

As time passed by Seth grew more anxious and worried, glancing at the time every now and then he couldn't wait for them to land. She was still alive but barely. Her breaths were shallow, her heart beating slowly way too slow for his liking. He knew she wouldn't die he just knew, but yet he was worried sick for her. She wasn't in a good state at all. How she'd manage to hold on for so long got him surprised. Any normal werewolf would have died long ago just from a bullet or two. Yet this lady here had dozens laying beneath her skin and they had been coated with dangerous toxin made specifically to kill werewolves. She was very powerful.

Seth knew there was more to Sierra than what meets the eyes, even though she wasn't willing to disclose anything to him. She didn't trust him with her secret, he didn't trust her with his. At this point he knew Sierra suspected him too. They were both walking on eggshells around each other careful not to reveal too much, keep each other on their toes. It was only a matter of who unravel who first.

No one has ever gotten him so worked up in his life and he's lived for a considerably amount of time. Yet, she tormented him without even trying, twisting and playing his head like a ragged doll. He wanted to peel every layers and discover the woman underneath. She was hard work but he was never known to quit.

"An hour left" Augustine reported.

He nodded, his eyes not leaving her face not even for a second, there were too many bruises on her face, Dexter hit her real bad. He hated not being there to stop it, he could have if he tried enough. The guilt in his stomach worsening everytime she groaned in her unconscious state. Her body burning hot, it was terrible.

"We need to arrive at the park as soon as possible, she's only getting worst" Seth told them.

"I'll take over from here, Augustine" Asher stepped in. He was worried sick, although he still had some hidden resentment against Sierra's decision today but it didn't outweigh his worry for her.

Seth held her palm by her side squeezing softly, damn those bloody Marids if it weren't for them they would have arrived sooner. He didn't under why Sierra chose to protect the interest of those selfish creatures, they would have won that fight on their own. He'll respect her decision, only she knew what was best for her people.

A few more minutes passed they had almost arrived, the city coming in view first, in due time they arrived at the park.. The jet descending towards the open area of the base, landing gradually before going to pack at a spot and the others followed behind. The soldiers at the pack had ran to welcome them, forming an assembly and standing at an attention with their hands in a salute. The jet door opened he gathered her into his arms walking out as Asher and Augustine followed behind. The people bowed to them, he signalled the commander to get them to raise their heads and they did.

The other soldiers coming out of their jets including the hostages he could see as the crowd erupt in cheers and happiness. Sierra should have seen this, she needed to know how she's caused happiness within her people, it'll make her feel a lot better. He passed through the sea of soldiers leaving them to jubilate with the rescued werewolves and fellow soldiers who made it out alive. Asher followed him quietly into one of the vans in the hangar. He put her in and Asher made to drive them to the hospital. None exchanged words with each other.

Soon they were in the hospital, having made aware of the alpha's presence, the nurses ran out with the stretcher. Seth placed her in and they hurriedly took her to the emergency ward. The doctor walked to to them before speaking "We're preparing the theatre for the emergency surgery, we'll also do a lot of blood transfusion. Her injuries are quite severe."

"Do what you can" Seth approved. The doctor nodded and left. A few moments later yey wheeled her to the theatre, Seth and Asher standing out.

"How competent are the doctors?" Seth asked Asher.

"They've been responsible for Sierra since she became, Alpha" He answered.

Seth watched as a team of doctor and nurses swam in and out of the room. He massaged his forehead in worry, needing to ease the tension and pressure in his head.

"Do you really care for her or is this because of the contract?" Asher asked bravely forgetting Seth's reputation and who Seth was. Seth laughed amusingly at the beta throwing questions at him. Other than Sierra he didn't remember giving anyone that liberty to talk to him like that.

"I'm not your Alpha, I'm not entitled to your safety. You'll get yourself hurt badly, little boy."

Asher fumed at the condescending way Seth talked him. He hated this man with so much passion, he didn't understand why of all alphas Seth was Sierra's mate.

"Call me whatever you want, if that feeds your ego. At the end of the day Sierra doesn't feel any sort of way towards you, the only thing holding you both Is a silly contract and a mate pull. Both of which will be gone soon." He said to spite Seth.

Seth chuckled, it was humorous. He couldn't decipher if Asher was really stupid to talk to him like that or maybe he'd gotten too lenient with people. His eyes turning deep red, his claws gradually slipping out.

"Alpha" The doctor called as he bashed out, temporarily distracting him from the murder he was about to commit.

"We've started removing the bullets, it's a lot of bullets wound, we're pumping in enough blood into her and her system is responding well, however the Alpha seems to be slipping in and out of consciousness."

"Did you give her werewolves anesthesia?" Asher asked.

'"Yes, twice the dosage considering she's Alpha." The surgeon replied.

"Why are you telling us this, shouldn't you be trying to make it work." Seth asked.

"Yes I've been trying that but the thing is she keeps calling for Seth." He said a bit nervously.