
Life Sucks

Zed stood there as he watched all humanity die before his eyes.

People he cared about and those he never even knew_die. The world engulfed in wild flames and it seemed like hell, it was hell

A distance from where he was was a man levitating with his arms raised. A closer look and Zed could say different, he was no man.

He wore raven robes dark as ash and on his firm left hand held a black sphectre with a black eminating orb. He had a withered skin that gave out ash, it looked as if it was continuously decomposing into black smoke. He raised his forearms, a shudder came over zed, each palm had an eye. The eyes had an ominous dark Grey hue that gave out ripples of energy - dark energy that sent chills to Zed's body.

The eyes glowed red as all the remaining life force on earth got sucked. The ashes grew thicker and wilder as the atmosphere became tense and dark. The mystic darkness swallowed all light- more like all hope and good was engulfed leaving desolate empty air that riled up nothing.

And midst the horror awoke a laughter, evil and hysterical.

"Finally!" the being said as it's eyes gleamed with an evil and dated glint. The pupils of the eyes glowed ever so brightly and wildly. An aura so frightening and dark arose from the being sending shivers to its victim.

The being's gaze fell on me and its eyes flickered. The sharp pupils slowly turned colour and became red and a grin formed on the being's face.

The temperature around Zed fell drastically and he froze on the spot. His palpitation heart stopped for a second and his nerves became paralyzed. He sensed the danger but his body could not move.

The eyes turned to skits and in an instant the being came rushing down at massive speed. Zed's heart beat faster and his body tensed but what could he do..

The being was close... No... He was here..

....zed closed his eyes..

Zed instantly rose up... his hand tight on his chest. He was violently shaking and his body dripped with fidgets of sweat.

"Darn it, again!!"

Zed couldn't help but groan in frustration. The dream kept recurring to him and he had no control over it no matter what he tried. He rose from his bed and looked at the watch, he was late for school.

Zed quickly rushed the preparations and in the next fifteen minutes he was done. Zed was to leave the room until he remembered that he had forgot something.

Zed turned and went to his bed side and opened a drawer from where he took a pendant. It shimmered a dim light in his grasp, Zed dutifully wore it. The pendant was the only thing he had from his past. It was his mother's gift the last they parted.

With that done, Zed left the motel and went to school.

Quite in fact the school motel was technically in school and so Zed had all his hours at school. Zed attended the military academy, and this was not your ordinary military academy_ it was for the awakened.

200 years ago the planet earth was attacked by aliens or so. The beings were several times stronger than the humans and on top of that they possessed strange abilities_more like supernatural abilities. On their hands they wielded power that exceeded the deadliest missiles and what man kind could offer back then.

And as if in response a change happened to the humans. No one is for sure if it's coincidental or by sheer luck but it helped greatly. Mankind developed power similar to that of the strange beings. Unfortunately not all unlocked this 'power'. Those who did were called the awakened and with time they were able to fend off the invasion of the beings.

However the quality of their power was a disadvantage and no matter the will hope for victory was still bleak. The humans organized a diplomatic counter_ a desperate move that seemed less fruitful. But surprisingly during the peace talk, the strange beings accepted the terms and agreed to leave. This outcome came as a shock but duely mankind became elated and relieved.

However, soon after the departure of the strange 'beings', mankind honed its skills especially those of the awakened. The government went ahead and created several military academies that trained young awakened. Reason for this was that mankind believed that the 'beings' will attack again.

And one of those institutions, was the one Zed attended. The institutions soon came to be known as outposts.

Zed now walked with swift long strides as he kept glancing at his watch. The more the time went the more he fidgeted.

'Mr Glance won't take this lightly'

An image of Mr. Glance's angry glare formed in his mind and he shuddered. He quickened his strides further until... Bump.

He stumbled to the ground and his glasses broke.

"Oh sorry, my bad, are u hurt loser"

A voice sounded from behind. Zed could hear mockery from the voice. He stared at his broken glasses and his lips quivered. Zed looked at the delinquent and of course.... It was Scott James,one of his worst tormentors in his suck-ish life.

Scott then kicked his upper torso, a smirk formed on his lips.

"Either way Zed, you ran into me and am stronger than you so... '

Scott kicked his shin again, this time harder.

'... You shall pay'

He and his goons lynched at him. The punched and kicked nonstop with wicked grins plastered on their faces.

At that moment Zed realized how terrible and unfair the world became soon after the first awakened. Power valued more than anything else. The powerful awakened ruled the world and belatedly never cared about those low in the hierarchy. Heck even the school official just stood there and watched Zed get pummeled. Zed knew and experienced the unfairness but at that moment he so strongly wished for change.... And there and there his wish became...

... The pendant round his neck glowed.