
Chapter 10 : Chris’ POV

"It's been a while since I last visit Pedrell City. Should I stay here for a few days here?"

I pass through the gate check with no problem and rent a room in the Adventurer Guild. I think it's been almost half a year since I last came here?

This town is as lively as ever, I think my time here will be enjoyable as well.

"For now, I'm going to sightsee to see if there's anything that changes here. After that I will have a drink in the guild and maybe visit the local bar."

Drinking in the guild is fun and all but I can't go pick somebody up there. The male adventurer is too rough for my taste and although I rarely see it, sometimes there's female adventurer too but they are too strong willed. Picking up people for one night stand in the adventurer guild is a lost cause.

I want to enjoy the town both during the day and during the night. Yes, especially for the night. I don't mind whether it's a man or woman as long they look gentle and soft.

"Just a little bit of drinking won't hurt."

If I remember correctly, there's a bar just across the street. Let's go there.

"Good afternoon Master, it's been a while."

I approach the bar counter and greets the guild master. He's currently on bar duty.

"Yo Lightning Twin Sword Chris. So you're still alive."

"Geez, please don't call me by that name. Why did I receive such embarrassing nickname when I reached A-rank..sigh.."

Please stop calling me that, it's embarrassing.

The Adventurer Guild's Master in Pedrell city is actually a former S-rank adventurer, Crimson Red Malik. He's really a formidable adventurer back when he was still active.

"Haha, just give it up. Your nickname is already widely known. Are you going to stay for long here?"

"Yes, I'm going to stay for a while. Ah, can I have sake please? So, is there's anything that changed since the last time I went here?"

I sit down on the chair in front of Master. I don't need that kind of nickname, it'd be better if I'm not famous.

"What's happening right now in Pedrell is that we have an otherworlder living here now."

Suddenly, a woman in her 20ish sits next to me. She keep her gaze on Master but she's talking to me. Perhaps, she can be my companion tonight?

But what about the otherworlder hm?

"Here you go."

Master come back to give me my drink and leave the two of us alone.

"Hello there beautiful lady. My name is Chris, may I be honored to know your name?"

"Fufufu, I know about you. You're famous. My name is Zhanna. Nice to meet you, Chris."

I will forget her name tomorrow so it doesn't really matter to me actually. Her face and her style is quite good. Yes, she's good enough to be my companion tonight.

"Then Zhanna, can you tell me more about this otherworlder? It's been a while since I last came back so I'm afraid I'm a little bit out of date."

"The otherworlder hmm, he has been living in Pedrell for about a month. He's under Malik-san's wing, I often see him in the guild or in the market."

Ah, what a lucky guy. The first person that picked him up was Master. If he was picked up by some shady guy, it'd be literal living hell for him.

"I see, what kind of a person is he? I've met an otherworlder too before, I wonder whether they look alike or not."

"He has the rare black hair and black eyes. From what I heard, he's actually of legal age. 20? Or 21? I don't really remember but if you see him directly you won't believe it since he looks so small and frail like a young girl. Oh he's also very soft spoken and very pretty. Malik-san adopted him as his son and is veery overprotective over him."

Oh, even though it's faint I can see she's feeling envious toward the otherworlder. Anyway, I really wonder what he actually looks like, especially since Master took him as his son.

"Hm, thank you for telling me. Now, can you tell me more about yourself? I wish to get closer to you~"

Since it seems like there's no other interesting things in particular, I diverse the conversation to her instead. I entwine my fingers with her and lean closer.

Almost immediately, her eyes darken and she leans back to me.

Yes, I have found a partner for tonight indeed.

Master, please stop looking at me with such cold eyes~


"Ah-ah! Hng..! M-More!"

"Like this? Or.. like this? Ngh!"

"Ah, ahn! So good! Ah! Chris!"

The bed creaks with every pounds I thrust into her. The room is filled with obscene sounds of our moan and the smell of sweat.

I keep thrusting into her with vigor. As she tightened around me, I can feel I'm closer to my peak.


"Ah! Yes, I-I'm close too."

"Ah! Hnmgg!"

Just when I'm about to come, I take my cock out and splutter my come over her stomach. Even though I know she won't get pregnant, I still don't want to come inside her.

"Aww, why did you come outside?"

"Because it's a pain to scoop it out. If I let it out outside, I can just use [Clean] and there. In a blink of an eye it's already clean."

I use [Clean] to clean up after my semen. She came really quick though well, it's not like I didn't enjoy it but it was so-so.

I want go into the shower and wash myself quickly..

"Zhanna, I'm going to have a shower now."

