
An blocked path and life threat?!

In a dusty mansion at the end of the city, inside one of the rooms a young boy  in brand new  shiny green outfit  could be seen with his legs crossed, meditating.

August, who has been tired from travelling for all the day, shrugged both of his  shoulders  in order to release some of the fatigue.

It was already night when they finished their  tour of the city, but for some reason  henef became more respectful toward him after  that cultivator incident.

"Hmm, so it means I would periodically receive a quest like before to gain strength and all that, is that right?" August asked to the system.

Looking at the blue screen in front of him.

First quest completed.

Quest:- A little change also matters.

 Due to ceaseoses threats  and demons upcoming wars the   cultivators who are the main powerhouses have turned astray from the path of righteousness.

You as the world owner have to take the responsibility and should try to make things right.  So that  the cultivator could stop being evil, by any means possible.

Chain quest:- A spark.

Because you are the first one who dared to kill a cultivator and stood for mortal, a spark of hope has been ignited.

You shouldn't let that hope disappear.

1.    Enter the martial Academy.

2.    Join the security council.

3.    Locked .

4.    Locked.

Status:- incomplete.

Reward:- ??.

[You are  right host.] System answered.

"But why do I have to meddle in human internal affairs, does it really matter to me,  if they have an internal truce of something."

August asked with frown, he had already made his mind to not meddle with anyone's life but focus on his only Goal.

And he wasn't thinking of helping the lady earlier too , but it's when the system suddenly chimed in, with an  offer that August could hardly resist.

But instead of talking things  out like the system suggested , he just killed the cultivator in one sweep without thinking about the aftermath, as he wanted to finish things faster. 

[You are the wrong host, you are not helping them instead you are helping yourself] system replied August instantly.

August hummed  and fell into thoughts again, he was against helping mortals, but he was also excited to Go to Martial academy.

Not to learn  there of course, but to  gather trusted followers.


Name – August [ currently Human]

STR-11 (+5?)




"This vessel is really too fragile" , August said in disdain observing his stats that are nothing more than of an ordinary mortal.

"My intelligence is comparatively high compared to other stats might be because of my knowledge. Hmm, that's fine, but how should I distribute the other stats." August thought to himself he had acquired five extra stats points after he completed his first quest but now he was having problems using them, as  they just weren't enough.

After pondering a bit, August decided to increase his Agility to 12 while his  dexterity to 13, his intelligence is  high  and he also wanted his body at the same level as his Intelligence.

"Now  that's all done , I should   probably sleep now to relieve my fatigue or I might collapse tomorrow in broad daylight." With that said August stood up from his position and went to bed.

Next morning.

The sun rays found their way to August by window, August face as clear as white jade shined brightly in the sunlight.

After an intermediate amount of  time August exits the  house and meets Henef who has been waiting for his arrival.

"Young master." Henef greeted August and lowered his head slightly , August on the other hand nodded his head in response.

With that, both of them departed for their destination.

15 minutes later August stood in front of huge gates , he moved his gaze at the top of the gates to find a huge sign board at the top with Martial Academy written on it.

Then both of them walked closer to the gates  when   two people in red outfits obstructed their path.

Both of them were holding a spear in their right hand while a wooden  shield in the left.

"Halt!" Both of them said in unison.

"you are not permitted to enter the academy without an identity proof." The younger one sneered.

They were about to take further  actions ,  , but stopped in their tracks when  a superior voice resounded in their head.

" let them in."

The moment they heard the voice their calm and lazy  expression changed to surprise.

Then both of them walked toward the gates and pulled out two bronze tokens from the pouch on their waist.

The two bronze started to shine after some time, With a screeching sound the huge and sturdy  gates started to open up.

The pair of Guard who were being quite haughty against August and Henef just a moment ago , lowered their heads standing at the entrance.

"Estimated Guests, we are honoured by your presence , welcome to the Martial academy." They said in unison.

August walked inside , leaving Henef behind who was still dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events.

After sometime Henef also entered the martial academy.

Inside the Academy.

The moment August stepped inside the Academy his previous view changed, he was surprised by the  view inside the academy which  is completely different from the view outside it.

Huge and open hall as well sturdy house made out of bricks and marvel,  pagodas touching the cloud itself even the streets inside the academy  were  much cleaner compared to a house in the city.

It was like He suddenly arrived in a completely different place.

August, who  already knew about it, couldn't help but be surprised by seeing the martial academy grandeur this closely.

Martial academy harbour  most of the powerhouses of city 23, the cultivators.

The Guardian of the city, they are the  only people who are capable of fighting against ceaseoses while risking their own life. 

So it is rather common if they have much more resources than ordinary people, right?

But August knew it wasn't that simple.

After observing the city tomorrow and now while seeing the martial academy he was certain of one thing, that rather than having an ample amount of resources more than mortals they were simply using all of them.

Like an  black hole that is slowly but surely ruining its surroundings till it reaches  extinction.

As for Henef , he was left speechless again by his sudden change of surroundings.

Well he can't be blamed for that it was his first time seeing something so majestic and beautiful.

August  was about to walk,  when he heard his name.

"Hello, are you Young Master August?"August heard a mature tone from behind turning around he saw a middle aged man in a dim green outfit.

"Yes, I am and you?" August answered  and  asked in confusion.

He may have lived two lives already, but it doesn't mean that he will remember everyone faces.

The middle aged man smiled and answered.

"I am Ron, and is here by Grandmaster order."

"Please follow me young master". The man Ron said after his Introduction.

His introduction was too short and despite his name nothing was clear too August but for some reason he couldn't let the name Ron slip away from his mind.

It was like you found a very important secret and memorised it but you can't decipher it,  the moment someone asked or you wanted to say it, instantly.

August didn't get swayed In this  far too long. He silently  followed the man named Ron.

The two of them started walking without caring about Henef,  Moments later both of them arrived in front of a large hall, but the thing that surprised August was the missing entrance.

There was no door passage or a way that could be called entrance, the wall in front of him is as Plain as paper.

So he was confused. He looked toward Ron and thought "why would he bring me here ."

He then looked at his surroundings, but he didn't  find  anyone except for him and the Man named Ron in front of him.

"Wait, did he bring me here to kill me by taking advantage of the surroundings?"

He frowned that it was possible , if not why would Ron bring him to such a desolate and lonely  place  though he could make a run to save himself  but he was sure that he wouldn't even make it one step before his head would be hovering in the air.

"How interesting."   August mumbled to himself and grinned.

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