
The Hunters vs The Fallen Angel

"So we are tasked to kill some sort of angel?"

The two hunters walked along a path that was quite inside the forest with Alucard leading the way while Ruby was following him. It was just a typical day for the two as they were simply taking jobs at the town center and came across the certain job mission that had them required to deal with some sort of fallen angel that was apparently terrorizing on a valley that was near Dawn City. Alucard was enticed to the job as it had a lot of gold involved offered by the council members themselves, making it a threat that seemingly scary for them that they had the Hunter's Guild to be involved.

Alucard was skeptical about the job at first as on why they didn't have their Order deal with such of a threat as it was their job in the first place. But after hearing that the Order had left to deal with a potential war threat at the northside of the city, the demon hunter decided to take the job as he deemed that he and Ruby were ready to take on the task.

He was fairly confident yet uncertain at the same time. He had heard of the fallen angel's destruction on the valley on the reports that he managed to pick up from the informant within the Hunter's Guild. The informant told him that it was utter destruction on what happened as there was no trace of the town that was on there except a huge, gaping crater. He was also told that it was simply the fallen angel's awakening after it was laid in a dormant state after a battle with the Holy Angel, Rafaela.

"Once you faced that guy, I warn you this. This is probably a battle that both of you would have to pull every trick on your sleeve just to be able to survive." The informant warned, his tone cold and serious. "That fallen angel.. is the reason why the Abyss was unrivaled back in the day till he was stopped by the Holy Angel and the Order. But otherwise, no one can match his power at all."

The informant leaned back on his seat, his hand gripped on the shot glass that he had as he was relaying the information to him. "Be lucky that I heard that the fallen angel isn't at full percent of his power after the fight with the Holy Angel but seeing that destruction on the valley, I would really advise that you either decline the mission or just do whatever the fuck you can to slay the dude before he goes into his full power."

It was something that he never heard before from the informant. That sheer tone of his was telling him that the thing that they were about to slay was nothing like he had ever seen. It was something that made Alucard think twice about the mission before deciding that they needed to do something like this.

After all, if both of them can't slay a damn fallen angel at barely his full power, how the heck they can beat Alice?

The demon hunter took it to heart that he was responsible about Ruby's life and his. He knew that he had to be extra careful and can't be cocky with a situation like this and had an Arrival Ward, which is used to instantly go back to the Guild no matter how far they were. Other than more potions and provisions, he deemed that he would go on with the mission.

But the thing is: Ruby was clueless of the entire thing as he forgotten to tell her about the mission as she wasn't there at the time. He was reluctant on telling her, thinking that it may cause her to be frightened about it and not do it with him but it seemed to bite at his conscience that he wasn't telling her the full mission details.

Alucard sighed as he simply decided to answer her questions as they walked. "Yes, it is apparently issued by the council of Dawn City." He answered. "They were paying a huge sum for that angel to be taken out."

He saw Ruby's left eyebrow raised in question. "And why they are paying a huge sum for it?" She asked, her tone sliding in the dangerous side of the spectrum as the demon hunter sensed that she was slowly getting pissed for having information out of her reach.

He gulped at this as he felt the pressure slowly building up from her, forcing her to reply. "Well..." He started to scratch the back of his head with his normal hand as he gave her a sheepish smile. "That fallen angel is capable of destroying a huge valley by it's wake..?"

Her eyes glared at him, making him take a step back in fear. He never liked Ruby being pissed at him and he doesn't understand why she is usually get pissed by him. But now, he understands the full reason of her being pissed as she probably didn't want to take this mission.

"And why you decided to hide it from me all this time?" Her voice laced with anger and a promise of pain if he didn't answer her question as her hands are already at the handle of her scythe. He breathed out a sigh as he held his hands up in front of him.

"Well, I was thinking that you wouldn't take the job with me." The demon hunter admitted as he was careful to avoid a swing from the fiery wolf huntress just in case. "Because I thought that you would be deterred by it and had decided to just keep it to myself."

He looked on the other direction momentarily as he knew that she still had her eyes on him, the feeling of guilt manifesting within him. "But now I think about it, I just end up placing you in more danger that I thought. At the time we left the guild, I just had to accept it in a way to prove ourselves that we are capable of handling threats that were in a level similar to Alice."

He breathed out a sigh. "I probably wasn't thinking very good at that time and it was my selfish side that wanted to see if we are up to it." He finished, turning his head back to see Ruby's face in a blank expression, probably thinking about the words he had said to her as she took her hands off the handle of her scythe.

Silence reigned in both of the hunters as they continued their walk on the dirt path. The demon hunter cursed his pride and ego internally as he thought that he had betrayed Ruby's trust for his own selfish act. He wished that he was more up front with her but he was still getting used to having a partner all this time.

Sure, they had taken up prior missions together before this and he knows what Ruby is capable off on a fight as they fought each other at full power when they have met and he won because he had better regeneration abilities and prowess. That made him quite concerned of her safety as she didn't have long range capabilities like him and still had a long way to go with her skills. He had trained her like he promise in the middle of breaks in between missions but there was still things she lacked in the middle of a battle.

Plus, he still haven't fully trust her yet, which is probably the main reason why they have this some sort of tension at times. Alucard wasn't a type of person to trust someone outright as he usually flies solo on missions til he met her. He would have just told her that he took this mission and let her stay on the city but there was a part of him that basically wants her to join him on this mission. He couldn't explain it well, heck it causes confusion with him, but he just wants her to stay by his side as much as possible as he felt a certain comfortable feeling that he never gotten when he was alone.

Suddenly, he heard her took a deep breath before exhaling out. "That.. is a lot to take in." She exclaimed in a calm manner, which was a bit shocking to the demon hunter. He had expected her to just pummel him or something but now, she was simply accepting it?

"I know that you are doing this for the fact that you want to see if.. both of us can handle someone like Alice. You need the reassurance despite how long you have trained to kill the her, right?" She asked in the same cool tone she have, making him nod despite being slightly cautious. "And yet.. you wanted me to come with you to take care of this threat.."

"Yes." Alucard answered simply as he rubbed the back of his head again with his normal hand. "I just want to have some.. reassurance that I can handle it."

"Even if I would end up becoming more of a burden?" Her question popped up quickly after his response. "I don't want you to split your focus just because I got hurt."

It was his first concern about it that she might get hurt during this mission. He knew that she still have insecurities on being a burden because he didn't have his combat capabilites and experience. After all, the missions they took were nothing compared to the dangers that may inhabit when they face the fallen angel and he knew that it wasn't a joke from what he got from the informant.

"I just.. don't want to be the reason for jeoprodizing this mission just because I made a mistake." She admitted in a sad tone that caused the demon hunter to frown as he stopped in his tracks, causing her to stop as well.

"Look, you are not a burden at all." He reminded as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I was just simply too careless this time around. Despite that, I don't see you.. unfit for this mission at all."

He saw her eyes perk up slightly as he is trying to console her. Keyword being trying as he wasn't a good person at consoling due to his lack of experience being with people so he doesn't know if he was doing a good job or not. "In fact, you provide me comfort that I will have someone to have my back on... someone that I know that would do her best, right?" He finished with an awkward pat on her shoulder, a small smile on his lips.