"Chris, you wrung me out. Won't you cuddle with me more?"

"Well if you insist.."

What a troublesome woman. So clingy after sex. Did I choose the wrong partner? Well it doesn't really matter.

"I will shower later then."

"Let's shower together, Chris~"

"Nope, I'm going to shower alone."

Now she's asking me to shower together. Ah so troublesome, won't she just hurry up and leave already?

"Fine, go shower then."


Finally I head to the shower.

Ah really, I hate it when people get clingy after sex.

I turn the shower head and start to think on what should I do after this.

I don't know whether Zhanna has a house in Pedrell or she also rent a room in the inn like me but I will escort her back soon after I shower. After that, I will have some meal in the guild and search for the available quest here.

I think the quest reception counter is only open until 18 o'clock? Ah that means I have to wait until tomorrow to take one then..

"Hm? You're still not dressed yet? I'm going to leave soon you know~"

I already finished showering and Zhanna is still here, butt naked.

"Eh? I thought I can stay overnight?"

"Nope, I'm hungry so I want to grab some food."

She planned on staying here??

Ahh, I knew it was a mistake to bring her here..

"Is that so? Then wait a moment, I will get dressed up first."

"Okay~ Hurry up please~"

Hmm, what should I have for dinner?

"I'm done. Let's go."

Wow, so quick. In just a few minutes she already finished dressing up. Amazing.


She links her arm around me as we descend into the first floor. Ah so dangerous, I'm this close to push her off the stairs.

When we reach the bulletin board, there's still one guild staff in the counter.

"Ah thank god you're still open. Is there any good quest available?"

"Hmm let's see.. There's Calhea Meadow subjugation quest that just arrived today."

Ah Calhea..

I always take it every year, should I also take it again this year?

Since I'm already here maybe I should? After that I can go to the capital as well.

"Hmm, should I take it..?"

"Eh.. Chris you're going to take Calhea quest too? Why don't you join my party then? I'm an adventurer too, you know."

"Why should I?"

"Why?? Didn't you say you want to know me better??"

"Did I say something like that?~"

"You did! You wanted to get close to me, right?!"

"Ah yes I did. I wanted to know your body better now that I know it, I've lost interest in you."

"You! Just because you're handsome you think you can make a fool out of me?!"

She swing her hand and just before she slapped me, I hold her wrist to stop her.

"Oops. Thank you for your compliment but if you decided to go physical on me, I won't hold back you know ~ Just for your information I'm already A-rank, are you sure you want to continue this?"

So dangerous, I almost got slapped.

If someone is about to hurt me, it's natural for me to defend myself, right?

In the first place, I only said 'I want to know you better', I didn't say that I like her.

Why would she think I want to be together with her?

Wow, her face is so red! It's amazing how her face can become that red.

"I've had enough!!"

Zhana finally leave me, she stomps her foot as she walk furiously.

"Wow, she's so aggressive. Ah, I'm sorry I showed you something unsightly."

I turn my head and apologized to the adventurer here. I hope I didn't make them lose their appetite.

"Ah, Chris you really.."

"He is the enemy of all woman.."

"But Chris goes both ways. Shouldn't he become the enemy of the whole world?"

"You guys are so rude. That woman aside, I always pick my partner carefully you know. I only go for the loose kind. It's not my fault that she is too stupid to know her own worth."

The other patron started to criticize me, so rude. Though I don't really mind it, as long my lower half is satiated.

"You know, that female adventurer is the leader from a B-rank party you know. Aah as expected from the A-rank adventurer, to pick a fight against someone in her caliber."

"Uwah, that's her? The Casablanca's princess? Is there going to be a fight between B-rank princess and A-rank prince then?"

"Hahhaa what are you talking about!"

Hmm, so she is someone troublesome. Well there's nothing I can do now.

From the start, I don't think she's that strong. She must be leeching off her party, that's why she's able to reach B-rank. Maybe the reason she asked me to join her party was so she can make me become one of her pawn too? Who would want to join such troublesome party?

"Fufu, I'm already A-rank so I won't lose that easily you know~ I'm going to put a good fight if that really happen. Anyway, I heard Master adopted an otherworlder?"

"That's right! He's a babe I tell you, a total babe!"

"Ahh, he's also really polite and gentle."

"Despite his young appearance, he's actually 21 years old. He looks young, extremely cute, very polite too. It's given a lot of people is trying to court him but Malik-san is keeping a close eye on him like a hawk so until now, there's no one able to ask him out."

"Even Tord? He's really quick on his feet, right?"

"Ah well as for Tord, it's impossible for him because of other reason. Hahaha!"

