

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Famosos
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103 Chs


1994, spring, Los Angeles, USA.

"Josie. Horton! "

"Look at how big you messed with me. Troublesome! "

As soon as her vision returned to focus, Josie saw a man yelling at her.

The other party is about forty years old, ordinary white looks, light brown hair, tall and strong, wearing a black suit, looks like a workplace elite, but the texture of the clothes and the overweight body indicate that his career is not very successful.

Josie's mind automatically popped up the name of the man in front of her: Richard. Dick. Goode.

He is Josie's agent.

And the current Josie is one of the unknown actors at the bottom of the Hollywood food chain.

Josie glanced at the agent in front of him, and the simple compartment behind the other party that smelled of disinfectant, the blue curtain and the simple medical bed indicated the location, the faintly painful elbow was smeared with the potion due to abrasion, and there was a cold feeling on the back of the hand that had just been pulled out, and a medical tape was attached at the moment.

She raised her eyebrows quietly.

A few minutes ago, Josie was still in the country on the other side of the world, until there was a loud "BOOM" and the high-speed luxury car collided with the truck that was blocking her.

The expected pain was long overdue.

When I opened my eyes, I have become Josie, an American girl who holds the script of a winner in life, but plays a good hand to the sparse. Horton.

Thankfully, there were no broken hands and feet, no disfigured scars.

The only question is: who is she?

Is it "Josie", or "Josie. Horton"?

Anyway, it's great to be alive.

It doesn't take much mental journey, Josie on the hospital bed gladly accepts a new fate and belongs to Josie. Horton's short life also slowly unfolded to her:

Josie. Horton is sixteen years old and has a good look, but the others are not so lucky.

When she was five years old, her mother committed suicide in front of her, because of her father's habitual derailment, and her grandfather's family lost their beloved daughter, and both died the following year.

After that, Mr. Horton's business grew, and Josie moved from the Upper West Side to the Upper East Side.

But the increasingly prosperous life did not bring happiness to the girl, her Upper East Side classmates looked down on the "Upper West Side", her former friends drifted away from her, and her father, who was busy expanding his career, did not care what happened to her at school.

The people she knew best were her nanny and her father's previous assistants, as well as the endless lessons.

Until February last year, a sudden terrorist attack caused panic among the entire New Yorker, and Mr. Horton, a Wall Street banker, did not know what to do, was approached by the Department of Justice, the FBI and the IRS, seized all his property, and he was imprisoned for facing several charges.

Meanwhile, Josie is lost to her mother's former friend Janet. Mills moved, transferring from Manhattan to Santa Monica, away from the sad place of New York.

Then, she met the scum in front of her, who looked like a pimp, more than an agent.

Josie faintly returned to her senses and fixed her gaze on Dick. On that face of Goode.

Dick was stunned by her gloomy gaze, as if he had been invisibly choked by someone, but he was annoyed by this strange performance in the next second, and shouted loudly again.

"Do you know what you messed up, Josie?" Dick loosened his tie knot and pressed his hand to his waist, "Do you think job opportunities fell from the sky?" In order to get you into Steven. At Sigger's party, I made countless phone calls to ask for someone, just to let you have a few drinks, and I didn't really do anything to you to see how you reacted! "

His tone was full of accusations, and he put all the blame on Josie, "I picked a pick at a party, drunkenly crashed into someone else's car, and then was sent to the hospital, and asked me to go to someone in the middle of the night to apologize - Josie. Horton, is that all you want? "

According to the usual scene, after this remark, the little girl in front of him should be full of guilt and began to feel extremely remorseful, but today she was silent.

This is quite perverse.


Dick heard a short chuckle.

He raised his eyebrows impatiently, and saw that Josie in front of him raised his eyebrows, revealing a smile that had nothing to do with silly Bai Tian.

Sharp, aggressive, obvious sneer.

Josie's eyebrows were lowered, the arch of her eyebrows was slightly raised, and there was a little cool smile at the corner of her lips, and said: "Next time there is such a good thing, please leave it to Jessica. Miss Goode, I'm sure she'd be more than happy to climb into an older man's bed, if only she could get a few lines in each other's movies. "

She doesn't speak fast, her accent is beautiful and her tone is soft.

Dick was stunned at first, thinking that his ears were hallucinating.

For the first time, this little idiot dared to retort, and before this, she always made promises, and if she raised her voice a little, she would rush to apologize and do as Dick "suggested".

Without even using special controls, Dick had already controlled the girl to dye her blonde hair and deliberately diet, and the next step was to fix her ugly nose.

The sudden change in the drop treatment made Dick believe for a while, and it took several seconds to react, and then he was angry.

"FXXK, do you know what the damn you're talking about?" Without thinking, he burst out a series of dirty words, cursing for two minutes before saying, "How dare you speak to me like that, little mongrel?" What do you think you have left but this face, who do you think you are? "

Josie, who was half-sitting on the hospital bed, automatically blocked those rude and obscene curses, and the whole person was extremely calm.

She waited expressionlessly for Dick to vent her trash emotions, and then looked at Dick, a pair of blue eyes clear, like a basin of cold water filled with ice, silently poured on the angry Dick.

Josie's voice was smooth, and she asked him, "So, who do you think you are, sir?" "

She raised her eyes slightly and looked straight over.