The wolf huntress eyes glistened, as if she took her words to heart, before she blinked and huffed her cheeks out as it was slightly reddened. "Fine... looks like I am the one to bail you out if you are in trouble just as always, huh?" She replied, her usual tone of confidence was back as if all of her insecurities have been pushed aside.

But that still managed to make Alucard's right eye twitch from her sense of bravado, a bit annoyed that she replied with that without even muttering a thank you or something. "Whatever, let's just keep going till the night breaks out." He responded in an annoyed tone as he quickened his pace. Despite that, he smiled a bit at the fact that the wolf huntress recovered from her momentary break down as he wanted her to be one hundred percent for the mission.

Ruby stifled a giggle as she followed the demon hunter's pace. But deep inside, she was thankful for what he had said to her. She really wasn't as confident as she is as she is still getting use to fighting the right way under Alucard's tutelage, making her a bit insecure if she was up to the task of doing missions as she was afraid of making a mistake or hurting herself because of her clumsiness and lack of experience.

Hearing that he needed her to be at his back made her feel good about herself, fighting the fear back as those words had given her confidence. She also felt rather touched that he cared for her and admitting his mistakes that he is indeed careless for taking her in this mission without informing her the full details. Yet, Ruby herself wants this mission as a means of proving herself as well.

Not to beat demons, just to have the right on being Alucard's partner.

If they beat the adversary, she will deem herself good enough to become the demon hunter's partner. The wolf huntress had admitted that she wasn't the best partner for him as she doesn't really cover anything that he is weak to, only adding more risk as they were both front line fighters. But Alucard saw something inside of her that translated into wanting her to become his partner had given her something that she wants to find out why.

Thus, both hunters find themselves looking forward to face this fallen angel with goals in mind as a way to test their limits. Both hunters stopped in a clearing as the sky turned pitch black, making the clearing as their campsite for the night as they will continue their trek to the valley where the Fallen Angel exists.


Morning struck home as the sky was blessed with the heaven's eye as its light illuminated the previously dark sky with white light, commencing that day has come once more. Ruby groaned as she stood up from her sleeping bag, wiping her eyes before looking around to see Alucard already up around the campfire. He was in the process of cooking some pork that he got from the wild boar around the forests, saving up some of their provisions as both didn't mind eating pork at all.

Alucard saw that the wolf huntress was awake and decided to speak up. "So today, instead of us immediately trekking to the valley, we will spar for a bit." He said as he turned the pork around in the fire on to the side that wasn't cooked yet. "In that way, we will still be able to go to the valley tomorrow around midday as stated in the mission request."

Ruby blinked as she sat near the camp fire. "Would that cause us more trouble though? I mean... the more time we give the fallen angel, the more power he recovers." She asked.

The demon hunter nodded. "Yes, that is true. However, it is better for us to be more prepared against him than facing him without prepartion at all, even if he is even more weakened state when we go there." He stated as he tossed her a water bottle, which she caught without a trouble. "After all, we still need to practice your blade swings and hops."

She nodded as she took a sip of the water bottle, feeling the warm fluid go through her throat as she felt refreshed after drinking. Then, Alucard passed her some cooked pork, in which she started eating immediately after. After the two hunters had settled their hunger and their stomachs, the two hunters grabbed their weapons and went in the middle of the clearing.


"Okay, ready?" He asked as he went into his battle stance, both of his hands gripped the hilt of his long sword slightly above his head diagonally.

Ruby smiled ferally as she had her hands on her scythe, ready to swing as her powers immediately activated, her eyes turning into a dark, bloody red. "I am ready as you are!" She replied back, her tone slightly deeper due to her powers.

Alucard nodded as he charged at her, his sword behind his back as he jumped, swinging downwards in a smash. Ruby quickly jumped out of the way as his sword hit the ground, causing dust to pile up from the impact. Using it to her advantage, Ruby swung her scythe at him as he was in the dust cloud, hoping that it would catch him off guard as he recovered from his smash.

She heard a clang as the dust was blown away from her swing, revealing the demon hunter with a smile on his face as his sword clashed with the blade end of her scythe. He brung his sword out as he lashed out with another swing of his blade to her left, making her jump back out of reach. The wolf huntress swung her scythe hard, causing a small attack wave to spawn mid swing as it launched towards him.

Battering the attack wave away with a slash of his blade, Alucard jumped towards Ruby with his sword on his side, grabbing the hilt with one hand as he swung his blade in an arc as he spun. Ruby ducked under his spin slash as she tried retaliating with a kick to his midsection, only to be blocked with his gauntlet. Using the momentum of her kick, she extended her leg to knock Alucard back while launching herself in the air, doing a small flip as she landed gracefully on solid ground.

Alucard smiled slightly at her small feat of her adaptability. She was no slouch when it comes to adapting to situations within a fight and uses her body to her fullest potential. He knew that she was always quick, flexible yet strong on her feet, making her still okay without a weapon on her hands.

Snapping off from his thoughts as he dodged a swing of her scythe, Alucard swung his sword spinning, causing her to disengage again. With the ample amount of space, Alucard went back to his initial stance and swung his sword overhead with one hand to her midsection. The wolf huntress blocked the slash with her scythe, a metal clang was heard before she used her scythe to lift her off the ground, delivering a kick on to Alucard's face.

Flinching in pain, the demon hunter managed to not let go of the hilt as he retaliated by swinging his gauntlet at her body. She managed to dodge his punch yet he managed to dislodge his sword back to his hands as she did another flip to create some space. Alucard frowned as he regained his focus, jumping up as he swung his sword overhead for another ground slam.

Ruby expected this as she simply jumped away and swung her scythe at him, trying to predict his movements. Seeing that, he swatted the scythe away with the momentum he had with his swing, causing her to yelp as she felt the force of the swing on to her handle. Using that to his advantage, he landed on to the ground before doing a short hop with his sword closing in on her head.

She ducked yet she fell victim to knee strike on her stomach, causing her to gasp out in pain. Alucard followed it up with an elbow strike to the side of her face, knocking her down to the forest floor. Slightly disoriented by the blow to the head, Ruby reacted swiftly as she quickly rolled out of the way as the demon hunter slashed the ground.

The ticked the wolf huntress off. "What the heck? If I didn't roll out of the way, you would have slashed me!" She yelled angrily as she got back on her feet after the roll in a crouched position.

Alucard went back to his initial stance as he exclaimed. "Your enemies won't give you the same mercy that I would!" His tone was serious as he had told her this a lot of times yet she still complained about it. "It is either you beat them up or survive the damn blows idiot!"

Her eyes went into a glare, the red pupils went even darker red like a pool of dark blood. "Okay, now I am offended!" She yelled as she swung her scythe with a quick, huge arc as the bladed part had a dark red aura on it. Alucard dodged the attack as he quickly blocked the other swing that she did as she jumped forward, going on the offensive for once.

Dodging swing by swing yet it was increasingly hard to do so, the demon hunter blocked a wild swing that almost caught him in the arm with a force that almost knock the sword off his hand. "Damn, she really does pack a huge amount of force when she wants to." He thought as he ducked under a swing as he swung his sword on the ground, causing some dust to block her field of vision as he jumped back to regain some room.

He didn't have much time as an attack wave was launched at him, causing his eyes to widened as he subconciously activated his Demon Pact, his eyes glowed a tint of red as he swung his sword, spawning an attack wave from that swing that blocked hers, disappitating as they collided. Ruby continued her charge as she swung her scythe overhead, trying to continue her offensive pressure yet she didn't realize that he had his powers on.

