

Sierra felt like she would go crazy if she'd spent another intolerable minute in the clinic, thankfully it came to an end after one week. The effect of the drug had finally worn out, all her bullet wound closed. The bruise on her face healed quite nicely it was hard to tell that she had walked through the pits of hell. The endless flowers in her room was nauseating, although it came with well wishes from remembers of her park she couldn't tolerate it any longer.

The doctor was doing the final check up, to make sure everything was fine before discharging her, Asher was with her. Seth hadn't come since that day not that she blamed him, she deserved it for her cruelty. Richard and his wife were here with her.

"Easy." Racheal, Richard's wife said trying to help her out of bed.

"I can stand on my own, I'm good." She said forcefully hating all the egg like treatment she'd been getting for the past one week from almost everybody.

"No doubt , there's no harm in being extra careful. Besides I'm your mother, I should worry about you." She said again and Sierra rolled her eyes. Richard her foster father laughed in amusement.

"I' almost forgot how you two always used to fight. It's good to see this." He grinned.

"It's not funny." Sierra shot back. Asher only snorted not Saying anything. They were Sierra's second family giving her a chance to a normal life, but he still didn't take too well to Richard. Like every other person in Sierra's life he too intend to use her as a pawn in his selfish desires, not that he hadn't already started, the minute he enrolled her to the enforcers and fueled her hatred for Dexter told him Richard wanted more, only time will tell.

"Where are you going from here?" Racheal asked.

"To the command center, I need to hold a broadcast, to the people." Sad replied.

"Nonsense! You need a proper meal and rest. When last did you eat good food. What's the name of that help of yours?"

"Cynt-" Sierra hadn't finished when she was cut off.

"Yes Cynthia, she is not doing a good enough job. You've lost so much weight." She panicked looking at Sierra from head to toe.

"Too much has been going on, food is the least of my problems."

"I understand, but no one expects you to turn to a god. One step at a time, darling." She pacified. Sierra nodded with a small smile.

"I'll go clear everything up so we can leave." Asher said excusing himself.

"He still looks at you with love eyes? Where's that mate of yours, heard you found yourself a nice mate." Racheal probed. Sierra winced when Seth was mentioned, it was an unavoidable part of her life now, she had to deal with it.

"He's helping me run around in the pack." She answered.

"Careful with him. Doesn't seem to me like an easy going man." She said.

"He's one of the most powerful Alpha's in the world, he's hard work." Richard was the one to answer.

Just then Asher came in with the doctor, he was holding a file. He smiled politely at them before going to Sierra " Please sign here and you're free to go " He said and she did so immediately. When everything was settled they prepared to leave.

"Can we leave already " She disrupted Richard and Racheal conversation. They nodded and walked out of the hospital.

They drove home in a black van that belonged to elder Richard. Despite all her rejection and complains she finally gave in to have a meal with them, She and Asher. After she was done she thanked her foster mother for the food, she was ready to live and face the world. Asher drove her to the lab, just like she instructed. They got in and she was immediately greeted with unfamiliar faces temporarily alarmed until she recognized the distant smell, they were from Seth's pack. She offered a curt nod only when needed before going to Ian and Sarah. The young female scientist looked utterly exhausted.

When this was over she had to remind herself to compensate the two of them handsomely for their service to her pack.."Alpha." Sarah bowed followed by Ian.

"I heard you fell sick, thankfully you're alive and well." Sarah pointed out.

" Yes I'm well now. How long has Seth's men been here?"

"Over five days." Sarah replied.

"And how has everything been going on here." She asked again.

"Very very well. I'm positive that the News we have here will thrill you." Ian replied.

"I'm waiting for the thrilling performance." Sierra said.

"I watched the virus grow and i have tried tackled it. We've tried the vaccine on three infected wolves, it's in my pleasure to tell you that they are now virus free. Side effects only involve a short term headache and temporary numbness aside that everything else is okay.

"Are you trying to tell me that there's is now an effective vaccine for this virus." Sierra Clung unto the news with everything she got. Her eyes in awe, she couldn't believe it everything was finally falling into place.

"You mean -?" Her voice in a small whisper afraid she didn't hear right.

"Yes Alpha, we've completed all the process of testing this vaccine and I can assure you it's ninety eight percent effective. Soon your town Will be declared virus free, a vaccine has been made." Ian said happily. Sierra almost squealed in delight, this was the best news she'd Heard in a while, everything was finally fallen into place.

"Asher inform the soldiers to prepare for the broadcast. You continue with making sure there are enough vaccines for everyone. After my broadcast we'll start the door to door administering." She explained and they nodded.

She smiled to herself as she made out of the lab, she felt peace within herself, but when realization dawned on her, her mood began to dampen. What would she do about Seth, Already he'd fulfilled his part of the contract.