
AMBERLANE- origins

Maestro49th · Historia
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1 Chs

Harold the farmer

22nd June 1278

i woke up in my bed today, which i shared with my siblings. i got up and got ready for today's chores.

i woke up everyone then, since I was up-picked up the bucket full of piss and took it to the nearest river bank, which was like a 10 minute walk from our farm.

as i returned i heard something probably mother milking the goat, should have taken that, probably would have got some milk to drink.

i pulled up water for household from the well, and then waited for breakfast. today was a simple one. nobody had any work after the crops had been harvested so i took 9 pennis from where father placed the mone, and the milk to sell on my way out.

i passed by the crow family orchard on my way

walking while eating my apple was peaceful enjoyable and quiet.

the way to town was dry and dead, nothing new, greeted a dog, he followed me for sometime, then my sight reached the admiring wall that surrounded the village- portrayed as a town. the guard asked for 2 pennis for entry- that was something new, probably a by product of development.

the town was full of people unlike the eastern path.as i walked through the market i saw vendor selling apples there was meat and something that i couldn't identify. i take pride in my knowledge of botany but this must be something from some other land brought by traders.

walking slowly as i reached my destination,

i delivered the milk to the Lester household- today was the supposed day of payments so the girl brought me 138 pennis i counted each and then exited. it was afternoon ,so i reached for the bar for refreshment. the bar was crowded contrary to my estimations- it was full of mercenaries. the town of amel was not something that invited a lot of gold, heck even the small traders only made weekly trips due to low population, so this was a


i ordered simple lime, fortunately there was someone who knew everyday magic which made the cold juice worth the 3 pennis i paid for.

passing my afternoon in the bar made me a new friend. his name was Dave ,not much older than me ,he was a hunter.i admired him for being open and frenzy something which i was incapable for as i was quite introverted and me finding him gave me one of my best experiences of my life ahh- not with him but with the barmaid who he introduced to me and taught me how ,or rather what to talk. he told me the reason for this mercenary crowd to form in this lonely part of the kingdom.apparently there was word from the mage tower that the annual beast migration this year may deviate from their usual path.i wanted to inquire further but with this much man-power i did not quite care about the danger- was probably what i thought at that time.

dusk dawned as i left the gates and waved back to a Dave - just three hours with him had made us close to brothers. i then traced back to the path i came from earlier.

i reached home before total dark and joined dinner. i then put the 138 pennis i recieved in the box and pocketed the remaining 4 for me.

the bed had been made- probably by my younger sister. i should treat her too someday for all the cuteness- her mere existence is a blessing.

i pulled back from the bedroom and went for a walk . there was darkness at every sight but it was manageable.

as i came back i noticed my siblings- younger and elder sis were sleeping, mother was up with father in their bedroom and there was quite noise which made me consider moving out for the first time, primarily because the environment in this small house is not exactly comfortable to live in with all, especially with us siblings sharing bed.

i made my mind to sleep out tonight.

i then made arrangements and laid down in the blanket of stars.





19th july

i woke up tired today there was an uncomfortable feeling inside. i looked around with still sleepy eyes and i saw my elder sis lying beside me, awake staring at something with a bewildered expression on her face. when i saw what she was looking at, i crossed my legs and jumped out of bed. this steeled me further at my decision, i have pondered on this a lot and today, i will be leaving this village for good. i ran out of the room, without looking back.

' Giggle'

i think i heard a giggle but that must be my imagination.

if I didn't knew better i would have concluded my elder sis was making advances on me but that is impossible, because the lovestruck Ronan told me that i did not have to worry about my sisters' and they both had someone they like .i wonder who are the lucky fellows? anyways that puts me unless limelight of responsibilities.

today as usual i performed the daily chores and waited for breakfast. 19th July held a special meaning in the kingdoms' calender. i do not know about the specifics but some mage defeated something which could have ended life on earth as it was. apparently there are proof of their battle in the far south as the landscape had been remodeled which looked hell out of place. that place could be worth visiting.

when we were all halfway through our breakfast i thought of breaking the news by sliping it into the conversation- that could be the only peaceful was of declaring my decision.

" Claire you should eat your vegetables all right- if we disgrace food it will anger the farmer god.

"Hmph! - she begrudgingly stabbed the wooden fork into her plate contents.

" here mother the water you asked~

" father can I eat them afterwards i am not hungry anymore?

" ask your mother about that- a man in a tired expression expressed.

" Do you need anything else brother?



"Father, i am thinking of going to some town for making a living on my own.





Everyone stared at me with bewildered expressions.

Alexi, my older sis had the wooden spatula dropped in mother's food.

it splashed drops of porridge onto the table.

everybody stayed still for like 2 seconds- untill my father faced me.

" have you thought about where you will live?

" some town, not too peripheral but also not too far from the capital, probably in the west.

" how exactly will be you earning money to live off?

" think I can become a small time scholar. otherwise I could still survive on my agricultural skills.

'" hmm- the man thought for a moment

i heard count lovarne's territory has vast land which is cultivated throughout the year.


" you are not seriously considering him moving out? Alexi asked with an expression of concern.

" why? he is 22 old and if he keeps living with us he will never get to 'live' and in this village I reckon anyone to be suitable for my son.- my mother retorted.

"yes, we can not survive off the farm and even if he inherits the farm he won't be able to prosper with a family of his own., him living and starting a family will be addition to our family- sure but for that he needs to be independent.


Alexi rushed out off the table to our bedroom and my younger sis had a crying expression.

this was not how i thought what their reactions would be but this works in my favour,


" I do not want to burden you with any expectations of my own and want you to live as you think as right but surely you can give your father an opportunity to become a grandpa?


I shyed away as my experience with woman in my 22 years of life was not much than a five year old.

but i responded positively anyways.


I wanted to leave the next day only but my mother asked me to wait for a week.

Finaly 6 days passed as daily activities recieved a continued without my presence- i was asked not to do any chores and was properly taken care of.

As I packed my belongings- pair of clothes and inners, water and money.

Discussions with my father made me realised i needed a good plan so as to not face difficulties.

He informed me the paths of various cities.

At last I decided for Lovarne county as it needs intellectual man power which akes landing a job there easier- also it was the nearest location which enticed me.

My dad had given me about three thousand pennies. which was a lot, i knew it would hurt my family's expenses for sometime so i offered to return about half of it- even i knew that traveling was expensive.

" do worry for yourself. i feel ashamed of not being able to provide more, so make it worthwhile and enjoy. do come to see whether we are living or not.-

"men change after meeting women i hope you still have a place for this mother in your heart even after time passes.- my mother held a dramatic stance when seeing me off to the road to Amel.

Clearly my sisters were against this but the held nicely.

I waved back for the upteenth time as I walked out of our nameless village.