He blocked the slash effortlessly, making her eyes widened slightly before she spun around with her scythe to form a mini tornado. Alucard simply blocked the follow ups like it was nothing as he swung his sword, making her duck as realization kicks in that he had activated her powers.

"Drat, time to be more cautious." She thought to herself as she knew that there was no way she can overpower him while his powers are activated. Leaning back to avoid another slash, she quickly delivered a slash against his mid section as she wanted him to get nicked by the tip of her curved blade. Unluckily, he managed to see that as he dodged, making her jump back and went into a defensive stance, analyzing his body movements.

But she didn't had much time to react as he seemlessly disappeared in a flicker of red, making her eyes widened before she jumped to her left, dodging a slash from the demon hunter. Grabbing the handle of her scythe with both hands, she span around in an attempt to space him out but he simply swung his sword to stop her momentum, knocking the scythe off her hands and got knocked down on to the ground due to the sheer force of his swing.

Alucard smirked as he pointed his sword at her, slightly panting from the spar. "Do you admit defeat?" He asked, seeing her pant heavily with the dark red color of her eyes had vanished, returning to the emerald colored eyes. Sweat covered her body as she struggled to stand up, the adrenaline wearing off as she exhaled out a deep breath.

"Damn... I still can't handle parrying your sword swings.. when you power up..." She exclaimed, her tone shifted to a disappointed one as the demon hunter approached her to help her up.

He gave her a small smile as he turned off his power, his eyes returning back to a shade of blue. "Well, you did really well beforehand. I am impressed on how good you were at adapting to it and you managed to subconciously forced me to use the Demon Pact. I say that you really had improved a lot from before." He praised proudly as he extended a hand to help her up, making her blush slightly from the praise as she grabbed his hand.

"Whatever... I just want to rest for a bit before we go out to that... damn valley.." She replied in between pants yet her eyes had a certain spark that tells that she was happy about her progress. "But.. yeah, that was a nice spar."

The demon hunter nodded. "Yes, it was." He replied as he hoised her up and helped her to sit around the camp fire, which was boiling some water for them to drink up.


After the two had a drink of water to quench their thirst from the spar, both had rested up and packed their things to continue their trek during the middle of the afternoon. The two hunters talked with each other as they walked to the valley, unconsciously becoming closer to each other after the spar.

Ruby felt more accomplished of herself from his words of praise that she had recieved from him a while ago. The wolf huntress has always respected Alucard's capabilities within a fight and have always wanted to try and surprise him as much as possible. She had managed to deal some physical blows but she knew that she still needed more work on her skills. Internally, she was very happy about being trained under someone who doesn't belittle her at all, always going out in a way that it seemed reasonable to her and to him.

He wasn't a bad teacher at all, heck, she thinks that he is the only one she can trust and teach her the tips and tricks that he knows. He was kind, thoughtful and helpful and never wanted her to get hurt too badly. She is touched by his actions on always prioritizing her safety despite she really didn't mind all of it as she wanted to prove herself.

But even if she tried to be ignorant, she couldn't deny that she was slowly growing feelings for him. The wolf huntress wasn't the type to fall in love but she couldn't ignore what she was feeling about him. She really holds him in high regard and accepts his faults for being overconfident and egocistic at times but she knows that he was adapting to her... just for her sake.

She smiled at her thoughts as they moved along the path while Alucard was talking to her about a fight that he had done against a vampire that tried to suck his blood when he was sleeping on a mission. She wasn't really paying attention on what he was saying as she was currently consumed in her mind.

"That vampire had tried to pretty much put his fangs on my neck but I had felt his hands creeped on my chest." He said, slightly shivering for comedic effect. "Yeesh, I am so glad I woke up reacting to that and slammed that vampire on a tree with my gauntlet and sent him to kingdom come."

He chuckled. "In hindsight, it would be nice to have vampire powers but I don't wanna be starred in a damn book if that happened. Plus, I might get assumed to be a -" He stopped as he saw Ruby's eyes looking distant. "Hey Ruby, you okay?"

That snapped her off her thoughts as she shook her head with a small sheepish smile. "Uh.. yeah? What is it?" She asked him cluelessly, making him frown in concern for her as he instantly placed his normal hand over her forehead, making her blush from the sudden contact.

"You are a bit too warm and you seemed to be dazed.." He muttered before looking at her once more, her cheeks flushed red. "Are you fine to walk? We can stop if you think you are sick and all."

She rapidly shook her head as she removed his hand on her forehead. "N-no! I am fine! I was simply in thought of something and you startled me..!" She replied in a shriek, making him blink before shrugging it off as if it was something that she normally does.

"Okay but just tell me if you want to rest or not, we are nearing night fall anyways." He replied, making her nod as she gave a small sigh in relief.

"Damn it, I really need to keep my thoughts into somewhere else in the road. That was too embarrassing.." She thought to herself as she calmed herself down as they continued their journey till night fall forced them to rest for the final trek of their journey.


In Dawn City, Rafaela flew through the palace, frantically searching for someone. She passed through a couple of people til she stopped in front of the door of the armoury. She didn't even knock as she opened the door, seeing the person that she needed at the moment.

The Warrior of Dawn, Tigreal.

His eyes widened as he saw her being frantic as he was suiting up, preparing for the war that he needed to be. At the moment, he only had his bottom armor up, his plating on top was still not placed as he still have a black mesh shirt on. Yet the Holy Angel didn't mind that as she looked at him with panic.

"What's wrong Rafaela?" He asked, trying to get a sense of the situation. He knows that the Holy Angel doesn't go into a panicked state for nothing. He saw her take a deep breath.

"A-Argus has awakened in full strength." She exclaimed as she gestured towards her left hand that had a star in the middle, glowing immense purple. "H-he... wasn't supposed to be at full power this quickly. Something is up..!"

Tigreal frowned. He knew that this wasn't supposed to happen as well as he was the one who requested the council that they would send the Hunter's Guild to deal with him while he was in his weakened state. It wasn't the best course of action but they needed every soldier in the war so he had to make do and hope that whatever the Hunter's Guild sent would dispatch him off.

But hearing that the fallen angel was at full power...

He closed his eyes in regret for what he had done. He had essentially sent whoever that the guild has sent to their grave unless they would do something about it. "Okay, looks I have to make some calls to delay my entrance of the war. Tell someone to prepare a horse for me, looks like we need to go there fast." He told her, making her nod slightly yet still didn't clear the worry on her face.

"What will happen on the people that you had sent for this job?" She asked as he wore his armor. "Is it too late to recall them on that mission?"

He sighed as he grabbed his sword and placed it on its sheath. "I hope not. But if they are there..." He closed his eyes, not wanting to finish the sentence as he left the room, feeling quite angry for himself for not preparing at all for this underlooming threat and had passed it along to others that he knew they can't handle a full powered version of it.

After all, that Fallen Angel was almost the reason that he died in action before he was commander till Rafaela had sealed him off with her powers but it took a major toll to do so. The warrior had gave a small prayer to the ones that the council had hired and hoped that they would survive.


