
Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

[COMPLETED] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "We could be louder," he whispered in a raspy voice. She shook with need and was about to turn when he clucked his tongue. "Ah, ah, ah, don't do that. I'll see you later, little girl." And with that, he vanished. - - - - Cage was at the top of the world: the emperor of the film industry. But it is truly lonely at the top. Surrounded by staff members who want him to work to his bones and no one to lean on, Cage turns to gaming. In such dire times, he stumbles across a mysterious female gamer who leaves him speechless and aroused at the same time. Graphic designer and fangirl extraordinaire, Katherine, finds a gamer who outshines her. In this world there was someone like this? All she can do is acknowledge his brilliance. [Take my bow, Senpai. You have eaten my gold.] But why does this message sound so… provocative? A series of lecherous conversations turn into something deeper, until one day the two fall irrevocably in love with each other. “Hey, let’s fall in love...” Follow them as they traverse through life and the hardships that are thrown at them. Who knows, maybe us single dogs can learn a thing or two. - - - - - "My little loli likes to watch? What a naughty little girl." She was embarrassed that she was caught and mortified by the voice of the man she recognized as ‘him’. What was he doing here? She started to turn around, but he grasped her shoulder so she couldn't move. "No, let's watch." His breath was at her ear, fire lapping at her nerves, singeing and burning her insides, making a pleasant feeling erupt in her stomach. His arm snaked around her shoulder and grabbed her hand while his other hand slid down to her sides until it rested on her hip. He was not pressing himself into her, but she felt completely engulfed by him. She knew she should scream, or stomp on his foot, but all she could do was listen to his breathing escalate as his thumb rubbed her shoulder, putting her in a stupor. She thought she heard him sniff her hair and his lips lightly grazed her ears as he whispered. "Don't miss the show because of me, little girl." Her eyes flickered back to the couple in the car, and she let out a whimper as she saw the man pull at the woman's hair, baring her beck to him, inviting his mouth to lick and suck. She felt ‘him’ close the gap between them, his hard body pressed up against hers, his arms tightly holding her. There was no mistaking what she felt on her lower back and she closed her eyes in delight. - - - - - Read my other works: 1. Cornered by the CEO - Complete 2. Autopsy of a Mind - Complete 3. The Story of Blood and Roses - Complete 4. Phoenix in the Moonlight - Hiatus Story Discord: https://discord.gg/bG7YsaRRbs Author Instagram: @sunscar9

SunScar9 · Ciudad
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340 Chs


"You are doing this to make me give up, aren't you?" he said sheepishly but she shook her head.

"No. You are a good guy, Nathaniel, but I have sworn to be the Lord's bride." She looked at him with what seemed like a regretful expression and told him further. "I'm sorry. I told you that you would hate me." She pouted, raising one lip and making a sad face at the boy in front of her, further pulling his leg. "Do you hate me?"

"No. No!" he screamed. "I don't hate you. I didn't know you were this passionate about your religion. You look like a chill girl." He sounded devastated and he didn't mind a single bit.

"I am a chill girl." She confirmed in a low voice. The people around them had slowly dispersed and the cleaners were just about to come in and sweep them out.

"I mean… did Jonathan do that to you?" he said in a low voice, helplessness and failure written clearly on his face.

"No. I just got closer to god." She could almost hear his thoughts. 'Poor girl,' he would think. 'She lost her mind over a cheating boyfriend.' And she was fine with that. As long as he would stay away from her.

The man departed, leaving the two friends at the movie theatre.

"I didn't know you were celibate," Angelina laughed, surprised as hell.

"There is a lot you don't know about me, sister. Wouldn't you like to know?" she made a come-hither motion which made Angelina throw her head back in laughter.

"I thought you would hit it off with him if you met him outside the bar where there were multiple beautiful women to distract him, but it seems that your standards are too high. You are after my man!" she said amusedly.

"Says the woman who will buy the DVD just so that she can turn to that part and fiddle with their diddle while watching their man on the screen." It was surprising how easily it came from her mouth. How had she become so okay with Cage Cavanaugh talking to Angelina? She knew that was not the case, but she wouldn't mind. She wondered what had brought on the change.

She turned to her phone and saw a message from her game app. She quickly opened it and saw a long message from her one and only RayKon53.

[RayKon53: I'm on my flight back to City H. You would be surprised to know that I was thinking about you throughout the night. I had the strangest dream.]

'Tell me,' she thought. Wondering what it would be.

[I met a psychic who said that my dream girl was around the corner and that she could crash into my universe and gain ownership over it at any second.]

Did he mean her? How she wished to be the master of his universe. How she wished she could shoot into his life and blind him for a second before showing him the world in multicolour… colors he had never imagined before.

[I didn't believe her at first. But then I slowly recognized your presence. I couldn't see your face, but I imagine you as a faceless woman whose voice I recognized in one go.]

Others would have been infuriated that he had imagined her as faceless, but Katherine saw it as a compliment. He couldn't see her face, but he recognized her voice, the essence of her being.

[It was truly amazing. I looked at you and remember thinking you were so beautiful. I couldn't breathe. I was a thrall to you.]

'As I am a thrall to your words, kind sir.'

[Your honeyed voice rang in my ears coaxing me to hold your hand and take you to the park.]

She burst out into a peal of laughter. He had really taken her loli act and made a fantasy out of it, it seemed. She grew excited at the prospect of reading further.

[Things took a strange turn from there. And I am ashamed to say this, but I must confess my sins to you, I saw you doing wicked things.]

'Confess to me, why don't you. I want to hear the poisons that fill your words and the unfathomable psyche that produces such a weird image of a person they had never met before.'

[With a bounce in your step, you wanted to go to a yoga class with me. I was surprised, but always wanting to please my little girl, I took you to the one I knew. The class consisted of only us and no one else.]

Her breath hitched as she read the words. Had he written out his fantasy in this form and sent it to her. She almost looked forward to such an occasion.

[The trainer, a female, gently steadied the arch of your back and told you to breathe properly and I remember feeling rage that she had touched you when I so wished that I could.]

She stopped and took a breath. 'Would you be that sour if another human would touch me? What makes you so possessive of one, you elusive one.'

[You were calm and collected, doing your thing, bending your body in ways I didn't know was possible. I leaned in closer to you and whispered in your ear to make you stop but you didn't listen. You tempt me so, my love. You tempt me.]

She was in the car, sitting right beside Angelina, who was staring at her weirdly, but she didn't mind the soft sigh that escaped her lips. She breathed, once again, taking a moment to collect herself and read further.

[Now, tell me. Is my dream ever going to come true? Would you let your trainer touch you and let me fume in the corner? What is your favorite position.]

Author missed yesterday's update because the internet was acting up. I have seen your comments and love and felt warm.

But we are down to 170. Nuuuuu. Use all your powerstones and leave your comments to pray for this story. (To make up for the missed update. I update once more today. Now comment, slave!)

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