Everyone started to talk at the same time, this otherworlder must be really popular.

"I wonder if I can meet with him soon? I can't wait for it~"

"Chris! You! Don't even think about it!"

"W-what?! Don't you dare play with Ren's heart!"

Geez, so rude. Just what kind of person do you guys think I am?


Last night, everyone continued to drink until night. After that they went back to their own room to sleep, including me.

"Ah that's right, I haven't taken Calhea Meadow quest. Ah it's because that girl suddenly put up an act like that.."

I retrieve a bundle of clothes from my magic bag and hurriedly change my clothes.

"It's been a while since I'm able to rest properly in the city, it feels really good."

After I finish changing, I started to comb my hair. When I was out on a mission, I didn't have the luxury to maintain my hair, since I can relax now, I'm going to comb it properly.


I go down to the reception counter and I see Master sitting there.

"Good morning, may I register for a quest now?"

"Ooh, Chris. Did you do something yesterday?"

Hm? Yesterday?

I put my elbow down on the table and lean on it.

"Hmm~ I don't know what you're talking about~"

"You haven't changed at all huh. I'm talking about Zhanna."

"Ah right, that girl huh.."

Ugh that self proclaimed princess. Since I have limited amount of memory, I tend to avoid remembering such useless things. I almost forgot her name if Master didn't mention her.

"Chris, one day you will surely get killed… Ah well, which quest do you want to take?"

Kill me? Her? There's no way someone like her able to even to land a hit on me. If it were someone from S-rank or A-rank that might be possible.

"Yes, I want to take the Calhea request. I'm planning to leave in 3 days, please help me with the administration work."

"Ah if it's Chris then it's no problem! Please take out your guild card."

I take out my guild so Master can process my quest.

"Ren? What's wrong? Do you need something?"

After Malik-san done processing my request, he calls out to someone behind me. Is that the person that I felt earlier?

When I was talking with Malik-san I felt someone watching me from that table, at first I thought he might be spying on me but turns out he's only waiting for me to finish my business with Malik-san.

I stand up from the chair and make space for that person.

I look up to that person and I see a beautiful boy looking at me. He has black hair and black eyes, is he the infamous otherworlder?

Wow, he is small. He has a really beautiful face, I can see why even the girls can be jealous of him. His lips is so plump too, kissing him would feel really good~

He's exactly like my type~

"Umm, Tord-san told me about Calhea request and I planned on taking it.."

"Really? Well I just happened to take the same request as well. Do you want to go together with me?"

Even though he is this small, he's an adventurer? Unbelievable.

Going together with him will benefit me more since I can approach him easily that way.

He seems like the innocent type, so he might be cautious of me. I can't approach him carelessly like I did to all my previous one night stand.

Aah but please don't get attached to me when I'm done with you~

"Hmm, I think it's good for you to experience different kind of quest. Okay, go for it, Ren."

It's his first subjugation quest? Wow.

Malik-san is surprisingly a doting parent huh~ To never let him take subjugation quest before..

"Chris, this is Len, he is an otherworlder and also my son. He has high amount of magical power but his only forte is support magic. Would you mind escorting Ren to Calhea? It's fine if you guys go on your own ways when you reach Calhea."

Oho, I was right. He is Master's son.

He can use the rare support magic? Amazing.

Ah but he can't do anything else but support magic eh. Understandable, I doubt he can swing a sword. He looks so frail.

"Ah, the infamous son. Sure, I don't mind."

Since Malik-san the one that asks me to accompany him, it will be easier for me to get closer to him~ Nice~

"Nice to meet you, my name is Christian Hast. Please call me Chris. Once again I will ask you, would you like to go to Calhea together with me?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ren Himukya Cleva. Please call me Ren. Of course, but since I'm an otherworlder, there are lot of things that I don't understand, if you're willing I'm more than happy to receive your guidance."


Despite his frail physique, he seems very determined. I can see from the way he speaks, even though he speaks in a gentle manner, he's a hard worker.

"What a well mannered child. Shall we have a seat and have a small talk?"


Since we're going to spend a few days together, I would like to get to know his personality more.

I casually slide my hand on his back and escorts him to the nearest table.

Wow, his waist is really small.

I've never had anyone this petite before~

"I plan on leaving in 3 days by horse. What about you, Ren-chan? Are you going to rent a horse as well?"

"Ah, I'm sorry but I can't ride a horse. I planned on going by foot actually.."

He can't ride a horse huh.

Even though he's an adventurer.. He might be even more sheltered than I thought..

"Is that so. Then let's ride together but the horse will get tired easily with two people so it will take longer for us to reach Calhea. Probably around one day and an half?"

