
ALPHA: The Undaunted Throne

A battle between clans is still held till this day. When the position for the top leader was open, they wasted no time and fought to death. After 25 years, the battle was still on. A mission was then placed under the family Park, mainly to the head of the clan. The task was to find take the heir of the enemy and kill them. But there was one problem: this clan had been long gone before the battle started. Hearing this news was a surprise. But the family accepted and went on for the search of the heir. No one knew where she is, or if she is still alive, but one thing is for sure: The fate of the throne lies upon what destiny will bring. Who will reign victor among the fable wolves?

AR_Phantom · Acción
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4 Chs



The night is young, the wind is cold and so is the antic chase happening along the streets.

The man was panting heavily, using his remaining strength to run as men in vehicles rush to him.

He kept moving from corner to corner, hoping that he will be spared and left alone.

But to his dismay, the vehicles manage to catch up.

Securing the case in his hands, he rushed to the left but to disappointment, it was a dead end.

"Stop tryin' to escape now, old man!" One of the men chasing him spoke as he jumps off his motorcycle.

The man was scared for his life. One of the men who jumped off instantly kicked the man, pushing him to the wall.

The man flinched in pain, the other men then surrounded him, trapping him to the edge.


"BE QUIET!" and kicked his gut. One of them grabbed him by the neck, chocking him completely.

"We were trying to be nice a while ago, but you insisted to do this the hard way. Now this time, you will talk and only talk correctly." His face went closer until they are only an inch away.

"Tell us, where is the f*cking girl?"

"I-I swear…I d-don't know what you're t-talking about…"

"Shut it, old man. Just tell the truth already. You're wasting everybody's time."

The man was shaking uncontrollably as several men surrounded him, with weapons in hand.

Surely 1 against many is considered a disadvantage.

"This f*cker won't budge! Let's just kill him!"

"N-No! Please, spare my life!" He kneeled in front of the men as he kept shaking in fear.

"What should we do boss? Shall we kill him?"

One of the men turned behind as he waits for his orders.

The man behind them was silent. Too much and people would think they are talking to themselves.

At the last straw of the ash, the man dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on as he walks towards the shaking man.

With eyes in contact with each other, the man raised his hand.

By his command, guns were fired and the shaking man now stood still.

After the mission, the leader proceeds to his car—driven by his driver, with his secretary reading the report in his hands.

"Give me all the records of that man tomorrow."


The car runs to a dark forest with motorcycles following at the back.

It was not the end, but was the start of the halted battle.




It was a lovely early afternoon at the estate where everyone is busy doing their daily tasks.


It was very peaceful. No chaos has caused for the past 12 hours. Everyone and everything are in its best order.

"DOMINIC!" That is, what we hoped this day will be.

The ranging voice swiftly opened the door using her mighty force as she continues to find the source of her attention.

"Didn't you hear me?! I've been calling for about 20 minutes already! Oh, hi Seo Jun!"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Anna." Seo Jun bowed at the lady as she replies with a smile.

"Dominic!" Then went back to the man in the swivel chair.

"I have no time for you tantrum. Leave."

The girl rolled her eyes and proceeds to go to his desk. She grabbed the papers from the man's hands as they both battle in glare.

"This can wait." She said and points at the papers. "Right now, there's a very important thing we have to do."

"You say that and in the next minutes we end up in a mall, shopping for your clothes, which I have nothing to do about."

"Well too bad, we're not going to the mall."

The man took off his glasses and rubbed the inner corners of his eyes as he proceeds to talk to his sister.

"This better be important, Anna."

"I assure you, this is one of those times where I took things very seriously."

"So, what's this 'important thing' you kept blabbering about?"

Anna went closer to Dominic and whispers in his ear.

"He's here." Her words quickly turned his eyes dark.

He's here. Finally.

"I apologize for the delay. We had a hard time briefing more information. The Moon's Intel was severely secured and we had to use other methods to have them."

"Give me." He orders and the man handed him a case filled with papers along with a USB and a memory card.

"These are all the information we managed to gather."

"Wow, you sure did a lot of digging. Surprised you weren't arrested." Anna said as she grabs one the papers from the folder.

"Anna, get out."

"Threaten me all you want, I'm not gonna leave."

