
Part 14

I could imagine her looking at me with innocent eyes, full of rosy cheeks. The mouth was adorned with long eyelashes and full lips of a light pink color. The light red long dress has a pattern of tiny flowers scattered all over it. Holding a hair wheels behind her ear, I sat on a large black stone in what I thought was the backyard of the Kassoli bungalow and looked at her with greedy eyes. I eventually realized that the only difference between her and me was that her extensions were jet black and mine were mahogany.

It is now crystal clear that it is not me.

'But Nicolo..?'

Where there was no discernible difference between him and Nicolo, I realized with difficulty that this was Nicolo.


I was comparing her image with my own, with astonishment that had not yet subsided.

In the end, my hands rested on that most beautiful photo of her and him in love.

Dressed in a black dress with fully exposed shoulders, sewn in several long layers up to the ankles, the image of the person behind her with his lips intertwined on her full lips filled my chest with great weight.

The question of what happened to them, surrounded by so much love, began to be written on my head again and again. I entered my room with all those questions that were not answered, even though they were matched from beginning to end and from end to end.

After washing myself with warm water, I came in front of the mirror wearing my dusty clothes. Suffering from an unbearable headache, I skipped Mrs. Serena's dinner, gave her her medicine, and crept back into my quiet room. After lying on the couch and closing my eyes for a moment, I went to the closet again. I put on the holy necklace that had been carefully placed in the small holder of delicate ornaments.


Taking a deep breath, I took their photo on the table and came back to the couch.

The sleeping angel had come earlier today to find me with my eyes tightly closed. I have to wake up early in the morning as I have a lot to prepare for Christmas, which is the next day. But unexpectedly, they had come into my sound sleep without my permission.

She and Nicolo, whose name is unknown, were in love and kissing each other, just like in the previous photo. Their demeanor was strong enough to make one wonder if there was great uneasiness among them as a couple about to part.

My fairy... I will come as soon as possible.. You have to be careful.. Do you understand..? "

Finally, he said, brushing those warm lips on her forehead. But, I realized from that shrug that she still hides that face in his chest and breaks it.

"I'm scared, God.."

She looks at him with tears in her eyes and says.

"Are you sure of me? I'll be back soon. Until then, my little girl needs to be careful with my bully."

He began to say it, cradling her white face. Before those words were finished, she once again invaded his lips. I took my eyes away from them when I felt unable to look at them.

At that moment, my eyes caught the baby girl, who was swinging on the cradle placed in the corner of the room. He is smiling alone, looking somewhere with the bluest of eyes shining. That smile is true.. I felt as if my chest was heavy.

In another moment, but awkwardly, he bade farewell to her and little Kiri Katya and left the Kassoli bungalow to get into his car, holding Little Kiri Katya in her arms, her eyes and Mrs. Serena's eyes filled with tears.

"Let's go inside, children.. It seems like a heavy rain is coming.."

Mrs. Serena also took Katy back to the Kassoli bungalow.

But, after a few more minutes, a car again came into the garden of that bungalow. He came down from it and appeared to be quite old, wearing black trousers and a coat, and entered the bungalow without permission.

"Serena... Serena..."

"Where are the people in this bungalow..?"

He started to ask one of the servants who came before him, shouting loudly.

"Mr. Piero... Wait, I'll call Mrs. Serena."

I understood that this was Mrs. Serena's master because she spoke to him very submissively and left there.

Mrs. Serena, who came there in a panic, and what kind of conversation happened between them? Nothing else touched me except Mrs. Serena's eyes widening with surprise and his impulsive face. Again, she went upstairs in a panic, and he walked around the hallway downstairs.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Serena, who looked exactly like me, holding the child wrapped in a panel cloth, hurried downstairs, and at the same time, the unknown man began to walk towards the main entrance. Mrs. Serena, who fell behind him, got into his car with a scared face. The car, which was speeding down the deserted mountain road, collided with another parked car at a certain bend, and both cars fell into a great cliff, while everything around me was drawn in front of my eyes like a scene from a silent film.

'God Nicolo..!'

In a deep sleep, they woke me up screaming once. My whole body is drenched in sweat. Taking deep breaths and holding hands on my rapidly rising and falling lams, I slowly recalled all that I had seen.

"Then.. and Mrs. Serena came together after this accident..?"

"But where is she now.. What happened to her who looks like me after that accident..?"

"That little baby..? And Nicolo..?"

I got off the couch with endless questions running through my mind.

Taking slow steps, I made my way to the balcony. At a time when the full moon of the month of December was shining brilliantly in the starry night sky, I was startled by the sound of that great bell ringing, indicating that it was midnight. At the same time, the whole sky was illuminated by the scattered flower shoots that spread all over the sky.

'Since then, Christmas has dawned..!'

At a moment when my mind was whispering, that light appeared again next to me. She has decided to appear in front of me today in white light.

"Go... do your duty, Amelya..."

"You remember that this moment was reserved for him, don't you?"

I looked with longing eyes at the angel, who was looking at me lovingly with those blue eyes.

"Yes Maria..!"

"I remember all that.. very well..!"

"I promise in front of you that I will fulfill my responsibility..!"

Sitting on my knees in front of her, I kept my right hand on the bed and bowed my head.

As soon as her image appeared in front of these eyes, I remembered all that once again. The reason I came here.. the reason I lived for so long.. I had remembered everything that I had forgotten for so long.

"Go Amelya.."

I stood in front of her at a moment when that voice was once again silent.

From now on, all mysteries will be solved... dark forces will be defeated, and the truth will win..!

God's children born with God's blessing will highlight the hidden truth in front of the world..!