
ALPHA: The Undaunted Throne

A battle between clans is still held till this day. When the position for the top leader was open, they wasted no time and fought to death. After 25 years, the battle was still on. A mission was then placed under the family Park, mainly to the head of the clan. The task was to find take the heir of the enemy and kill them. But there was one problem: this clan had been long gone before the battle started. Hearing this news was a surprise. But the family accepted and went on for the search of the heir. No one knew where she is, or if she is still alive, but one thing is for sure: The fate of the throne lies upon what destiny will bring. Who will reign victor among the fable wolves?

AR_Phantom · Acción
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4 Chs



"Sir, the vehicles split up. We don't know which car the target is in."

"Split up, chase every car."

"Yes sir!"

Dominic ran as fast as she could, into the garage and used Eustace's car to drive to the highway as quick as he could.

The target has been found by one of his men and was recently informed. The others were also on their way and he is the only one missing in action.

Finally, they found her, at long last.

"We have found traces in this abandoned building right here. We ordered several men to search through the area to find more evidences of the target. Any minute and will have answers."

"Look through the areas near the target location. There's a possibility that they are close."


Dominic's phone rang and he answered, a woman's voice spoke through the speaker.

"I'm in Maribo. Serena is on her way to Faaborg."

"Understood. Call me if you find something."

"Got it." Ha Yoon ended the call.

Dominic went back to his business when Na Bi suddenly entered the room.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Hillner!" Everyone greeted the woman, and one staff assisted her as she enters with a tray of refreshments and snacks.

"Take a break, I know everyone is exhausted."

Na Bi walks to Dominic, giving him a separate cup of tea. "How was it?"

"We have found traces of the target in Copenhagen. Ma Seok Ho has sent his men to search."

"Will you be able to find her there?"

"We're not sure." Dominic stated. "However, we must find something."

Both focused on the screen in front, entertaining each other as they talked about the current situation.

"Your mother called. Anna is in Denmark."

"Mother allowed her, there's nothing I could do."

Na Bi smiled and continued. "Anna called yesterday, she said will stay at the house for the time being."

"Don't tell her I'm here."

"I think she might have known."

Dominic sighs in annoyance, as he is now yet again, in place to babysit his sister.

"Another thing, she said she has something to give to you."

Dominic stares at the woman, but late went back to the Intel's working.

As the screen captures everything that has been happening in the search, Dominic's eyes met with something odd.

"No. 12, turn to the right." No. 12 followed the man, and at the exact moment of his turn, he was met with a man in gun.

The man fired the gun, hitting his arm, making him fall.

"There! Everyone, go to No. 12's location! A target has been found! I repeat, A TARGET HAS BEEN FOUND!"

Everyone moved along with Dominic, who was now running towards the garage.

"Keys are at the kitchen."

"[In Italian] Ah, here at last." Anna pulls her suitcase as she exits the airport.

At Dominic's orders, Anna arrived at Denmark a week after he left. Although she wanted to leave earlier, she was already booked by Seo Jun a week after his. This pissed her off at first but at least, she got to go abroad again.

She grabbed her phone and called her aunt.


"Buon Pomeriggio, Aunty Na Bi!" Anna greeted she waits for her ride to come. "I'm here at the airport."

[That's great! Dominic just left the house so I don't think you'll get to welcome him once you arrived.]

"He left? What could be the reason he---" Just then, several cars made their way pass Anna's sight, all driving at a speed of light.

Anna took a few seconds and went back to her aunt.

"Mi Scusi aunty Na Bi, I'm afraid I have an important thing to do at the moment, I might go to your house later."

[Alright, be careful, okay?]

"I'm always careful aunty, Ciao ciao!" When she ended the call, she quickly got inside the taxi that just arrived, and told the driver to follow the direction where the cars went.

[Yes, Ms. Anna?]

"Seo Jun, can you ask Kyung Hwa to deliver the briefcase at my room? I forgot to bring it with me. It's on the desk at my library."


When Anna ended the call, she silently armed the gun with bullets, as she waits where the cars are heading.

They soon reached an abandoned building. Anna asked the driver to stop and instructed him to bring the suitcase at the address where Na Bi's house is located. When the car left, Anna sneaked inside the building.


[Sir! The target has moved up the building, the other men were chasing him while two retreat to aid the shot officer.]

"I'm almost there, make sure you catch the target when I arrive."

[We will do so sir!]

After minutes of travel, Dominic arrived at the location.