To the other man's surprise, Dominic grabbed his gun and aimed it at Anna's forehead. "I said. Get. Out."

Anna stuck her tongue out to Dominic and jumped off the sofa. Before opening the door, Anna raised her middle finger directly to the man glaring at her.

When she left, he put the gun back to his pocket and stared at the man who was frozen.


The man snapped back and let out a few coughs before continuing their meeting.

"After finding all these information, we were also welcomed by another data." He opened his suitcase and gave Dominic a piece of paper.

"Those locations were the possible hideout of our target. We are not that sure where she is exactly, but our Intel explained that these locations were once stepped on by Moon Ae Ri. They figured that there is a possibility that she is hiding in on one of these places."

Dominic examined the paper and it showed five locations:






…All of these locations were abroad.

"Als---" Before the man could continue, a huge explosion occurred by the garden.

Dominic was quickly welcomed by firing bullets, to which he successfully avoided. Dragging the other man with him to get the suitcase, both ran to the hallways when the enemy jumped at Dominic.

They both fought hand-in-hand and Dominic won. The other man fired bullets behind Dominic, making sure to secure him as he fights.

Dominic ordered the man to go to the third floor, where his sister is, to make sure that there is someone to tail her down while he takes down the enemy.

He made it to the garden where men in black continuously attacked him. He managed to push them all to the ground in a few minutes.

The Park's head shall not be underestimated.

Finally ending the chaos, Dominic reached one of the men and grabbed him by the collar.

He looks at his batch and observed the emblem.

The Han's.

As he threw the man back to the ground, a surviving enemy managed to aim a gun at his head.

When Dominic was about to hit him, a bullet hit the man's head, causing him to fall to the ground.

Dominic turned to his side and saw Anna.

"You couldn't spare a man for me to kill? Seriously, how dare you?" She whined but Dominic didn't bother arguing back.

He called one of the servants and ordered to clean up the mess.

All is already familiar to the master's work. To them, this was nothing but a routine in the household.

No one dared question or talk behind his back. After all, they do not want to end up joining the corpses.

He is the don. All abide by his rules, and all follows.

"Those cruds, they destroyed the walls of my room." Anna complained as Seo Jun pours tea in her cup.

Anna stayed in Dominic's study as her room was under construction. Although it was not by Dominic's control, he has no choice but to let his sister stay in.

"Now I have to sleep on my other room."

"You have 6 rooms in this house, stop complaining."

Anna mimicked Dominic's reply but was caught by the man himself.

"Leave before I threw you off the window."

"You know Dominic, as much as I don't want to stay here with a jerk like you, I clearly have no choice. So shut up."

Dominic ignored his sister and continued reviewing the papers earlier given by Seo Jun.

"Book a flight to Denmark for tomorrow. Make sure to get the morning flight."

"Yes sir. I will contact the airline right away."

"I wanna go to." Anna interrupted.

"You can't."

"And why?"

"I forbid you."

"Geez, it's not like I'm gonna follow you whenever you go. Plus, I've never been to Denmark. It'll be a good vacation for me." Anna explains, emptying the cup.

"I won't allow you."

The answer infuriates the girl. She rolled her eyes to the man and walks out to the door. "I'm telling mother!"

After she left, Dominic leans on his chair and sighs deeply.

"Shall I add a ticket for the young miss?"

"Just do it." He knew that when the girl asks for her mother's consent, he will be forced to let her come.

"Sir, may I come in?" Seo Jun knocked on the door and waited for his master's command.


When Seo Jun enters, he is welcomed by Dominic and another companion inside his study.

"Good evening, Leader Yoon."

The Yoon Family's Head---Yoon Baek Hyeon, currently at the Park residence to discuss of a proposal regarding an important business.

Seo Jun bowed at the man and heads to Dominic to give the files that he needed.

"Bring us refreshments." Dominic ordered.

"It's alright leader Park, I won't be staying for long. Just a minor business to discuss."

Dominic gestures the secretary to leave them. When Seo Jun left, Yoon leans at the sofa and crossed his legs.

"What may be this minor business the leader Yoon would love to discuss?"

"I will be straight to the point." He said as he grabs a letter from his coat. He moved it towards the lad and leaned back.

"Regarding the situation you are currently holding, I have here a little contribution."