
Ambitions of a Reincarnated Orc

What happens when a dictator of a country in a 21st century earth gets killed... only to end up reincarnating in a body of a creature in another world known by it's brutality and their warlike personalities. Well? let's find out..!

Tabs_Kebriel · Militar
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20 Chs


Reku watched as the orcs in front of him slaughter a hog which would be their dinner this night.

Jan, the orc which tried to calm him down earlier, now stood besides him, directing the other orcs in slaughtering the animal.

Pondering for a while, Reku assesed the other remaining memories he had as he wait for his dinner.

Apparently, they lived in a vast land continent called Eglesia which housed multiple species, four of them being the orcs, the humans from the south, the dwarves from the north, and the elves in the far west, all four of them were major species, dominant in their own ways.

There also exist the lizardmen, the giants, and many much more other species, thought they weren't too numerous and dominant to be called a major species.

Each species were divided into several races, like the orcs who had four races within them, the Terkits, the Gorks, the Mescayans, and lastly the Brutians.

And Reku, wasn't too happy to be transferred in this kind of body of a savage like species.

Yes, although he was thankful and grateful for this second chance, the barbarity and primitive lifestyle of these creatures made him want to think twice.

Althought they were superior in size and strength, most of them were only brutes, just like the previous owner of Reku's body, and only a few were really considered an intellectual between them.

'Sooner or later, I had to turn these barbarians into civilized folks.' Reku thought, though that kind of prospect seems to be unbelievable and if possible, may really take a very long time before such things were to happen, Reku had such plans nevertheless.

'And in order to make that happen, I must subjugate these barbarians first, starting with these orcs.' Reku inwardly chuckled at the irony and hyprocrisy, knowing he was also an orc himself.

He then shifted his gaze towards the back and saw two orcs standing in the distance, talking with each other.

"You two!" I pointed my finger and called out towards them, my loud voice immediately catching their attention.

Turning their heads towards me, the two orcs stared at me nervously as they began to stroll towards me.

Being the strongest and largest among a group of chiefless orcs has always it's perks, you can easily boss weaker and smaller orcs around even if you are not yet proclaimed as a chieftain in their group.

Sometimes, orcs tend to follow the wisest among them even if he isn't strong enough to fight, but most of the orcs live in the tradition of always following the strongest.

It doesn't matter if you are the wisest or the dumbest, as long as they fear your strength, then you are able to lead them without any worries.

But that only applies to groups or clans without any chiefs or heirs to declare as chief.

Since clans and tribes exist, orcs of the existing clans tend to follow the chieftains and the heir that comes before him.

That has already been their way for thousands of years.

'But this is different, the clan that I once belonged to is now shattered, with the heirless chieftain dead, the remaining orc survivors had no choice but to follow their strongest which is me.' Reku thought with pride as the flicker of ambition within him continued to burn.

Although the previous owner of Reku's body is gone forever, his skills and talents with the way of fighting still remained.

Not to mention, this new Reku is not only the strongest but the wisest among them, having knowledge from his previous world that is a thousand years more advanced than this world.

Though the orcs did not know of this, they are bound to find out sooner enough.

Reku couldn't help but crack a small smile as his heart began to beat with overexciting joy.

"R-Reku, you called us?" Reku was finally knocked out from his sweet thoughts as the two orcs he called out earlier now stood in front of him.

"Yes, go get some firewood and light the campfire." Reku ordered them.

After seeing the two of them move out to carry his order, Reku then turn his gaze back towards the orcs who were now finally finish butchering the animal.

He saw half of them carry the meat, while the rest work to throw the animal's blood, some various organs, and intestines away.

'Huh?' Reku couldn't help but stare at the orcs stupidly.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Reku yelled at the orcs, causing Jan and the others to look at him.

"What do you mean they're doing? they're throwing the remaining waste away." Jan blankly responded.

"Waste?" Reku began to make his way towards the orc who were staring at him.

Pushing them aside, he began to pick up the organs, entrails and the intestines that were piled up besides a tree, waiting to rot.

'Gosh, these bastards were more primitive than I thought.' Reku thought as he brought the organs and intestines towards an area where two orcs were currently busy lighting a fire.

It seems they were not done yet.

"What are you doing?" Jan said as he strolled besides Reku, curiousity beaming his features.

"Watch and learn." Reku said as he sat besides the soon-to-be campfire and began sorting out the offals he had just brought with him.

'Now let me, the great Alexandro, enlighten you about one of the basic way of preserving food.' Reku thought with pride as he began to start working in making something the orcs on this world hasn't seen yet in their entire life.

"Give me water." Reku looked up at Jan.

"Why? what do you need it for?" Jan asked, confused.

"Just give me!" he finally yelled at him, causing Jan to flinch slightly before handing Reku his wineskin half filled with water.

"Thanks" Afterwards, Reku started to clean the offals and intestine by washing away the dirt everywhere, whilst the other orcs remaining were gathered around him, watching with intense curiousity.

There was only one thing in their mind, and that was confusion and surprise.

They have never seen Reku play with entrails like this before, much more on the prospect of him cooking.

Reku is always the type to eat, not cook.

When the cleaning is done, Reku then proceeds to squeeze the blood of the organs and offals inside the intestine.

And as to why he was doing it, they did not know.

Some orcs just sighed and began to assume he just went mad and crazy after that blow on his head.

Afterwards, he began to squeeze the entrails and offals inside the intestines.

At every piece of meat or organ squeezed inside, Reku will tie the intestine, sealing the other piece inside while squeezing another batch of pieces inside before tying it again.

After repeating it a few more times, all the offals and organs were now inside the intestines.

Sealing the entryway by tying it like a knot, he began to inspect the now bulging intestine like a rope, sometimes swinging it around to check it was properly tied up and not even a piece would fall out.

"Now I present you... the sausage." Reku held the sausage high up for everyone to see.

The orcs began to whisper amongst themselves as to what the purporse of this so-called sausage is before Jan finally stepped in, voicing his opinion over the matter.

"So what is that for?" Jan asked, pointing his finger towards the sausage.

"For eating, silly." At the mention of this, the orcs suddenly stared at Reku with disgust.

'Are you mad? to even think of eating that trash?!' was the only thought in everyone's mind, but none dared to say it aloud, afraid of encurring Reku's wrath.

But before Jan could say anything, Reku moved away from the crowd and started to slowly tie the sausage to a wooden pole before bringing it up to the now active campfire.

He then make sure the pole was high enough before placing it besides the campfire.

At that, Reku place a few more wood above the lit campfire as to prevent the fire from engulfing the whole pole and only let the smoke escape, directing it towards the hanging sausage on the pole.

It was only after a minute or so before the whole sausage was engulf in a massive stream of smoke.

"Let's eat for now, tomorrow we can eat the sausage after the smoking is done." Reku then picked up a piece of roasted meat cooked by the other orcs before chewing on it.

The other orcs can only stare at Reku in confusion, unsure of what to think about this strange new food he had just invented.

"If you're curious as to why I'm smoking it, it is to make it more preservable." Reku said after seeing the strange glances the orcs were giving him.

Jan was even shocked as to where Reku found this kind of new and strange term, although he had hear the word a few times before, he did not even think of it to be used on food.

'Preserve food?.' Jan thought, confused at the term.

"It will last in a few more days before eventually rotting." Reku said, as if he was able to read Jan's thoughts.

'Impossible.' was the only thing that popped inside of Jan's mind.