"Looks like we are here at the site..." Alucard muttered as they were on top a huge hill, seeing purple miasma cover the valley in a thick cloud that they can barely even see what is under there. "It seems that the activity has increased from the angel."

The wolf huntress gulped as she felt the dark miasma wavered across the spot they were at, feeling the despair and hate from the miasma. "This.. looks really..unnerving in a way." She said, not in her usual tone.

Alucard looked at her in concern as she was shivering slightly, feeling the nervousment and fear from her. He grabbed her left shoulder, making her eyes widened slightly as she looked at him. She saw the concern in his eyes as he squeezed her shoulder in comfort.

"Look, if you think that you aren't ready for this, you can stay away from here and let me handle it." He said, smiling slightly. "You already proved enough that you can be my partner but there are times that I have to fly solo if you aren't ready." He said as he stroked her blonde hair, making her cheeks red slightly before huffing in a sense of bravado.

"I already told you that I need to prove myself! I won't just back down and face you off something that I know you can't handle, numbskull!" She exclaimed, returning back to her fiery tone before changing her expression into a gentle one. "Besides, you told me that you will protect me no matter what... and.. I want to return the same favor."

She gave a cheeky smile. "Besides, if you run towards that, better be damned you are fast enough for me not to chase you and beat whatever you were fighting!" She finished, making him smile as he saw that she wasn't nervous anymore, replacing with the usual confidence that she holds everytime.

He looked back at the valley as the dark miasma seemed to grow bigger. A frown on his lips as he felt that something was not right about this as he had his gauntlet on the hilt of his sword.

"C'mon, let's go check this out and finish the mission." He replied simply, feeling unnerved by the miasma for the same reason. It didn't feel right and it shouldn't be this strong...

..he had one assumption in his mind and he hopes that he was wrong about this as the two hunters went in the valley to face the Fallen Angel within the purple miasma.


The miasma gotten darker as the two had dived deep in the valley, looking at the carnage that the fallen angel had done in the midst of the purple fog. Ruby stayed close to the demon hunter as she kept her eyes peeled for any movement that was apparent in the area while Alucard faced on other directions that she couldn't cover, trying to see around despite the miasma blocking his vision.

"This shouldn't be this strong..." He thought as they crossed a bridge that was spared from the destruction as they looked around the rubble that was from a couple of houses that were in the area. Both hunters had their guard up as they paced slower, threading lightly as they approached an open space inside the valley.

Suddenly, Ruby's eyes widened as her heightened senses heard a flap of wings coming at them as they entered the clearing with huge amount of dark energy she felt that was similar to the Wolf King that she had slaughtered. "Alucard, behind us!" The wolf huntress exclaimed as she prepared her scythe immediately while the demon hunter turned around with his sword in alarm.

But nothing came.

Beads of sweat on their foreheads as both of them placed their backs together, their respective weapons on their hands as they kept their eyes peeled on any movement inside the miasma. The wolf huntress held her ground, keeping her senses sharp as she heard the wings flap distantly near them, almost as if it was stalking them.

"Alucard... someone is definitely near us... toying with us." She whispered to him her tone in panic, making him grip the hilt of his sword even tighter. He was keeping his nerves in check as he glared at the miasma cloud. Both hunters steadied their footing as they simply stand still, looking for the angel that was beyond their vision, only to be detected by Ruby's enhanced hearing.

Suddenly, a huge amount of energy was felt by the wolf huntress, making her eyes widened as she shoved Alucard away as she jumped to the side. A huge purple beam went in between them quick, clearing some of the miasma in its wake. As the beam disappeared, the demon hunter quickly activated his powers and swung his sword, shooting off a red attack wave at the direction where the beam was sent, clearing the miasma on its way as the two hunters saw a shadowy figure in the mist.

A small explosion was heard as Alucard stood up in front of Ruby, who was at his side at the time, in a protective stance with his eyes colored red. "Ruby, where he is now?" He asked, urgency filled his voice. The wolf huntress' head darted around before pointing upwards.

"Going down here!" She exclaimed, making Alucard swing his sword upward. Two swords clashed that the force of the two swings cleared off the fog as the demon hunter gritted his teeth from the counter force he felt against the opponent's sword.

But as the miasma cleared, the two hunters saw what the fallen angel had looked like. He had a black armor with a reddish sheen on it with green outlines on its chest, claws and helmet with dark purple wings expanded on its back. Its sword had a long dark blade with a green outline of the edge of the blade as it clashed with Alucard's long sword.

"You... are in my way..." The angel exclaimed in an eerie, demonic voice as it quickly retracted his sword before swinging it again at Alucard's, causing the demon hunter to yell in pain as he felt the force go to his arms. "You...are far too weak to even face me..."

"Get off him!" Ruby yelled as she swung her scythe at the fallen angel enhanced with her Wolf Pact. The angel simply blocked the swing with its left arm, causing her eyes to widened at how it was easy to block it.

"You.. are especially.. even weaker.." The angel exclaimed before the demon hunter yelled as he got off the position he was at, going back to Ruby's side with a defensive stance. His arms was shaking from the impact earlier as he gritted his teeth in pain.

"Fall back Ruby!" He yelled, making the wolf huntress snap from her shock as she ducked, avoiding a slash from the angel. Using her instincts and athletic ability, she managed to weave and dodge all the lethal slashes before managing to come by Alucard's side.

The angel stopped, flying over them passively as if looking down on them. "You... two... are not capable of fighting me at my full power.." It said as its sword started glowing dark purple, a surge of dark energy appeared on the blade. "Begone..!"

The fallen angel swung its blade, causing a purple attack wave to launch towards the hunters. Both of them glanced at each other before nodding as they swung their respective weapons, creating a yellow and red attack wave that collided with the purple one, cancelling it out.

Alucard smirked as he got into his initial stance. "You might say that we are weak..." He trailed off, looking at the wolf huntress with an expecting glance.

Ruby got into her stance as well with the same smile on her face, feeling courageous as they blocked that attack wave. "But you haven't seen anything yet!" She finished as the two jumped at the fallen angel, who still haven't moved from its spot.

"Futile.." The angel exclaimed as it blocked both attacks by its sword but it was noticably pushed back by the force of the two swings. Alucard swung his sword once more towards the helmet as Ruby swung at it's midsection but the angel blocked the blows with his sword and claw.

It replied with a couple of slashes at both of the hunters, who dodged its attacks narrowly as with each slash seemed to double in speed. Alucard blocked one of its slash as Ruby ducked under, swinging her scythe at the angel. The angel dodged the swing but it didn't noticed a yellow wave coming out of it, hitting it head on the helmet, making it stagger back slightly making the demon hunter take advantage of the opening by swinging his sword furiously on the fallen angel's chest plate, causing sparks to fly with each slash.

Energy started to flow again on the angel's sword as the demon hunter kept on hacking at it, hoping that he was dealing damage to it. Ruby noticed the glow on the fallen angel sword, her eyes widening as it swung it at Alucard, who got blasted off the angel's front in an instant as the attack wave connected his body.

"Alucard!" She yelled in worry as she jumped towards her fallen comrade but was intercept as another green beam almost hit her mid jump. Ruby looked at the angel, still floating impassively without any scratch on its armor as its sword was still glowing bright green, menacingly shining at the wolf huntress.