Dick gasped and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

At that moment, he actually felt that all his dark thoughts were invisible under Josie's gaze, and even shrunk a little.

He hurriedly looked away.

This idiot is completely different from usual.

Dick tugged at his tie again and muttered, "I'm your agent, you have to listen to me..."

"Oh, you're fired." Josie made a "please" gesture with her right hand, and said politely: "Now, please leave, thank you very much." "

Dick should have been even more angry.

However, as soon as he touched Josie's completely different gaze, and the face that was still sweet but made people read "cold" for the first time, he unconsciously lost the courage to continue yelling.

He dared to say that he had seen many stars, and he was not as awe-inspiring as the little girl in front of him looked.

But Josie. Why is Horton so arrogant?

Just because of that old model Janet. Mills?

However, Mills did not pay much attention to this girl, and the woman was even a little ill-intentioned, suggesting that he introduced some "bad boys" in the circle to Josie, but he prevaricated.

Good girls are easier to deal with than cool girls.

Thinking of this, Dick tried to lighten the atmosphere with a smile.

"Hey, I'll admit I was a little excited just now, I'm sorry, okay?" He relented and shrugged, "But you really don't want to play Steven. A new film from Sigger? That's the heroine of the blockbuster movie sequel, and she can become a hit if she plays it. "

A hit?

It's really light to say, enough to insult intelligence.

"Listen clearly, I'm an actor and not a child, you completely me off, we can't continue!" Josie felt a little disgusted, "Also, I don't like to waste time, especially with people like you - my lawyer will talk to you about terminating the contract later." "

Dick's smirk froze on his face.

He saw Josie lifting her chin, her hands folded together, her face full of pride and indifference, very bluffing.

- But Josie. Horton? How can it be!

"Actors? So? Who didn't come over like that! Dick still threatened, "Do you think I'll be scared by you?" You have to know that your contract is still in my hands! Want to cancel your contract? OK! Just pay me a million! "

Josie rolled her eyes unabashedly: "A million? Do you love pimping or is it shameless? To be honest, you don't deserve any of them, because there is no signature of my guardian on that contract. So, either get out yourself now or wait for me to ask someone to let you get out. "

Yes, Josie is not yet eighteen years old and does not have the ability to sign a contract separately according to the law, but many informal brokerage companies do not care about this, so seriously pursue it, and the contract has no legal effect at all.

Dick's face was terrible, and he seemed to be about to carry on the next round of incompetent rage.

But Josie didn't give him a chance.

Josie rang the call bell at the end of the bed and said lightly: "Oh, you don't need to look at me with this look, I'm just fed up with all this." Surprise, bastard. "

She raised a middle finger at the agent, obviously feeling that the suffocation in her chest had dissipated a lot.

But it also stunned Dick.

Because this is completely not what Dick remembers, it belongs to Josie. Horton's style.

But Dick didn't have time to think about it, because there were footsteps outside the compartment, Fak, this blonde silly girl actually came for real!

He did not dare to continue to entangle, and only verbally left a vicious sentence: "Listen to Josie, this matter is not over." "

Josie withdrew her hand and sneered: "Get out." "

The quiet of the small compartment returned to its supposed quiet, and the nurse on duty outside glanced at Dick, who was leaving in a hurry, and came in to ask if Josie needed help.

Josie immediately said that she needed to make a phone call, and it would be great if she could borrow a computer to go online to deal with an urgent email.

Computers were still a luxury in these days, but luckily her appearance was easy to make people feel good, and her soft-spoken attitude was not annoying, so the doctor on duty in the emergency department, a young man, lent his latest IBM laptop and gave Josie half an hour to use.

Half an hour was a short time, because the speed of dial-up Internet was too slow, but it was enough for Josie to understand her current situation-

The Joe family she remembers still exists, but the person in power becomes her uncle, her parents died in a plane accident during their honeymoon, and she and her relatives are no longer in the world.

Josie prefers that she has come to a slightly skewed parallel world.

Take things as they come.

She had to first think about how to solve the problem at hand.

First, she wore only a thin slip dress, and her most valuable possessions—her mobile phone—were gone, and she didn't even know where her wallet was.

Secondly, although Mr. Horton is in prison, she still has the family trust left by her mother, and there is no problem with food and clothing for the time being. But her house was inhabited by the uncomfortable mother and daughter, and she had to be changed.

In addition, if she wants to continue the work of this body, she seems to need an agent.

Most importantly, she needed to contact her lawyer, but the problem was that she couldn't remember the number and her business card wasn't around.

Josie couldn't help but cover her head.

I think that she is the second miss of the Qiao family, who has been surrounded by countless bodyguard assistant maids since she was a child, and she didn't learn to wash her hair by herself until she was in college, and she will be troubled by such a trifle one day.

And she's still short of money.

Yes, she has money to her name, but the family trust that belongs to her is not for her to squander, at least not until she becomes an adult.

Because the inheritance tax was prohibitively high, the rich used to leave enough wealth in the form of trust funds for future generations, and Josie inherited nearly twenty-six million at the age of six, but most of the money could not be directly used until she was eighteen or twenty-four, and a small part was managed and invested by Mr. Horton.

It is clear that the latter is currently being frozen.

Hey, some people look rich, but in fact even she herself has not been able to pull even a penny out of her pocket...