As he grabbed his gun to ready, he saw tracks on the ground. Tracks that belong to someone familiar.

"Son of a…"

Dominic ran as fast as he could to the entrance of the building. When he arrived at the third floor, he was greeted with three officers, one being treated for his injury.

"Has anyone seen Anna?" Dominic asked but the officers' answer was a dismay. Soon, everyone heard a loud fire of gun. Dominic didn't waste any more time and went to the fifth floor where he saw Serena fighting a masked figured.

Serena and the figure exchanged attacks but Serena's in the lead of the fight. As they continuing brawling with each other, Dominic witnessed another masked figure beside him, threw into the fall, granting defeat for him. He enters the room and saw the officers in their own battle.

As Dominic heads above, he heard another firing which eventually lands him on the seventh floor, where he found the target and Ha Yoon in action.

"Choi. Where's Anna?" Ha Yoon glanced at the back and saw Dominic firing a bullet to the target's arm.

"Anna's here?" She asked, making him more distressed.

"I saw her shoe marks outside. It's highly she went here to join."

"Well, I haven't seen her. Serena and I arrived here at the same time, she asked me to go on while she handles the other guys below."

"How about the other officers?"

"Maybe they're at the top. I heard firing from above. It's possible that she's there."

"Got it."

Dominic made his way to the top of the building, where he indeed saw the other officers in battle.

But Anna was nowhere in sight.

Soon, he joined the other officers, one by one defeating the enemies until no one was standing. Although it had caused him an injury in the shoulder, he was still uneasy.

His sister is still missing in sight.

Dominic was not in a good mood. The whole building is now empty, and everyone was out, but Anna is not present.

"Maybe she left or something." Serena said.

"What if she followed a target and both left already?" Ha Yoon added.

"Then we would have been informed right?"

"Seems so."

And then, Dominic's phone rang, showing Anna's name in the caller.

"Where the f*ck are you?"

[I'm close.]

"I allowed you to come here but I never allowed you to joi---"

[Yes Papa, I am very sorry for what I've done.]

"Cut the cr*p, Anna, where are y--"

[I'll give you the locations. You might wanna see this cool graffiti I found.]

Anna quickly ended the call. Then, she sent Dominic a picture and quickly ordered everyone to gather.

With Anna giving her location, Dominic and his squad managed to find the place within 10 minutes.

It was in another abandoned building. As Anna instructs, open the door located below. One of the officers opened it and reveal a secret passage.

With Dominic on the lead, they all went down the entrance, heading towards a very dark space.

Ha Yoon opened her flashlight to better see the road they are walking.

After a while, they reached a closed door which needed a lot of force to open.

Dominic told everyone to stand back, and using his strength, he managed to open the huge door.

At the exact moment, Dominic and Anna met, but his irritation towards his sister soon melted when he saw the huge drawing in front of them.

The symbol of the Moons. Anna found their hideout.

"This is…" ---Ha Yoon

"…The Moon's hideout." ---Serena

As everyone stepped inside the room, they quickly noticed two other familiar companions with the young girl.

"Since when did you two arrived?" Serena walked towards Won Woo and Hyun Suk, who was in the middle of tying an unfamiliar man.

"Same time as Anna." Hyun Suk replied as he continues to type something on the laptop.

Dominic made his way to his sister who was eyeing the markings on the wall. "I will ask mother to never allow you to anything ever again."

"It's not like I wanted to find this. I was actually going to your building. But I noticed someone running in a different direction so I followed him. I then came across the two were at last, how we found this place. I was gonna surprise you at the rooftop but oh well, this is a better one."

The two siblings exchanged glares before Hyun Suk called Dominic over. Anna didn't join as she stayed at her spot, eyeing her older brother.

"How was it?" Dominic asked.

"We found this guy." Won Woo pointed at the tied-up man. "Apparently, he is one of the workers of the Kim family." He grabbed the man's left arm, showing him the symbol of the Kim family.

"We asked him if he knows anything about the Moon heiress but he chose to stay silent. We are waiting for you to handle him."

Dominic stared at the man and told Won Woo to wake him up. Won Woo did so and the man was surprised to see Dominic glaring right into his soul.


"I need a quick answer. Where are you hiding the heiress?"

"I-I don't know...w-what your talk—"

Won Woo sprung and punched the man in the face. "Weren't you learned how to answer a question? Unless you want your life to end today."

"I-It's true…" He said as he stares at Dominic's eye.