound on the wooden floor came from the other side of the phone, followed by Martha walking quickly into the garage and starting the car.

"Drew hi overdid it and was admitted to the hospital, Ashley. Mills called an ambulance. "

"Ha, very Mills style." Josie laughed, "As you can imagine, this matter is already going viral, and I know that whoever is friends with her is unlucky." "

It is also a bad fate.

Because of the scandal of "Violent Dragon", the once perfect girl became a Hollywood. The woman and the representative of the degenerate and rebellious youth idol gave Ashley, who had just tasted fame, the opportunity to compete with Drew. Stars like Barrymore are on par.

After coming and going, two girls who also had a rollercoaster-like tragic life turned out to be quite good friends.

So, Drew . Barrymore planted a big heel on his somewhat disdainful follower, ruining his slightly better career and losing Woody at the same time. The role of Allen's new film female number two.

As for Drew . What is Barrymore's "good friend" busy doing next?

The next morning, Brooklyn, New York.

Director Woody who has been active since the sixties. Allen is a chattering little old man, like many East Coast directors, Woody. Allen's work has a strong personal style, and he has always been a director and screenwriter, and often an actor.

Many years later, he became one of the industry figures who fell in Hollywood's MeToo movement, molesting his ex-wife Mia. The scandal of Farrow's adopted daughter is widely divided, but the fact of his marriage to another adopted daughter, Song Yi, cannot be disputed.

Unfortunately, before Josie's car accident, his autobiographical memoir, Out of Thin Air, was not published by a publisher.

As for the impact of the scandal, who can guarantee that other directors are clean under their asses?

The real world is not black and white, and the eternal theme that makes people crave is the relationship of interests.

Business is business.

Back to the movie.

Even if there are stains in his personal life, Woody . Allen is still a very popular director in Americans, especially intellectuals, and very prolific.

Being able to play on his plays is a great opportunity for most actors.

"Thank you so much for coming."

Hosting Josie and Martha was a capable female producer, Helen. Robin, she has worked for Woody. Alan has worked for many years and will continue to work if there are no accidents.

Martha's face put her formulaic smile on her face and introduced: "Hello, Helen, this is my entertainer client Josie. Horton; Josie, this is Helen. Robin, a very good filmmaker. "

"Oh, Josie, I watched the screening of "Life Sounds Beautiful Because of You" not long ago, and your performance is fresh and unearthly." Helen. Robin looked enthusiastic, and looked at Josie eagerly, "I specifically asked Stephen about you, and he thinks you are one of the most talented young men he has ever met." "

She mentioned Stephen as Stephen, the director of "Life Is Beautiful Because of You". Herrick.

Previously, the director's most famous work was "The Adventure of Abhiadi", which not only made Keanu popular. Hollywood A-list stars like Reeves are also masterpieces in the minds of 70 generations of Americans.

And the upcoming "Life Sounds Beautiful Because of You" is also a masterpiece, and film critics are interested in the actor Richard. Dreyfus's performance is very optimistic, and he believes that he should be nominated for at least one Oscar.

Josie plays Richard in this movie. A female student in Dreyfus, the two had an ambiguous relationship that was also a teacher and friend, and then the female student went to New York to pursue her dreams, and the music teacher stayed at school and stayed with her family, and the forbidden love that had not yet germinated ended.

However, she does not have many scenes in it, and the highlight is with Richard at the station. The parting scene of music teacher Holland played by Dreyfus, although the focus of film critics is focused on the male protagonist Richard. Dreyfus, but also generally believed that Josie's performance was remarkable.

The film will be officially released after Christmas.

Josie slowly adjusts herself to the next audition role.

She only knows that she will audition for a rich girl who is crazy about love and lost, and the actor who will play against her today is her fiancé, director Woody. Allen needed to see if there was a spark between the two actors.

A romantic and bloody love story?

And one, fiancé?

Josie hooked her red lips, and couldn't help but start looking forward to the other party's performance, and a hint of sweetness unconsciously appeared under her eyes.

- She got into the play.