
ALPHA: The Undaunted Throne

A battle between clans is still held till this day. When the position for the top leader was open, they wasted no time and fought to death. After 25 years, the battle was still on. A mission was then placed under the family Park, mainly to the head of the clan. The task was to find take the heir of the enemy and kill them. But there was one problem: this clan had been long gone before the battle started. Hearing this news was a surprise. But the family accepted and went on for the search of the heir. No one knew where she is, or if she is still alive, but one thing is for sure: The fate of the throne lies upon what destiny will bring. Who will reign victor among the fable wolves?

AR_Phantom · Acción
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4 Chs



Alice Cheong dam---one of Korea's best places to drink if you ever feel like you want to get laid.

"Follow me sir." Aside from the wonderous image of the place, a lot of people surely enjoy going here.

As Dominic follows the woman, he is welcomed by a man in his late 20s.

"I was worried you wouldn't come." He said as he guides the man to his seat.

"Don't bribe my sister for this." Dominic said before lighting his cigarette.

"If it weren't for Anna, you wouldn't go. Ha Yoon was smart to think of asking Anna for help."

"Why does it sound like I'm dumb?" Ha Yoon elbowed Won Woo's arm, spilling the beer from his glass.

"The f*ck you did that for?!"

Before the fight could even start, a figure instantly smacked both their heads, making them stop and look away.

"These two…Seriously, how are we gonna have a single meeting without you two fighting?"

The two gave their reasons at the same time but was once again stopped by Serena.

"Start again and I will throw these bottles in your heads."

Once the fight ends, another figure spoke,

"Shall we start the real meeting now?"

When everyone gave their approval, the secret meeting officially commences.

Allow the audience to be introduced to everyone in this circle.

Dominic Park,

Gwang Ha Yoon,

Min Won Woo,

Serena Yoon,

And Yang Hyun Suk,

They are sole heirs of the five honorable clans of the Exodus Organization.

With Dominic already in charge of his family, he is not actually considered as an apparent heir, but rather in line with the current leaders.

However, being that his father is still alive, his title among the higher ups is still divided between heir and leader.

He is a Preliminary Head.

"What's your motive this time?" Dominic rested his head at the back of his hand, circling the glass as he took a small sip.

"I'm sure you've already heard it from my father," Serena replies. "About that little target you're so busy to track."

"Your assistance shall stay among yourselves. I will handle it on my own."

"You say that but it's been 5 months since you're looking. You usually won't let a mission last that long unless you are having a hard time." Hyun Suk added, opening his briefcase and showing the content to Dominic.

"While I was gathering information on my last mission, I happen to find this news article dated back 5 years ago."

Everyone then joined Dominic as he tries to pinpoint his evidence.

"If you look closely at this picture, you will see a picture of a woman over here at the back." He points out at a woman who was facing back, wearing a sleeveless crop top and a bucket hat.

"I don't get it, what's the point? We're not even sure of what she looks like." Won Woo said but Hyun Suk allowed himself to finish.

"As I was saying, take a closer look at her back." They observed her back and saw a small tattoo that was hard to guess what it looked like.

"I asked the Intel to help me uncover what the tattoo looked like, and…" He grabs a small picture on the case and placed it at the table for everyone to see.

"This tattoo represents the symbol of the Moon family."

As soon as its name was heard, everyone turned serious.

"A tattoo like this cannot be placed by random pick, after all, only us in the organization knows about this."

"This means that this girl may be the target that we've been looking for." Ha Yoon continued.

"Or if not, she may have a connection to the heir." Won Woo added.

"Then there's only one thing we need to do." Serena emptied her glass and place back to the table. "We have to know the whereabouts of that woman."

"The newspaper originates from Denmark. If lucky, we may have a high percent of locating her in that country." Hyun Suk explains.

"A member of the board also found traces of her within Denmark. According to him, before their disappearance, a trade between them and other illegal households were made within five places. First on the list being Denmark. It explains of their trade of illegalized weapons through the family Lee." Dominic explains further, going back a few days ago at the estate.

"If I am correct, Lee family is under the Moons, granting them the honor of being our enemy." Ha Yoon stated. Dominic nodded, confirming the statement.

As the meeting finally ends, Dominic gave one last order from the circle.

"We will go according to our pick. Best of ready for everyone."

"After at least three days, I want you to travel to Saudi for a transaction with an important client. I would not be attending so I want you to take my place."

"Understood sir. I have packed all your things as you asked, the driver is waiting for you outside." Seo Jun informs while Dominic was putting on his clothes.

Once he's done, he walks out of his room, to be followed by Soe Jun.

