
Alpha Xander Rebellious Mate

All Emerald Kingsley wanted was peace and quiet and eventually she got it but it was short lived as crises rose up in the werewolve's world and being the only one with the gift of a seer around her help is needed Going back home she finds out that the moon goddess mated her to the Lycan King but she wants nothing to do with him because she never wanted a mate but was this brute of an alpha king going to let the mate he has been waiting for for years off? No, he sets out to tame and win the heart of his wild mate

King_Victory_0020 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Not Human

" Come with me" Samantha finally gathered courage and blurt out what she really wants

" I ain't going no were" Emerald said " now if you have nothing important to say girl give me back my phone" she stretched out her hand

" No way" Samantha stomped her feet like a three year old throwing a tantrum

" Well you can go with it" Emerald turn her back on her niece and still lying on the floor she pretends to sleep by closing her eyes.

" Emerald" Samantha stomped her feet childishly then she remembered something and smiled " Blake will be there you know?"

Emerald jumped up on her feet quickly and faced her cousin " really" she asked with wide eyes

" Yup he will be there"

Before Samantha could complete her statement Emerald was already in her closet changing her clothes.

Samantha smiled thank God that she invited Blake. He was the second son of an Alpha and Emerald's best buddy since she came to Los Angeles five years ago.

The both of them bonded and became inseparable he was the only one that could get Emerald out of her room with just one phone call.

Within ten minutes Emerald came out of her bedroom and the both of them rushed out of the house into Samantha's sports car and they were on their way.

Samantha parked her car and the both of them came down and walked into the club. The club was buzzing with life and since it was already eleven in the night it was crowded and the party was already in full swing.

"Common girl they are up there at the VIPs bar let's go" Samantha's dragged Emerald along

When they go up a woman in tight short black gown, a gown that did nothing to cover her curves catwalked to them and blocked them from entering

" what the hell are you two doing here and who invited you?" She asked in a high pitched and annoying voice

" Not now bitch not now" Emerald was already not in the mood for partying but because her best buddy was here she decided to come.

Samantha walked to the girl's front " we haven't gotten the time for your shit today so move it Carly before am tempted to move you" she looked at her intimidatingly

" You think am intimidated? Girl you know nothing." Carly laughed

" Carlos you better come move your bitches ass or I might be tempted to do so for you" Samantha yelled at a man and the man rushed to them and dragged Carly away who gave them a dirty look before following her boyfriend.

Carlos was a werewolf like them while Carly was human and his girlfriend since he haven't found his mate. Emerald could have beaten her up a long time ago since they met in the university but she knew that Carly will die if she laid her hands on her and it was against their rule to kill a human. She didn't want to be killed because of a human as useless as Carly.

The werewolves mingled and live with humans and even worked with them but the humans were oblivious of the werewolves world.

" Common let's look for Blake" Samantha turn to look at her cousin but she was no where to be found she have already walked to where Blake was and the both of them were doing their buddy handshake.

Samantha rolled her eyes and walked to where they were. " Hi guys"

" Sam come sit with me" Damien one of her friends who has a huge crush on her showed smiled as he gestured with his hand for her to come to him.

Immediately Samantha sat down with him he handed her a cup filled with liquor and wrapped his hands around her.

" Why didn't you invite me for this party?" Emerald glared at her friend Blake

" Oops sorry I thought I did but buddy don't be mad at me huh?" He made puppy face at her

Emerald could never say no or stay angry at him when made his face like that for her " fine"

" Who is this hot ass girl?" A guy Emerald have never seen asked as he whistled. He is a human Emerald thought when she did not feel the presence of a wolf in him

" This is Emerald my friend and Emerald this is Zeke" Blake introduce

" Nice to meet you" Zeke stretched his hand out

He was too cute for this own good. Blonde slick hair, gray eyes, pointed nose and a full pale pink lips. He had a great body and Emerald knew that he do visit the gym. She was interested. " Nice to meet you too" she placed her hands in his

Zeke wrapped his large hands against her tiny one and drew her to him " you are beautiful"

For some reason Emerald didn't know she blushed. Zeke smirked at her when he saw her face turn red. Blake just smiled and walked away since his buddy was now occupied. He needs to find a girl for himself too.

" Sit with me baby girl" Zeke led her to a seat and the both of them sat down. He threw his hand around her shoulder.

" Guys let's do a competition, the last to drop the winner goes home with all the money. We are betting with two hundred dollars each so everyone bring out your money if you are interested"a guy sitting with the at the table said and everyone sat up

Emerald eyes sparkled she could use some alcohol and the money, great. Werewolf have a high degree of tolerance for alcohol and she won't get drunk easily. Zeke notice that she was paying attention and saw how her eyes sparkled when alcohol was mentioned

" a drinker huh?"

Emerald shrugged her shoulders " I don't get drunk easily I can hold my alcohol"

Zeke looked at her doubtfully she was a small woman he bet that she was just boasting. Emerald smiled when she saw the look in his eyes and knew that he did not believe her.

" Let's make a bet if I win every one of them here you will give a me hundred thousand dollars" Emerald smiled.

Time to make some cool money from the look of him she knew he was very rich and a hundred dollars was little change for him and if she adds it with the money they were betting it was a lot of money.

" And if you loose?" Zeke asked. he likes where this was leading to. A hundred thousand dollars he could give that to her.

" I will do anything you want"

Beauty. " One night with me if you loose" Zeke smirked

" Deal" Emerald agreed quickly she knew that she won't loose. Zeke looked at the tiny woman. She have too much confidence that she won't loose or did she want a night with him? He was handsome and girls do throw themselves on him was that what she was indirectly doing? It was going to be a long night.

"Hey count me in" Emerald said loudly above the music so that they can hear her

" Pls Emerald shouldn't join in this competition or am out " a guy said

" Me too" another said

" Me too" another guy added

" Oh pls don't be a chicken show me that you are men enough or are you guys scared of this little girl" Emerald said to provoke them so that they won't back out she needed that money even if she wasn't poor she loves money.

Zeke looked at his friends why were they backing out because of Emerald said she wanted to join in the competition? " Why are they backing out?" He asked the guy beside him.

" She is a good drinker and no one have been able to win her when it comes to drinking" the guy told Zeke

Zeke looked at the woman beside him He didn't quiet believe them. He wanted to see first since seeing is believing. He watched as all of them brought out their money and then they went to order drinks.

He wasn't a drinker if not he would have joined the competition. He couldn't even finish two bottles of beer without getting tipsy and his friends constantly teased him about it not that he cares at least he won't get drunk and misbehave.

"Let the game begin" Alex the guy who brought the idea about the competition said after the drinks have been brought to their table.

" Emerald always seem to win why? Why can't me that's a man win" a guy slurred

Everyone of them were already drunk but Emerald was still sitting calmly in her chair and drinking her alcohol like it was water.

Zeke was looking at her place with wide eyes she did not even look drunk. His friends were drinkers and do not get drunk easier but all of them were drunk and she was still calmly talking huge swing of her drink like it was water she even drank some alcohol stronger than beer.

" Stand up Emerald" he wanted to see if she will wobble or stagger

Emerald knew what Zeke was trying to do so to satisfy his curiousity and make him know that she was not drunk at all she stood up and walked to the other side of their table then back to him.

The way his eyes widen like they were about to pop out of their sockets made Emerald nearly laugh. Every human usually have that reaction anytime they saw her drink a large amounts of alcohol and not get drunk. Many of them have even asked her if she was human and her answer was always

" Of course am not human"