"Begone." The fallen angel exclaimed firmly as it swung his sword, launching an attack wave of green towards the wolf huntress. Ruby quickly jumped out the way as the angel started to barrage her with attack waves, each wave getting closer and closer to hit the wolf huntress, who struggled to maintain her footing from the multitude of attacks.

Ruby panted as she saw the fallen angel charging another attack wave on its sword, glowing even brighter than before. She gritted her teeth as her hands tightened around her scythe, glaring menacingly at the angel with her red eyes. The fallen angel didn't seemed to be threatened by that however as it swung its blade at her, launching a bigger attack wave that was bigger than anything it sent before.

The wolf huntress swung her scythe as she launched an attack wave, smaller than the one the angel has sent. It didn't even do anything to slow it down as it collided, only for the bigger wave to plow through it as if it was nothing. Her eyes widened in surprise that her attack didn't do anything as she was about to get hit with that wave.

However, a red flash appeared in front of her, a battered Alucard managed to be in front of her as his sword was glowing dark red. He swung his sword, blocking the attack wave from harming the wolf huntress before yelling loudly as he reflected the blast upward with a red slash. The projectile moved upwards out of sight as he was panting from the effort he did, his trench coat ripped in some areas from the previous blast he took.

"..you won't hurt her!" He exclaimed as he swung his sword once more, launching another attack wave towards the fallen angel. The fallen angel simply deflected the attack with its sword, causing the attack to fly through the air in another direction before exploding into the mountain side.

"Alucard, are you okay?" Ruby asked in concern as she kept her scythe near her as she saw the demon hunter panting, his legs shaking as he kept his guard up. Blood trickled from his forehead as he kept his eyes at the angel in front of him, his dark red eyes glaring at the opponent.

"I am fine." He replied as he kept his focus on the fallen angel, who was floating impassively near them. "How about you? You almost got hit there."

The wolf huntress eyes' sank dejectedly as she felt powerless. Her hits barely even do anything to the fallen angel, let alone can reflect the blasts that it sents towards her. She has to rely on her speed to dodge the waves, although barely. Her hands were pale as she gripped her scythe, mad at herself that she couldn't really do much damage against the angel.

"Look, don't doubt yourself now." Alucard's words snapped her out of her self doubt as she saw him give a small smile at her despite the condition of his face was. "I believe you can do it... no, we can do it! We are gonna survive and beat this bastard to the next dimension!"

Words of encouragement filled her veins once more, making her nod as she returned back to her determined look. She cursed herself for having too much doubt of herself that she would have jeoprodized the mission, gripping her scythe even tighter.

"I need to be faster...!" She muttered to herself as Alucard yelled, jumping towards the fallen angel with his sword in an overhead swing. The fallen angel quickly blocked the strike before swinging back at the demon hunter, who dodged before spinning around, swinging his sword on the opposite direction of his initial strike, slashing the fallen angel on the chest once more.

"I need to be stronger!"

The angel didn't flinch whatsoever as it grabbed Alucard's normal hand tightly, causing his eyes to widened before screaming in pain as he felt its sword stabbed on his right shoulder, making him let go of the sword. Then, the angel threw him downward down the earth below, trying to smack him down towards the earth.

Her eyes looked at him in panic as she saw the scene unfold. It felt like slow motion as her eyes looked at him slowly fall down from the angel's throw, her feet instantly went into motion in hopes of catching him. Alucard closed his eyes as he prepared himself to take another blow.

But he never hit the ground.

The demon hunter's eyes widened as he felt a pair of hands grabbed him on his back, slightly struggling from his weight as he felt the slight shiver and pants. He looked upward to see Ruby holding him up, her usual dark red eyes were now pitch black with a red slash lining on it. His sword clattered on the ground as Ruby lifted him up to his feet, wincing slightly.

"Damn, I never practiced this because I fear that I would get too feral..." She muttered, her voice never changed as he would expect from changing into her Wolf Pact mode. "But seeing you almost hit the damn ground changed my mind."

He took a good look at her for a moment, a dark purple aura covered her body as her scythe had morphed into a different shape. A black metal handle with a golden piece attaching to the rest of the blade, which had more black metal with a purple gem lined with gold. The blade had changed from silver to a bluish metal that he never had seen before.

It also made her feel more regal and mature as if there was a different Ruby standing in front of him. He smiled slightly as he winced, feeling his right shoulder in pain as it slowly regenerates from the Demon Pact. The new and improved wolf huntress looked at him with a bit of concern before looking back at the fallen angel, who was still flying impassively.

"I remember that you asked me how I defeated the Wolf King at a young age right?" She asked, gripping her scythe with one hand as she let the blade go towards the ground. "Well, you are about to see a power that I intentionally held back because I never wanted to hurt anyone else with it... but for you.. I had the right mental aptitude to finally do it."

She smiled a bit. "Probably with this, I could have beaten you in one of our spars but I was just too scared to use it." She explained before her eyes narrowed towards the fallen angel, her smile disappearing. "But now, I really wanna smash that guy!"

She disappeared in a dark purple flash, appearing behind the fallen angel. With a battle yell, she swung her scythe at the back of the angel, causing it to try and turn to block the hit. However, she was simply too fast as she connected the hit, causing the angel to blow forwards from the force she placed on the hit. Her blade was covered in a purple area as she swung instantaneously, causing a purple attack wave to spawn and launch towards the angel, who got hit by the wave.

Alucard saw the angel flew towards the valley edges, hitting it as huge, tumbling rocks fell on to it. He smiled at the power that Ruby was using as he had always believed that she was holding something back but he never made mention of it as he felt that he was pressuring her too much if he did. But seeing her now had gave a proud feeling in his heart as he grabbed his sword, fully intending to follow with the shift of momentum.

A bright green dispersed all the rocks that covered it, The fallen angel flew back into the sky, dashing towards the purple aura covered Ruby. It swung its sword, launching several attack waves as it thrust its sword. Ruby twirled her scythe, blocking all the waves yet knocking her back, causing her to avoid the sword thrust. The wolf huntress growled as she felt some pain on blocking the attack as she went back on the offensive, disappearing in another purple flash beside the angel. She swung her scythe at it in a wide arc, causing it to block the blow with small difficulty as it was slightly pushed back. But it didn't notice a wave of red energy slam behind its body, causing it to fly foward before Ruby flashed in front of it, knocking it on the opposite direction with the blunt side of her scythe like a baseball bat.

Alucard approahed it behind, and with a yell, did an overhead smash on the fallen angel. The angel plummeted downward to the ground with an enormous thud, slight rumbling of the ground as the two hunter swung their respective weapons, launching their respective attack waves on it while it was down. An explosion occured as the two landed back on to the ground, their stance not slacking as they knew that it wasn't over.

A bright green light emerged from the explosion cloud as the fallen angel dashed at them so quick that they didn't react, getting slashed on the back with its sword with just one swing. Both yelled in pain as the angel's body glowed green, its armor chinked and battered yet is still in good condition as the Alucard gritted his teeth and retaliated by swinging his sword at it but it parried with a surprising amount of force that his weapon got knocked away from his hands, blown away in a far away from the area.

"Good attempt but you still are far too weak..." It breathed out as its left claw started glowing bright green, swinging it at the demon hunter's stomach. Alucard gasped as he felt the wind getting knocked out of him before the he got hit by the same claw with tremendous amounts of force, knocking him off far away from the wolf huntress.