Dominic found his sister walking past him, occupied with her book.

"In a week, you may go."

"Got it."

Seo Jun bid the master goodbye as they head out of the estate. Anna observes by the window as her brother leave for the mission.

The car moves fast as roads were completely occupied of space. Once they made it past an entertainment building, Dominic ordered his driver to turn the car to a dark alleyway. Along with that, a car was heading straight towards them

The transaction was fast, and Dominic managed to switch to the other car, driving at the exact spot where they entered.

The driver moves to a random location, where a decoy is set to act according to orders.

A few hours pass and he is now at the airport.

He got out of the car and locked it after getting his luggage. He threw the keys by the trash in secret before heading to the entrance.

At last, he is on his way to Denmark.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking…"

It was a quiet flight, only children's loud cries and adults complaining to staffs about the wrong drink they gave. Indeed, he has to stay low.

Along with the keys, he also threw his phone to avoid suspicion among enemies. He quietly placed it under the seats to make sure that it will be hard to search. Although, the phone contained nothing but a tracker.

He will buy a new one after he lands.

When it was time of arrival, everyone quickly grabbed their luggage and into the gates they go.

As for Dominic, he was welcomed by a man dressed like he had just gotten out of vacation in Hawaii.

"Dominic! My nephew! How are you doing!?" He hugged Dominic as tight as he could.

"You're drunk again."

"Nonsense!" It was a lie. He could smell the strong liquor from his breath. He must have drunk while he was waiting. But of course, he is used to his uncle being drunkard.

They headed to his vehicle, which turned out to be his old motorcycle that he treasures like a baby.

"I have a luggage."

"That's not a problem, ma boy."

Hiding himself in embarrassment, Dominic ride behind his uncle while the suitcase is being rolled on the ground, his uncle slowing a bit so that the wheels won't break.

He told his uncle a while ago that he'll just take a taxi but the old man was persistent, now going back to the present, Dominic is not alright.

"Dominic! You are here!" His aunt welcomed him and gave him a big hug.

"I'm so sorry for Eustace's trouble. I told him grab the car but he insisted that he will ride with a motor. He even drank a whole bottle before leaving."

"We're fine, honey. Look, we didn't di--"


The couple fought in front of Dominic, without wanting to interrupt, he went straight to the kitchen and opened the faucet.

As the water overflows, a small canal formed between the kitchen sink all the way to the cooking area, and then, Dominic fell in the hole.

Landing safely using his skills, he went straight to a door where his eyes, tongue, fingerprint, and voice were needed.

"Pet a random kettle."

The door opens, revealing a big room full of weapons and monitors. Intel's running around until they finally saw the guest at the door.

"Leader Park! A pleasure to greet you, sir!"

Dominic walked towards the middle where he is confronted by what he guesses, the co-leader of this platform.

"Ma Seok Ho, it is an honor greeting you, leader Park." Seok Ho greeted, bowing at the man.

"Discuss. What did he tell you?"

"Yes, sir. According to Mr. Ka…"

"Here, have some tea. You must be exhausted in your flight."

"Honey, me to---"

"Aye, shut it! You drink water!" Na Bi shouted, as she poured warm water on the man's glass.

Park Na Bi, Dominic's aunt and his father's sister. She is currently living with her husband, Eustace Hillner, and their two children, currently away for college.

"I heard the news, the Moon is present."

"We are currently on the search but it has been months and we cannot locate her."

"I understand, Moons are skilled at camouflages, this was one of the reasons why it took decades for them to be defeated."

"I appreciate your help, aunt." Dominic bowed but Na Bi forbids him.

"I am happy to help. However, I warn you Dominic, just because there's one Moon, doesn't mean you have to stay calm. Remember, alike our organization, the Moons also has their own. There are five families under them and I may not be sure, but I'm positive that they are helping her hide. I understand the ongoing fight between us, but if you really want to find the heir, I suggest that you step back."

"That would be the least possible thing I'll ever do."

Dominic stood up from his seat, towards the door with his luggage.

"Do you need me to call a taxi?" Na Bi asked but Dominic refused.

"I will leave now, aunt."

"Good luck."

Dominic nodded and exited the house.

He reached the hotel without trouble and proceeded to the counter.

"Good evening Mr. Nicoletti. I will be taking your luggage to your room." Using an alias, Dominic's room was held by a staff as they go to his room.

The staff bowed before leaving, and when he is left alone, he quickly locked the door and jumped off the bathroom.

Nothing like a good bath on an exhausting day.

Then tomorrow, another day of work and responsibilities.