

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Famosos
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Is this the charm of movies?

Or does that charm belong to the one called "Josie. Horton's Hollywood star?

Anyway, young Josh. Mr. Jones doesn't yet understand, but Hollywood critics know it: a new American sweetheart is being born.

Famous film critic Roger. Ebert gave a three-and-a-half-star thumbs up to "Dominance" by his partner, another film critic for the Chicago Tribune. Siskel said: "I was surprised at how interesting 'Alone' was. Amy. After Hecklin's famous work "Open American Academy", he once again contributed an excellent youth school comedy to the audience. Josie. Horton's role is like Phoebe in a red bikini. Cates, like that, will leave a mark in Hollywood movies that cannot be ignored. "

Newsweek film critic John . Leland wrote directly in his column: "This is the most engaging movie of the summer about teenagers! "

"Variety" changed its previous cold reception of the film "Dominant", and its film critic Brian . Lowry said warmly: "This is a fresh, mesmerizing youth comedy, it is very funny, maybe it will stimulate your urge to go shopping, just like the heroine." "

The Chicago Reader film critic Jonathan, who has always been a picky taste, has always been discerning. Rosenbaum also said: "Although some parts are not well done, it cannot hide the fact that the film is light and interesting. Nice group drama, unique heroine, sketching the faces of all living beings on the high school campus. "

David of New York Magazine. Danby commented: "It's a very interesting movie. It is worth mentioning that Josie. The perfect fit between Horton and the heroine Cher makes the character immeasurably attractive, and her pure and sweet personal temperament and her attempts to seduce others in the movie are amazing! "

"Amy. Hecklin to Jane. The modern interpretation of Austin's Emma is good, and the viewing experience from start to finish is generally pleasant. "Vincent of the New York Times, a film critic who claims to give blonde silly chicks a little color. "But, sadly, the film could have been done a little better to make it less flattering to the audience." After all, it has such a mesmerizing heroine, doesn't it? "

In addition to the film's positive reviews, there are expected bad reviews, but maybe Paramount's public relations are in place, or maybe this chick film is really well shot, and the particularly fiercely worded bad reviews did not appear.

Entertainment Weekly's film critic Owen . Griberman said: "The wonderful thing about this film is the opposite of what people originally thought was the empty core, it is like a good advertisement, reflecting the general life of American teenagers today, there is no big reason." "

Louis of the New York Review of Books. Mainan was full of praise for the heroine: "Josie. Horton is a great actor who can play any role, and she deserves a movie that isn't so stupid. Without a doubt, it will be her worst. "

Overall, it was a very successful film.

The box office in the first week was 12.61 million US dollars, closely following the commercial blockbuster "Violent Hidden Dragon" in the same schedule, the premiere audience rated A-, and many teenagers even gave an A+, and said that they would definitely enter the cinema again for "Alone Leader".

Such results made Paramount full of confidence, and at the same time increased the publicity of the film, and once again increased its B-grade publicity treatment - in fact, it only got C grade at the beginning - and when it reached A-level, publicity investment continued to increase.

For a while, the news of the movie "Dominant" swept through, and Josie could be found in almost every movie magazine. Horton's signature sweet smile, known as the new generation of America's sweetheart, did not hesitate to praise her.

And fashion magazines are also interested in the phenomenal impact of "Dominance", and the editor-in-chief of the American edition of "Vogue" Anna. Wintour invited three leading actresses to do a fashion special, "Alone: A Guide for School Fashion Lovers," because any similar models they wore in the movie sold out, Josie. The name Horton was first associated with I.TGirl.

Plaid skirts, coffee break skirts, cropped tops and wide-leg jeans, Mary Jane, Locke shoes and white sneakers, vintage-inspired headdresses and lipstick colours are worn in Josie. Horton, this product is completely sold crazy!

"It's amazing!"

"You really made it, Josie!"

At the Marmont Manor Hotel in West Hollywood, Josie and her two agents stand on the second-floor balcony, each holding a bottle of champagne.

The celebration party hosted by Paramount downstairs came to an end, and the celebration of their small team had just begun.

"No, we succeeded." Josie raised the champagne in her hand towards Martha and Archie, "To future superstar Josie. Horton—"

Martha's red lips rose and her eyes narrowed slightly: "To Martha, the agent of the future superstar. Miller—"

Archie shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Eh, what about the lines that belong to me?" Well, to our talented team of future Hollywood superstars—"


Josie looked up and took a sip of the champagne in her glass, a big smile on her young face, because she had indeed done the first step about Hollywood that she wanted to do, even more successfully than she thought, even though it had taken her almost a year and a half.

For Hollywood, this is already very amazingly fast.

This is completely the myth of overnight fame that happened in the present!

Quick fame makes flowers, applause, money, and even friendship... Everything came for her, and she seemed to be able to get anything if she wanted to.

Sadly, this is just an illusion that every newcomer who has become famous overnight.

It seems to be an infinite scenery, but it is actually a mirage, and after a gentle push, the illusion without roots and foundation will collapse.

For example, Josie now wants to see James. Cameron, talking about the other party's new movie heroine, can only call the assistant to make an appointment at present, and may not be able to meet yet.

However, compared with before the release of "Alone", she is indeed a step to the sky now, most of the roles in Hollywood that do not require acting skills are at her disposal, and roles that require a little acting skills can also allow her to audition directly.

Hollywood seemed to open its arms to her overnight, the god of movies cast a kiss on her forehead, and most people here began to learn to smile politely and say "hi" to her.

Countless advertising invitations and audition invitations poured in.