Ruby groaned as she struggled to maintain her footing, the slash she took dealt more damage that she thought as she looked in front of her. The fallen angel shimmering in green glow as it neared her, its sword glowing menacingly once more. She growled as she swung her scythe yet with less power as she was still recovering from the blow her took earlier but the angel simply blocked it.

"You... sure had surprised me...." The fallen angel's voice echoing on her ears as she swung again, trying to find a way to deal with the angel but it simply blocked her attempt agaim. "But no matter.. I, Argus, will reign surperior in this battle.."

Ruby growled more ferally as her eye started to morph again, the slash marks now well defined as the purple aura that surronded her body started to become more defined and more saturated. Her scythe glowed an ominious black aura around its blade as she swung once more.

"You will not win!" Her voice turning even more deeper and feral as she swung her scythe again at a speed that the fallen angel couldn't respond, getting hit in the helmet with a tremendous amount of force that it cracked it as Argus was launched in the air by the swing.

The wolf huntress wasn't done yet as she screamed a feral roar, her scythe swung like a hook that made the fallen angel forced to get closer to her before she span around with the scythe, making it feel the full brunt of the spin as the blade was slowly getting darker, charging up energy as she jumped after spinning, kicking it in the helmet and using it as a spring board to go up in the air.

"Die!" With that yell, she swung her scythe, causing a massive black wave to be launched at Argus. The fallen angel's sword glowed as it swung, blocking the wave yet it was slowly getting pushed back by the sheer power the wave held. Argus' form glowed even brighter as it's sword grew in length as it kept on pushing back against the wave of purple energy.

Yet he wasn't given the chance to do it as Ruby appeared above it, the blade of her scythe still having the ominious black aura as she swung, causing another massive attack wave that it couldn't block. The explosion sent the wolf huntress flying through the air but with a smile on her face before she landed, her clothes slightly singed yet ripped in some areas, showing her mid riff with a horizantal wound that was from the slash they took earlier.

Her eyes went back to the normal emerald color as she panted, feeling most of her energy drained from that last set of attacks she had done. The adrenaline wore off as she clutched her stomach, wincing as she still felt the slash done to her earlier. She scanned the area with worry for the demon hunter as she hasn't seen him up yet. Ruby was about to go look for it but she felt a sharp pain on her stomach, her eyes widening as she felt something pierce it.

"You... have pushed me... because I doubted your power..." A chilling voice she heard near her as the sword twisted against her stomach, making her scream in pain as she felt herself being lifted up in the air by the sword alone. "I never knew... that someone could hold one of the Dark Pacts well... at your level..."

She felt another surge of pain as the fallen angel grabbed her hair, pulling it backward as she felt her back getting lodged further in the sword. Tears starting to form in her eyes from the pain and disappointment as she couldn't move her hands at all, her scythe on the ground as she was at the mercy of the angel. She felt another dense of energy being charged up from the the back of her head.

"But... this is the end of the line..." Argus exclaimed as the glow started to even brighter. The wolf huntress closed her eyes, preparing for her inevitable downfall as she felt the energy slowly wavering on the back of her skull.

"I am sorry Alucard... I disappointed you..." She thought. "All I wanted is to be your partner... your equal... but..." A tear left her eyes face as it dropped to the ground. "I couldn't be the one that could save the day despite how bleak the situation can be.. and now.. we are both gonna die.."

Suddenly, the wolf huntress sensed a huge amount of energy coming their way. Her eyes widened as she felt it quite familiar yet with a distinct change on it before she felt the energy that was on the back of her skull suddenly stopped as she felt like someone else had grabbed her body. She weakly opened her eyes to see the person that she never thought would have seen again.

It was Alucard, his body waftered with the purple energy that seems to manifest on his entire body. His body had no signs of being battered at all as if he just was here. The differences were noticable as his eyes were in a shade of purple with a continious sparks of light within them as if she was staring at a picture of a galaxy.

It was something that she never felt before yet she felt safe in his arms as if being in his presence simply making her body more relaxed despite having a sword lodged into her stomach. She coughed slightly, her pale face garnering a concerned look from the demon hunter.

"Look, this will hurt." He said as he grabbed the sword that was stuck on her stomach before pulling it out quickly, making her gasp in pain as she clutched her wound as he dropped the sword to the ground, making it clatter on the ground harmlessly. "I am sorry that it took so long, getting hit on the damn mountain side took a damn while to get back my senses."

His left hand suddenly shot up to her wound, some energy from him suddenly wavered from him to the gaping wound. She felt the energy closing up her wound, healing it as the demon hunter kept his eyes on it, focusing on distributing his energy on it. After a couple of moments, he let out a sigh of relief with a smile on his face. She touched her mid riff and saw that the wound was healed completely, without a scar or anything.

"H-how?" She asked in shock before he let her stood up, albeit shakingly, on her feet. "Y-you never had that before... unless you didn't mention it to me till now?"

Alucard sighed as he grabbed his sword from his sheath, revealing a brand new sword that was completely different from the old one. It had a bigger blade that was rectangular in shape with some gold lined up on the bottom of the blade. Some patterns etched on the blade in the black metal part of it with a gem glowing dark blue. (2) "It is a lot more complicated that you think. I'll explain it later when we beat this fallen angel."

His eyes narrowed as if he felt someone coming close to them, preparing his sword in a defensive stance in front of Ruby. "But for now... stand back. I am not telling you this because you'll be a burden of this fight. I am telling you this because you might get hurt more as I am uncertain on what I can actually do." He explained, making her sigh as she nodded. She couldn't fight anymore with the condition she was at anyways, her power completely drained from the last onslaught she did.

"Take him down for me, okay?" She said before leaning forward, pecking his right cheek that made him gawk at the action. With a small red flush on her cheeks, she jumped away from the area as quickly as she could for her safety and embarrassment before he could even utter something back.

Alucard's cheeks were slightly red before he shook his head, deciding that he can always ask later. Purple energy fizzled on his blade as he saw the fallen angel descend to the ground, swordless. It's armor cracked in many areas and its helmet was battered with green lines filling up the cracks. It didn't looked amuse as it extended its right claw, making the sword glow before it flew onto its owner's hands.

"You... hunters have become more of a nuisance..." Argus exclaimed as its sword glowed a brighter green once more. "You just won't stay down..."

Alucard couldn't help but smirk. "That is what you get for underestimating me and my partner. I can defintely say she did a number on you but I am here now to finish you off." He replied. The fallen angel went silent as its body started to glow bright green as the purple miasma had appeared once more, covering the area in the thick cloud of mist.

"You will pay." Argus promised as it suddenly disappeared in a flash of green. Alucard looked undettered as he swung his sword behind him, blocking the sword blow that was aiming for his neck with ease. The fallen angel quickly followed it up with a couple more slashes that the demon hunter blocked as well with little effort as the fallen angel seemed to get even more strong with its blows.

Yet Alucard didn't simply defended as he span around with his blade, causing Argus to jump back before it did a sword thrust. The demon hunter dodged the thrust before delivering a smash at the fallen angel's body, causing it to get hit but it stood its ground, not minding that it got slashed as it delivered another slash towards his head.

He ducked, dodging the slash as Argus started to come back with a flurry of strikes. Alucard came out unscathed as he managed to block the slashes yet with difficulty as he felt the angel was seemingly getting stronger, the glow on its body started to be even brighter as its sword swings gotten faster.