"Eh? But I would feel bad if I were to intrude on you.."

"I already told Malik-san that I will accompany you. Besides, it's not a problem for me to ride with you."

"Eh? But I would feel bad if I were to intrude on you.."

He's hesitating, was I too forward?

But Malik-san was the one that put him in my care so it should alright, right?

"I already told Malik-san that I will accompany you. Besides, it's not a problem for me to ride with you."

That's right~ It's not a problem at all~

Rather than that, when I winked at Ren-chan that cat beastman suddenly glared at me with killing intent but I choose to ignore him. It should be fine ~

"Then, I will be in your care if it's alright with you."

"Yes, I would be pleased if we can go together. This is your first time doing subjugation quest, right? And you specialize in support magic,right? I will count on you for giving me buff magic, please. As for restoration magic, I doubt I will get any injury during the quest but if I do, I will be in your care as well."

There's only small fry in Calhea but who knows~ Better to prepare just in case anything unexpected happened~

"Yes! I'm an F-rank though so my experience is still lacking but I will do my best!"


Ah how nostalgic~ F-rank huh~

I become an adventurer right after I graduated from school.. I think I was 15 years old back then?

But I become E-rank after a week.

"Ah F-rank huh, you're really a beginner huh. How nostalgic~ As for me, I'm A-rank. I've heard from the rumour that Malik-san is really protective over his son, now I understand why though, you're too cute for your own good."

Really Malik-san, has he been making Ren-chan to take only simple quest all these time?

He's too protective.

"I didn't realize there's such rumour going on. It is true that Malik-san is really concerned about me but I don't think he's too protective."

No Ren-chan, Master is definitely too protective…

"But Ren-chan, despite your young appearance you're already over 18 years old, right? You look so young and so adorable too. Of course it's normal for Ren-chan's papa to be protective. I'm the first person that he approves, right?"

Calling Master 'papa' really doesn't suit Master's image at all but it suits Ren-chan more to call his father 'papa'~

"Maybe it's also because I only able to use support magic. Nevertheless I'm going to do my best so I won't worry Malik-san too much!"

I don't think that's the only reason Ren-chan..

"Yes, you can't keep on hiding behind your papa's back. If Ren-chan cannot prove yourself, I doubt your papa will allow you to bring your lovers home. Ah but that kind of thing is still way too early for Ren-chan huh~"

That's right.

I honestly think that it's not good for the child's development if they stay cooped up under their parent's wing.

Though I do have another ulterior motives for Ren-chan~ I wish we can get to know together in a more intimate way~

Ah but I guess if it's Ren-chan I might have to wait for a couple of years~

He's too innocent~

"Umm, actually I'm 21 years old. Back in my previous world, I've had girlfriend before and I also lived alone. So I don't think it's too soon for me.."

He has lived alone before?!

Furthermore, a girlfriend?!

"Oh is that so? I can't see it at all~ But are you sure it's not a 'boyfriend' instead? Because Ren-chan you're so small and cute like this."

"Well back in my previous world, my height is actually the average and the girls are around 160cm too. Though back when I was dating, I just went along with the flow actually."


In Alsar, there's no adult woman with that height. Well there are some who are only 170cm tall but those are rare case.

If the standard height for woman is 160cm, then that means it's normal for Ren-chan to have a girlfriend then.

Since Ren-chan said he had a girlfriend before that means he's experienced in 'that' area, right?

Then it should be alright for me to have a taste too right~

"Back to the quest. I plan to leave in the morning, is that alright for you, Ren-chan?"

"Ah yes, I don't mind. But ever since I came here I never travel that far before. I've only taken quests near Pedrell so I don't know what kind of preparations I should do."

He never travelled before?!

Even in his previous world?!

What kind of live has he been living all these time!?

"I see, then shall we go shopping together tomorrow? We only need a day and a half to reach Calhea Meadow and there's also village there so we don't need to buy much though."

Let's get familiar with each other soon, Ren-chan~

At first I thought it would be impossible for me to get close to the infamous otherworlder since he's Master's son but I guess I still have some hope~

Perhaps, not only just one night stand.. We might even become sex friends?

Ah that sounds nice~

Well since we're going to be together for at least 1 week, let's how things proceed~

I made a promise with Ren-chan to meet up with him later and then we bid our goodbye.


Character's Introduction!


Age : 24 years old

Height : 188cm

Eye color : Red

Hair color : Red

The leader of Casablanca, a party of B-rank adventurers. She has curly thick hair. She is spoiled rotten by her party member. She is interested in Chris since Chris is handsome and popular.