And this is exactly the treatment of the new generation of American sweethearts.

Columbia even offered a high price of ten million dollars for three films and a treatment to help her set up a production company, to dig Josie into its own.

——Oh, the books are really rich, you must know the Oscar actress Kathy. Bates made a "Tear Scar", and the salary was only about one million dollars.

It's a pity that Josie doesn't need to worry about money for the time being.

Although "Alone" is still in theaters, Paramount's reward check for the creators has been sent to them, and Josie has received a full million dollars, it seems that Shirley. Lansing was bloody this time.

However, it is a good idea to set up a production company.

Josie put down her cup, "Okay, that's the end of the celebration, now, let's talk about our next work." "

After she said that, she took the lead and walked to the living room of the suite.

Martha followed, her face gone.

Archie paused slightly, helplessly following the footsteps of the two ladies, he felt that he had not yet recovered from the brief just now.

"Archie, I need a production company, and I know Hollywood is full of professionals who can run this kind of small workshop, and make one for me." Josie's speech was fast, obviously she had already made up her mind, and her agent only needed to cooperate with the action. "Martha, I remember getting you to follow James. The movement of Cameron's next work, I want to know how things are going lately. "

Martha didn't have to turn over the memo and could directly answer: "Fox has set up a project, and they invested $75 million to make James. Cameron wants disaster films, but everyone knows that this money is not enough for Cameron to spend, because he has spent millions just diving into the deep sea to find the wreck in the early stage. "

"But it doesn't matter, "True Lies" sold out last year, and the total global box office of $100 million was nearly $400 million, at least now Fox still trusts James. Cameron's. "

Josie silently complained: Where is this?

I just don't know if they will continue to trust James if they find out that these 75 million have not even finished half of the film. Cameron gone.

Anyway, she remembered that the actual cost of the movie was as high as $200 million, and Fox's executives were ready to jump off the building on the eve of the film's release because Cameron kept asking for additional investment.

Even Fox almost went bankrupt, and Cameron himself was on the verge of collapse, putting a suicide blade in front of the screen in the editing room.

Fortunately, in the end, the big ship did not sink, but overturned the huge waves all the way, and became Cameron's king of the world on the stage of the Oscar.

Josie asked again: "What about the role audition?" "

"Nothing came out, I don't think the role audition started so quickly this time, James. Cameron is still busy diving shipbuilding. Martha replied, "You can focus on your credits for the time being, if you don't plan to take another movie in the second half of the year." "

Josie helped her forehead and said, "Don't mention it, going to school is simply a disaster." "

Those crazy teens are basically her fans, even if some girls used to dislike her, what, Ashley? Emmm, apparently school comedies are more popular with students than commercial blockbusters, at least in the comparison between "Dominant" and "The Hidden Dragon."

Among teenagers, the former is the trendy movie about them, and the latter is called uninteresting and uncool.

It can be said that a trip to Santa Monica Middle School makes her face stiff - in this regard, Brettney thinks that her current idol baggage is too heavy and tired.

So in this case, Josie simply can't take credits.

Archie suggested, "Maybe you can donate some money to your school or something, Josie, and your principal will be happy to help you with early graduation." "

Josie was silent for a moment and asked, "How much?" "

Archie thought for a moment and replied: "Given your current worth, I think fifty thousand dollars is a suitable number, donating through charity, and there are certain tax refunds." "

Josie flattened her mouth and said with a little chagrin: "Yes, just fifty thousand, handed over to you." "

Although she loves money, she also knows that sometimes some money has to be spent, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Archie nodded: "No problem. "

Josie rubbed her face and quickly cheered up and said, "Let's do it for the time being, but Martha, remember to pay attention to the side of "Violent Hidden Dragon", we are now real opponents, and no one will let each other go." If I were them, I would do whatever it takes to ruin 'America's Sweethearts,' and I can guess how they will discredit me and my film. "


Before this, no one thought that the sequel to the blockbuster movie and the commercial blockbuster with an investment of 60 million US dollars would be stopped by a chick film that was not worth mentioning.

Maybe people are finally tired of watching Steven. Seeger's face was expressionless, maybe it was Josie. Horton is really very likable, and these two films released on the front and back feet are glued to the theater manager's film schedule.

Because they can't kill anyone, they're the hottest movies of the summer, and even the weekly box office champions take turns.

But such results are important for "Hidden Dragon", or action star Steven. For Seeger, it was already an unbearable defeat.

Someone celebrates, someone angries.

Inside a mansion in Beverly Hills, a whiskey glass was slammed into the corner of the wall, making a crisp cracking sound.

Steven. Seeger took a slight breath, turned to his agent, and said, "I don't care what way you guys use, I don't want to see that chick film appear in the box office champion position next week!" "

"But, Steven..."

"No, but!" Steven. Seeger shouted, "Tell Warner, if they don't contribute, don't think about me making the third episode of the movie!" "

Ashley standing on the side. Mills seemed frightened, but still plucked up the courage and said, "Mr. Sigger, I know something that might help us." "

Steven. Seeger immediately said, "Tell me about it!" "

"Josie. Horton, the heroine of that movie, we used to be friends. "She used to write to me that that girls' school on the Upper East Side was hell, and one of her classmates helped her a lot, so they ... "

"Hell? What kind of fun, what kind of help? "Steven. Seeger asked.

"The kind that blasphemes God, I guess." Ashley looked a little uncertain, "And she's now living with the female number two of that movie, which is strange, isn't it." "

Steven. A sneer overflowed from Siger's lips, "Good, they're finished." "