"Damn it, even with the power I got bestowed with, it can still keep up..!" He thought blocking a set of slashes before returning with a winded up slash that made Argus jump away in a flash. "I have to end this now before it gets the upper hand!"

The gem on his sword started to glow brighter as he exerted more energy on to it. "Time to kick it to overdrive!" He yelled as he suddenly disappeared in a black flash as the fallen angel tried to slash from behind. Argus got immediately slashed in the front with a blade before another black flash happened, slashing him in the back.

Black sword-like projectiles suddenly appeared in thin air as he continued his barrage, slashing the fallen angel while dashing on a random location next to it, not letting it recover as the projectiles started to grow more and more. He saw Argus' armor breaking apart, showing off some demonic skin as he kept his sword barrage up, staggering it and not letting it teleport out of there.

With one final slash, he held his sword on its blade with both hands. "Demonic Chaos Pact - Phantom Rush." He exclaimed as the numerous projectiles dived in at Argus, exploding on its body without any delay. The demon hunter panted as he felt the backlash of his new powers, feeling the drain as he looked at the smoke of the explosion. He saw no movement within the smoke, making him smile as he finally done it.

Then, he felt something above him as he jumped back, nearly avoided a sword to his head. His eyes narrowed as he saw Argus, armor completely gone. It showed a dark grey skin with the green markings like his armor yet the demon hunter felt the power oozing off of it. Alucard saw his eyes, a pair of slits glaring at him menacingly as it had its sword on its right claw.

"You broke my armor..." It muttered, barely being heard by the demon hunter as he kept his eyes on the angel, who seemed to be radiating more and more green and purple energy. "You have broken something... precious to me... and I will make you pay..."

He raised an eyebrow as he prepared his sword up in an offensive stance. "I don't get what are you saying about-" His eyes widened as he brung up his sword in a defensive position, feeling a sword swing that almost hit him. He saw green ooze dripping on the angel's sword as the two went on a stalemate, neither one backing down.

"You have broken... a gift that was from my old friend.." The angel exclaimed in anger as it pushed harder, making Alucard grit his teeth as he tried to push back against the force. "Yet this means I will make things hard for you...!"

Argus disappeared in a green flash. With his newfound powers, the demon hunter dodged a slash before parrying the other one as he kept his footing straight. The fallen angel started to become quicker, probably because it doesn't have anymore extra weight weighing it down, as it started to overwhelm Alucard with its newfound speed.

"Tch... you really are such a bitch to take down!" Alucard yelled frustatingly as he redoubled his efforts, putting more purple energy into his swings as he kept dueling with the angel. Argus didn't reply as it kept the tempo up, forcing the demon hunter to stay on defense as its manic swings kept on going faster and faster.

"You won't match my efforts..." It replied as it suddenly froze for one moment, sword shining brightly that blinded the demon hunter's eyes. "Heaven's Punishment."

Alucard yelled in pain as he felt twenty slashes on his body all the sudden in quick succession, opening his eyes to see the fallen angel preparing another strike on his body. He managed to block that hit as he exhaled, feeling the purple energy in his body working on his open wounds before he returning a strike of his own with a wide swing.

Argus jumped back, using its swings to lessen momentum before his sword shone brightly once more, forcing Alucard to flinch from the brightness. "Heaven's Punishment."

More slashes suddenly felt by the demon hunter as he coughed out blood before he gritted his teeth as he still stood on his legs. The slash marks that were afflicted on his skin started to heal as he kept his stance up, thinking as he kept his guard up against the angel.

"Pathetic... you have been pushed back hopelessly to try and defend my attacks?" It said as its sword started to glow brightly once more. "You are healing fast as my attacks go but I know it isn't limitless. You are lucky that you kept your guard up against the vital points of your body or you have been dead."

"You really had been talkative when you are off your armor, huh?" Alucard quipped as the wounds closed up, indicating that he was fully healed. "Guess you needed some open air rather than secluding yourself on your damn precious armor."

He saw the angel glare at him, feeling an aura of anger from the angel. He smirked inwardly as he felt that it was the only thing the angel had cared about for some reason and used it to strike a nerve, hoping that it would get blinded by its emotions and get sluggish. It was his style of fighting anyways, taunting the enemy as it goes while capitalizing on it. He just couldn't use it before as he had thought that the damn thing was emotionless.

The fallen angel dived in with its sword, trying to slash his head off from the comment he did. He leaned back as he brought his sword up, blocking strikes that would either hit his stomach or his legs as he focused maintaining his energy. He knows that he needed an opening and capitalize on it with a huge blow as the angel doesn't have its armor anymore, thinking that he can finally hurt it or kill it.

He parried a slash as he feinted a strike, making it try and parry that fake blow. He grinned as he tried to slash its midsection yet it dodged the slash narrowly before continuing on its onslaught. It forced the demon hunter to be back on the defense again as the multiple strikes tried to break his guard but he managed to steel himself through.

It's sword shone brightly once more, blinding him as the fallen angel went for another Heaven's Punishment. A yell of pain was heard as Alucard took the hits once more yet he powered through it and slashed right in front of him. He felt the blade pierce something as he looked in front of him, seeing his blade pierce its left arm.

Argus recoiled back as it let its left arm bleed, showing off purple goo on the battlefield. Taking advantage of it's momentary weakness, he charged his weapon up with more purple energy, gathering up on the tip of his blade.

"Demonic Chaos Pact - Fission Wave!" He yelled, swinging his blade to shoot up a huge, multi-colored attack wave that was flying towards the fallen angel. "One big hit is better than lots of small hits bitch!"

The wave collided with the fallen angel, making it the first time that Alucard heard it scream in pain. The unholy screams that was emitting from the fallen angel's mouth made him unnerve as he shivered slightly from the screams before the explosion waftered throughout the field, causing debris and miasma to fly off in different directions. Alucard breathed out a sigh in relief as he felt that it was finally over, slacking his form as he felt really drained from the fight.

"You think that I was done..?" The angel's voice echoed through the valley, making the demon hunter's eyes widened as he turned around to where the explosion was at. It was Argus, flying at the sky with his wings spread out once more, flapping as its sword was glowing a dark purple color. All the green glow of his body suddenly changed into purple as its eyes glared at the demon hunter.

"The Seal of Caligo prevents me from dying....." It said as a black aura covered its entire body. "The entity of my being has always been to extinguish evil to the day I die... and now.. thanks to the power of the Dark Lord, I can live forever to slay humanity at his command!"

It chuckled omniously as Alucard tried to lift his sword but he was too exhausted. All the purple energy that he used was too much and he only small amount left to do another Fission Wave. Yet seeing that his opponent still pretty much battle ready had made him feel hopeless and hearing that it cannot die had spiraled his hopes in a downhill.

"No, it must be bluffing... there must be a way to beat this thing." He thought as he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, trying to remember the words of his informant. "He says that the Holy Angel and TIgreal beat this thing with the use of a seal... yet that is out of the question as me and Ruby don't know anything about sealing.."

He sighed as he exhaled, calming himself down as he felt some of the purple energy through his veins. "Well, I have to figure something out or else... there is no back in this!"

