
Chapter 27-03

"Now can you tell me what's up with you and Zev?"

Layton's expression hardened and he was clenching his fists. He narrowed his eyes at me, which were turning from their grayish blue to a dark coal color. It was something else I had to ask him about. I briefly wondered if he angered so easily because he was a Werewolf.

"Why do you care so much for him?" Layton asked, looking like he'd just tasted something very unpleasant. Now more than ever I was curious to know what had caused Zev and Layton to stop being friends, especially if they were as close as the girls from History class had claimed they'd been.

"Zev's my friend. And I'm curious." I shrugged my shoulders, keeping a calm façade. I didn't want for him to think his actions were intimidating me.

"Your friendship is not what that bastard is after," Layton growled.

"Wow, you're mean. You know what, don't tell me anything."