
Always Muscles, Who Needs Magic Anyway?

Thank you for reading this book! I am definitely an amateur writer so please any advice is good advice! I am much more used to writing scripts, so this is a bit of a challenge. Please Enjoy! Synopsis: A random Neet’s soul has to fight a bunch of MC’s, right as he’s about too his soul gets wiped. Basically about a guy who will travel through 5 worlds and never use magic! 1 Chapter weekly First world is Tokyo Ghoul Second is Decided but you don’t get to know :)

Gatorish · Cómic
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5 Chs


I sit on my sofa, scrolling through coffee shops on my phone until one catches my eye—Anteiku. My brain starts screaming "ghouls" for no reason. Images flood my mind of baristas turning into ghouls. I must be going insane. But coffee does sound nice. It's probably just my half-awake brain messing with me. But who's Ken Kaneki? What's a Waifu and why are they there? I'll just head over and find out.

I decide to go out for a short 24-minute jog and grab some coffee.

As I arrive at the small coffee shop, a bell lightly rings. A tall, black-haired lady greets me.

"Welcome, please take a seat. I will be right with you."

I grab a seat in the corner. She looks like a black dog. Why does she look like a dog? Why does this place feel familiar? I snap out of my thoughts when I realize she's talking.

"-u like to drink?"

"Sorry, I didn't hear you."

"It's fine, what would you like to drink?"

"May I have a flat white, please?"

"Of course, I'll be back in one moment."

I look over at the old barista. He just screams danger. But why? Owl? Like the ghoul? Why do I think he's a ghoul? He looks up at me and smiles, which I am too stunned to return. Then something clicks—this place is in a show. What show? Anime? What is anime? Why do I not know what's happening?

I stand up quickly, feeling a sudden rush of confusion. I walk toward the older barista before a waiter approaches and asks,

"Sorry, but do you need anything?"

"Oh. Where's your bathroom?"

"By the stairs."

"Thank you."

I try to walk as confidently as possible toward the bathroom. Once inside, it hits me—why I know so much and who these people are. It's memories. Why do I know that? This isn't the time to question it. I need to confirm if these people are ghouls.

I gather my thoughts and return to the main area. Walking over to the older barista, I ask,

"This is going to sound odd, but do you have a place where we can talk?"

The waiter instantly prepares to say something, but the old man waves him off.

"Of course, let's head upstairs. Irimi, would you please bring his coffee?"


We walk up the stairs and enter a small reception room with two sofas and a large glass window. We just stare at each other until Irimi brings up the coffee and leaves. I take a sip, gathering my courage, and say,

"You're a ghoul, aren't you?"

"You're a dove, aren't you?"

"Never would have thought you would say that."

"People do many unexpected things; it's what makes people great."

"So you're a ghoul, yes?"

"Are you a ghoul?"


"Then I am a person."

We just stare at each other for a bit before the man starts chuckling and says,

"It's nice to meet you. I am Yoshimura."

"It may be nice to meet you. I'm Investigator Mado."

"I recall Mado being older."

"Oh. Yes, he's my dad."

"Well, tell your mom I said hello and that the flowers were beautiful."

"I'll do that."

"Do you plan to kill us?"

"I'm not sure."

"I'm not sure I would want to start a war."

"I'm not sure I could kill you."

"If you tried hard enough, I believe you could. How's the coffee?"

"It's wonderful."

"Peace is wonderful. Coffee is delicious."

"Aren't you too old to be running a terrorist group?"

"Aren't you a bit young to be killing people who are trying their best to live happy lives?"

"If you worked with the government, I'm sure you could find an answer."



"What will it take for you to let this go?"

"Another cup of delicious coffee?"

We just smile at each other for a bit. After a while, I leave and jog home. It's crazy how time flies when you're trying not to die. It flies so slowly.


Tokyo Ghoul? That's where I am? This is my life, not a show, right? Maybe I'm seeing the future? But why do I know so much about Ken Kaneki? As I'm sitting on my sofa, lost in thought, Akira walks in.

"Hey, you look super insane."

"I'm glad it's better than looking like you."

"Really? I think we look similar."

"I can't tell who just got made fun of."

"No one, we're better together."

"Man, this job has changed you."

"Since you brought up work… We got a new mission."


"You're not allowed to fight this guy, ok?"

"We both know I could kick your ass."

"Oh really? Looking down on humans?"

"Looking down on your betters?"

"My rank says differently."

"My height says differently."

"My age says differently."

"My… Damn."

Akira grabs some papers off a table and hands them to me with a smile.

"Some higher-up heard you absolutely destroyed a C-rank ghoul, so they're sending us after a B-rank."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Yeah, the ghoul's going to get beaten so quick."

"Have you killed a B-rank before?"

"What, worried?"


"Don't look down on me. I'll beat the ever-living shit out of you."

"Alright. Tell me about the ghoul."

She just stands there and stares at me.


"They're a Ukaku, a young lady, small and quick, with purple hair. Killed many people, believed to be followed by another smaller ghoul. The amount they are killing is enough for 4-6 ghouls."

"So, killing for fun?"

"Or supporting a group. They seem to only kill older black-haired men. They have attacked investigators before, but she ran before she got killed. Most likely a grudge. She gained an alias, The Rabbit, due to the way she hops around while attacking and her elusive nature."

"Think we can capture the smaller ghoul?"

"That's our best bet, maybe a child?"

"Any camera footage?"

"Not a thing, all eye-witness and investigator recounting."

"I get the Kagune?"

"I have been wanting a new quinque."

"Have I ever told you why you're the best older sister I could have?"

"No, you haven't."

"Well, you're not there yet. But it would really help if you gave me this Kagune."

I say with a smirk as Akira comes over to beat me up.