
Chapter 1

Faye's 8-year old body was high with fever. Her body was burning hot. She hugged herself tightly, wishing that she could squeeze out the heat inside of her. With the burning heat, her fever was also accompanied with intense headache. She feels like her head is going to explode.

Despite feeling sick, all she wants is for her Mama to hug her… Anyone… Just someone to care for her…

She closed her eyes, feeling herself slowly fall to the cold embrace of the darkness. There is still hope within her that when she wakes up, someone would be there for her.

"Hey, you fucking brat! Wake up! You good-for nothing! Go up and do your chores already!"

The slap on her face and the hard squeeze on her shoulder woke Faye up. With blurry eyes, she looked up to find herself facing Pearl, her mother.

Feeling disoriented, she found herself looking around her room. Her small room was located under the sink. It was always damp and smells like mold. Maybe, that is the reason she got sick.

After another slap to the face, she tried to focus on her mother's face. She just wants to sleep, but her mother would get angry with her. She doe not want her mother to feel disappointed with her.

With great effort, she struggled to get up. "M-mama, d-don't worry. I wi-will finish my ch-chores," Faye said while shivering. She feels weird. Hot and cold at the same time.

Faye smiled sweetly to her mother but all she received was a glare. "Good! You better finish it, you brat! That's the only reason why I keep you around. Go cook me some breakfast first. Two eggs. Make sure that you don't burn it!"

Standing wobbly, Faye tried steady herself. She went to the cabinet and reached for the frying pan. She put the pan on the stove and heat it up before cracking two eggs.

Because she was still feeling dizzy, she could not focus on what she's doing. After a few minutes of absent-mindedness, she realized that the eggs she was cooking was beginning to smell bad.

With a gasp, she tried to take away the pan from the stove. However, in her haste, what she grasped was not the handle, but the scalding pan itself.

"Ah!" With a shout of pain, she let go of the pan. The eggs and the hot oil fell down the floor.

Thinking of her mother's reaction, she immediately tried to pick up the eggs from the floor. However, the commotion she caused already alerted Pearl that something happened.

"Argh! You stupid brat! You wasted my food!" Due to her anger, Pearl kicked Faye in the stomach.

Because she was still feeling weak from her sickness, Faye instantly collapsed. Despite seeing Faye collapse, Pearl still continued to kick her.

"You're so useless! You can't do anything right!"

"M-mama, p-lease s-top… It h-hurts… p-please… please.."

All Faye could feel was pain. Mama, why do always hit me… I always do what I'm told. All I want is a hug from you. Why, Mama. Why…

With those thoughts, Faye fainted, returning once again to the cold embrace of darkness.