He charged at the fallen angel with a mighty yell, swinging his sword up in an overhead smash. It blocked the strike as the interaction caused the area to blow up some force in the air as the two started to fight once again, but this time Argus is pretty much fully healed and cannot die against a tired and battered Alucard running low in purple energy.

He shifted his position in the air as he did a swipe at the angel's head, trying to cut at its neck but it simply swayed back with its supreme mobility in the air. Argus returned the strike with one of his own, making the demon hunter dodge as he landed back to the ground. Swiftly, it swung its sword, spawning a couple of small purple attack waves at the demon hunter.

Spinning around, he destroyed all of the attack waves with ease as the fallen angel landed on to the ground with its sword glowing brightly. His eyes widened as he prepared back in a defensive stance, preparing himself to take another salvo of Heaven's Punishment yet Argus had other ideas. It vanished in thin air as it appeared above Alucard, its sword suddenly increased in length with a purple aura roaring wildly on it.

"You say that one big hit is better than small hits..." It exclaimed as the sword kept growing bigger and bigger, almost the size of a tree. "Well then, you will take this!"

Energy charged through the sword as the purple miasma around the area suddenly sucked into the sword, causing it to keep on growing continiously. Alucard's eyes widened as he prepared to attack the fallen angel as he channeled energy on to its sword but he saw the angel was flying way above his reach.

"Shit..." The demon hunter exclaimed angrily as he charged power into his sword, knowing that the only way that he can survive this is to take it head on despite how undesirable the result it can be. His sword channeled the last remaining purple energy he had as he was gonna use everything he got in hopes of trying to block the attack.

"Fall against the darkness!" Argus yelled as it swung its sword, the size as huge of a building, as a massive attack wave the size of the building launched at the demon hunter. Alucard yelled as he swung his sword, intercepting the blast as the sheer energy of the wave started to break the ground, valley walls and the rest of the rubble that was present in the area.

He held his ground, his arms already being strained to the maximum point as he kept the blast from hitting the ground. He kept charging more and more energy to the blade as much he can muster, desparately trying to hold up against the blast. His sleeves of his trench coat ripping apart, showing his bulging muscles on his arms as he kept up the power against the blast.

"Ruby.. I hope you are at a safe place.. because I might not be able to deflect this blast at all.." He thought to himself as he kept up against the stalemate, mustering up all the power that he could yet in the back of his mind, he knows he couldn't. "But I am not giving up without a fight!"

Yet he heard a familiar yell across the battlefield. He glanced to the side, eyes widening to see Ruby on his side with her Wolf Pact form up, blocking the blast with him. She yelled ferally as she kept her own stand against the blast, trying to do what Alucard was doing.

"R-Ruby! What the heck are you doing here?" He asked in shock and anger as he kept his ground up, letting the wave of energy not budge an inch. "I told you to go to a safe place!"

"Nothing is safe here anymore and you know that Alucard!" She yelled back as she channeled more of her energy, her scythe glowing purple as she redoubled her efforts on blocking the blast. "Besides, what better way to finish this damn angel is sending this thing back at it! If we die here, we might as well die together!"

He saw her smile slightly as tears left her eyes. "I...am willing to die for my partner... just as long as we can beat this thing...! I...I... won't leave you alone and face your doom alone! We...we have a damn chance damn it! Don't give up!" She exclaimed as she yelled once more, channeling more energy as the blast continued to try and hit the two hunters.

Alucard closed his eyes, a smile graced his lips as some tears left his eyes. His emotions staggered from a touched moment to unwavering determination as her declaration suddenly sparked something within him...

"To call upon my power, you must want it... you must dream it... the power of Chaos that will guide your way!"

"To march forward despite things might go bleak...!" He chanted as he felt more purple energy course to his veins that he never had before. "To let those desires turn into something that spirals weakness to strength...!"

His energy wavered to Ruby as well, covering her body with the same aura that he was feeling. Her eyes changed into the same color of Alucard's, her eyes glowing in the same galaxy-like seeting as the two hunters both yelled.

"...and break the limits to win!" Both hunters yelled in synchonization as their respective weapons glowed purple, suddenly swinging the blast slowly upwards. Argus noticed this and pushed more power into the blast, trying to overwhelm the hunters before they counter it yet it was all for naught, the attack wave getting pushed back further as the two hunters were continously powered up by the purple energy...

...and managed to reflect it back with a swing of their weapons.

Argus' eyes widened as it tried to fly away but to no avail. It got hit full on with the blast as its pained screams were heard once more, its body being disintegrated with the full blast fueled with purple energy at its body. No more of its body seen as the blast died out, leaving the two hunters panting on the ground with their clothes torn in different areas, their bodies sore and battered.

Ruby panted as she laid on the ground next to Alucard, who was sitting instead. The purple aura that wavered on thier bodies had left them, leaving them empty as the two hunters simply enjoyed the miasma-less yet destroyed silent valley.

Suddenly, Ruby spoke up. "So.. how much pay do we even get from this if I may ask?"

"About three million gold... I think."

Ruby closed her eyes with a satisfied smile on her face. "Damn... well, guess we should just buy a damn cottage somewhere and rest in peace without thinking of dying anytime soon." She joked, making the demon hunter laugh.

"I guess we should." He replied before laying down with her, feeling the exhaustion of his body taking a toll on him. "We definitely need a break from this.."

He felt Ruby clutch her arm against her body, her warmth against his that would have made him shocked yet he was simply too tired to do so. "Yeah.. we definitely should." She whispered before she yawned.

The two hunters closed their eyes as exhaustion took over them, leaving them asleep in peace in a ruined battle field that almost had cost them their lives. They didn't notice some traces of miasma flying across the sky towards an unknown location.


"Tigreal." Rafaela called him out as they were trekking across the foresty path as fast as they could to beat the fallen angel. "The seal in my hand.. is gone.."

The warrior eyed at her oddly as he looked at her hand, seeing the seal that was supposed to indicate the fallen angel breaking is now gone. His eyes widened at this before looking ahead of them, seeing a brief flash of light that went towards the sky till it disappeared after a couple seconds.

Both of them kept their gaze up in the sky in shock before Tigreal smiled. "Guess you had pull through Alucard." He thought proudly of the ex-member of the order. "You always were full of surprises."

"We must go there now to see their conditions Tigreal." The holy angel insisted yet there was a smile of relief in her face. "And probably figure out how they had done this."

He nodded as he willed the horse to move as the two continued rushing to the valley for them to know what truly happened.


"Argus has been eliminated..."

In an unknown location where only a red light was seen visible. There was a thin man with purple hair, pale skin with a grey tone and wearing a purple shorts with a shadowy spear on his right hand. The figure was kneeling on the ground like a servant as he was waiting for something.

"That Argus..." A womanly voice filled the room in anger. "Gets eliminated when I sped up his recovery! Damn his arrogance!"

The room shook a bit from the volume of power that suddenly felt around the room yet the figure maintained his ground, still kneeling as if he didn't notice the room shaking.

"I want you to monitor who had done it! They can be potentially deadly to our plans when we do war against the Dawn Army. I want all of their information by the end of this month, Moskov!" The womanly voice ordered.

"As you wish, madam." He responded before he did a hand gesture, the red light disappeared in the room in an instant. The figure called Moskov suddenly looked around the room, checking if anyone was there before disappearing in a shadowy mist