
Chapter 6

The celebration had already begun by the time we arrive at the grand hall. There is music and dancing inside the hall and outside it in the garden that surrounded the hall. Everyone seemed to be having a good time except Michael. He looked miserable and guilty sitting at one of the tables in front of the hall. As usually he was surrounded by many omega females who were fawning all over him.

"Why does your adopted brother look so miserable?" Sindri asks me mentally. It was something I didn't realize he could do on his own, and I almost tripped with shock.

"Maybe he feels guilty for poisoning me or maybe because at one point in time he had his mind set on being my mate. Who honestly knows what's going on in that head of his? It's a place I never wanted to venture," I sent to him as I stared at Michael.

Sindri chuckled as we passed Michael, I was unsure if it was because I almost tripped from shock or because of what I said. He removed his hand from mine and wrapped it around my waist as we entered the hall to find my father.

"Must you act like an overly protective mate?" I threw at Sindri mentally.

"Yes, it will help me to not only look like I'm love stricken, but I also genuinely enjoy having my hands around such a beautiful woman such as yourself," he taunted me.

My father was nowhere to be seen in the hall which I found strange. Many of his lieutenants were in the hall eating, dancing, flirting with unmated women, and celebrating with Sindri's man but my father was nowhere in sight. As I looked around at all the faces of my pack, I wondered how many wished me dead or gone.

Sindri tightened his arm around my waist as if he knew what I was wondering. "These asshats don't matter just keep your head up and this will all be over soon," Sindri tells me mentally as he puts his face in the crook of my neck and kisses me ever so gently making the hairs on my arms stand up.

"Get a room you two," Michael calls from behind us in a jealous voice.

"Is that how you really feal Michael? Should I take Sindri to my bed and let him be my first?" I spun around and questioned Michael.

"Don't play coy with me Andraya we all know you will open your legs for any man," He spat at me as his eyes turned red from his wolf pushing to the surface.

"You will not speak to my future mate in such a manner," Sindri hissed at Michael as he stepped in front of me as if to protect me.

Everyone in the room grew silent and several of Sindri's men came to stand at his side. Others including Ivar and Freyr formed a circle around me as if there was a fight about to break out and they had to make sure I was unharmed.

Growing aggravated with all the testosterone in the room I closed my eyes and called upon my power over the earth. The ground started shaking and caused a panic among everyone except Sindri's men. It was if they all knew I was the cause of the ground shaking, and they didn't fear it unlike the others.

"Enough!" I finally shouted at everyone as the ground kept shaking. "If you are all done with this damn pissing contest, I would like to enjoy my last night here without any bloodshed."

"What is all this about!" my father yelled as he made his way to stand in front of Michael. "Are we not meant to be celebrating?"

"Nothing, I was just joking with Andraya, and her future mate took it the wrong way," Michael explained with a smirk.

"You mean you were disrespecting my future mate and calling her a whore," Sindri corrected him.

"What's this?" my father asks as he turns and faces Michael. "Do you dare sully the name of my daughter and your sister in almost every way but blood? Do you mean to make her seem unworthy to her future mate?" my father questioned his eyes turning black with anger as his wolf pushes to the surface.

"No alpha," Michael bowed his head and bared his neck in submission.

"Well, we will discuss your foul mouth later Michael. For now, let's go back to celebrating and send Andraya off with nothing but happy memories," my father demanded as he motioned for the music to start back.

The celebration started back up and everyone went back to having fun. Sindri Ivar Freyr and I headed for the food and started filling our bellies. I watched as everyone partied and had a great time. The celebration lasted almost all night before people started to thin out and head for bed.

"I am tired and think I will go to bed now," I announced to everyone around me. "You guys have fun."

"May I walk with you?" Sindri asked me as he stood up and offered me his hand.

"That would be lovely," I agreed as I took his hand and let him help me up.

When we got to the door of my apartment Sindri stopped and looked at me like he was unsure of what to do. I reached for the doorknob to open the door but hesitated when I heard a noise inside my apartment. We both looked at each other and then at the door. I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination or if someone was in my room.

"Did you hear that?" Sindri asked confirming that I wasn't imagining things. "Are you expecting company at this hour?"

"No," I answered as I shook my head. "Something smells off though."

Sindri reached for the doorknob and turned it being as quiet as possible and slipped into my apartment. I wasn't sure if I should follow him or if I should wait to see what he discovered. A strange shiver went down my spine as he ventured further into my apartment until I was unable to see him.

Ivar and Freyr suddenly appeared at my side as if by magic. When I attempted to ask where they came from Freyr put his finger to my lips to stop me from talking. Ivar motioned something to Freyr and then entered my apartment quickly and quietly.

It felt like hours passed as I stood in the hallway waiting to see what was going on. Freyr stood beside me in a fighting stance as if he was ready to defend me at all costs. I was unsure what was happening, but one thing was for sure he wasn't about to let anything harm me.

"It's all clear!" yelled Ivar from inside my apartment.

Slowly me and Freyr entered my apartment and started turning on the lights in my living room area. I looked around to see if anything was out of place, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We walked into my bedroom, and it looked like a tornado has swept through it.

Sindri was standing by my bed with a look of confusion and disbelief on his face. As I got closer to him, I realized what he was staring at. There was a man lying face down on the ground unmoving. Unsure if he was alive or not, I knelt next the body and felt for a pulse.

"What are you doing?" Ivar demanded as he exited my closet.

"Seeing if he was alive," I responded in an aggravated voice. "He has a pulse, but it is not strong."

"Of course, he has a pulse I only knocked him out," Ivar responded

"What?" I practically screamed. "Can someone tell me what is going on and why my room looks like a freaking tornado went through it?"

"Ivar did it," Sindri tattled like a child who had been caught doing something they shouldn't.

"IVAR, did you create a freaking tornado in my bedroom?" I demanded turning to Ivar my eyes flashing purple and my heartbeat becoming erratic.

Freyr, and Sindri gasped at the same time and stepped back as if I scared them. As I stared at Ivar his eyes started to change also, they became a mixture of gold and purple. He bravely took a step toward me and held out his hands like he was trying to calm a wild animal.

"I did not create a tornado in your room," he began in a voice barely over a whisper. "Please little mouse do not let your anger consume you. The room was already in disarray when we came in here and found the man on the ground ransacking the place," Ivar explained as he stepped closer to me.

I took a few deep breathes trying to calm anger that I never let anyone see. My mother used to always tell me that if I let anyone see my anger, they would know how powerful I truly was. She had always warned me that it would either scare people or make them want to wield me as a tool like my father did. Before she disappeared, she made me promise to never let my father see the full extent of my power.

When I finally snapped back to the present Ivar was beside me rubbing my back. I blinked rapidly as my eyes started to change back to normal and my heartbeat slowed. My head started to spin, and I stated to feel myself weaken. I leaned against Ivar afraid I was about to fallout.

"Little mouse you need to lay down and rest we must soon leave this place," Ivar suggested to me as he scooped me up into his arms. He laid me on my bed and covered me up before sitting beside me.

"Freyr take the man into the living room and tie him up," Sindri commanded as he climbed on the bed on the other side of me. "We will be staying with you here tonight if that is ok with you."

I nodded and scooted closer to Sindri and cuddled up to him. When I was situated, Ivar laid down next to me on the bed and faced me. He continued to rub my back as I drifted off to sleep feeling safe between the two of them.