With Cage saying he was dating, she wasn't as safe as before, but no one would be able to find her because he didn't leave any clues. She rubbed the back of her neck nervously and went about shopping for supplies.
"Hello!" she heard someone call her. The voice was high pitched, sounding extremely excited about something. She looked up in confusion and saw a girl from the group of people who were staring at her earlier. Katherine blinked, confused by the situation.
Bringing herself back to reality, she looked at the girl carefully. She looked to be a eighteen or nineteen, short brown hair and average height. The girl had an eager smile as she placed her hand on Katherine's forearm. Katherine looked down at the hand in slight alarm and gave a nervous smile.
"Hi?" she replied awkwardly, trying to figure out how she knew this girl. She simply couldn't place the face, though. "Do I know you?"