
American Choice

All she ever dreamed of was being in the army. Her father would have been so proud. But life is complicated, and sometimes men are too. She is surrounded with them, men with ambition, men with motives she couldn't possibly know. She knows she should trust her gut, but her gut and her heart are leading her in two different directions. She has one goal, but she never anticipated this.

Christiana_Kist · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

1 Goodbyes

"Name?" The well dressed, uniformed woman asked, flipping through a folder as she sat behind the makeshift recruitment desk. "Lilah." She coughed, feeling small compared to her oh so confident counterpart. The recruiter's eyes drifted up to mine. "Last name?" Of course. Lilah let out an internal sigh, maybe she had failed some secret test before she had even applied for the job. Wouldn't be the first time she screwed things up for herself. "Silverman. Lilah Silverman. I apologize." Smooth recovery. "It's quite alright. It wouldn't be the first time, and it wont be the last." The tall, slender woman pulled out a piece of paper and shut the folder, setting it on the desk. "You are about to sign your life away, it's normal to be nervous." Lilah gulped. She knew she was destined for this life, but it didn't make it any less nerve-wracking. She nodded, and did her best to smile. "I suppose so." The kind looking woman smiled.

Lilah supposed that's why they chose people like her to be recruiters. They give potential applicants a sense of comfort while luring them into making the biggest decision of their lives. Smart. Very smart. "Tell me about yourself. What are your hobbies, your interests, your aspirations?" Personality test; Easy enough. Lilah settled into the uncomfortable metal chair and began, just as she had practiced time and again in her bedroom mirror. "I was captain of my baseball team, head of the science club, and student body president. I also..." "I'm not interested in your academic accomplishments right now. I asked about your hobbies, your backround. What makes Lilah Silverman tick." Uh oh. This wasn't part of the application. It must be a test to see how she reacts under pressure. Little do they know, Lilah is a master of self-control. She clears her throat.

"Well, I grew up outside of Oklahoma City, I was homeschooled most of my life by my father." "Your father is Major Thomas Silverman, correct?" "Was, yes." Lilah declined her head as she did every time the subject of her father was brought up. The recruiter didn't flinch. "Yes of course. He was well known in the military community. Even received a silver star for valor if I remember correctly. I take it you wish to follow in his footsteps then? An admirable goal if you ask me; but very hard to achieve." "I only wish to be myself." Lilah answered easily. "My father was someone I looked up to, but the decision to enlist was my own." "So is that why you didn't join the military academy? Fear of living in your father's shadow?" Lilah became visibly uncomfortable by this question, shifting in her seat.

"I apologize, it's not my place to question your motives. Only your ability to serve." Though her words were meant to soothe, Lilah knew their true purpose. To bait her, to make sure she was mentally fit to follow orders, and determine if she was here for the right reasons. "Of course. I understand. To answer your question, I always looked up to my father and what he accomplished but I am here for my own reasons." "And what are those if you dont mind me asking." "I want to serve my country. All my life that has been what I wanted." 'Sarah', as her name tag suggested, nodded while she jotted down notes on the form she had retrieved earlier. "Very good. Now then, are you ready for the physical evaluation?" Lilah smiled. She was born ready.


It took 3 days before Lilah got a letter informing her that she had been accepted, and that she would be flown to Fort Sill in Lawton Oklahoma for basic training the following week. Every part of her jumped with excitement at the thought of finally being able to follow her dream; and she wondered what her father would think if he could be here now. Would he be proud of her for sharing his dream? She imagined telling him the news; he would smile, give her a great big bear hug, and whisper 'that's my girl'. Lilah smiled at the thought.

In reality the only people she had to share the news with was her friend and ex-coworker Lindsey, and her slightly-off rescue cat Bruce. Lindsey was excited for her, she knew how hard she had worked for this after all. Bruce could care less on the other hand. He yawned deeply as Lilah finished packing her small duffle bags. The letter had warned not to bring many personal belongings, and pack light. "Don't get too excited Bruce, Lindsey will take good care of you don't you worry. Plus, she has a cat too! I'm sure you will get along great." "Meowwwww" Bruce let out a low growl type meow, though he was not disturbed enough to move from his bed. Lilah zipped up her bag and picked up the non-phased cat. She took a moment to examine his features, making sure to engrain them in her memory. His cropped ear from his days on the street, the bald spot on his side, then Lilah kissed the small scar on his wet nose before placing him in his pet carrier and placing him, and her bags in her car.

She drove to Lindsey's house, where she was promptly attacked before even getting fully out of her car by her friend. "You can't leave me! I can't be left to wallow in wine and self-pity by myself!" Lilah smiled. "I will be back before you even miss me, I promise." "Liar." Lindsey shot a feaux glare at her as she received the pet carrier from Lilah. Lilah bent down to poke a finger in as a goodbye to her pet. "Not a liar just a deserter apparently." They both grinned at each other. "Damn right! Hey you sure you can't stay for a few? Maybe get drunk before you leave me with your creepy pussy?" Lilah closed the back door of her definitely used SUV.

"Nah, plane leaves in an hour. Plus, wouldn't you rather be mad at me when I leave? Then you don't have to miss me." Lindsey put Bruce down and wrapped both arms around her tightly. "too late. Be safe, don't get shot before you come back to me." Lilah squeezed her friend tightly. "It's basic training not combat. Have I taught you nothing?" "Oh you tried I just wasn't listening. Love you girl, be safe; and call anytime ok?" Lilah got back in the drivers seat and smiled. "Will do. Love you." Lindsey pushed her door closed with a wink, and Lilah headed off for the airport.