

"Got it boss" A voice came from the other side of the screen. She saw Seth go over to one his men who was typing hurriedly.

"What do you have?" Seth asked him.

" We used the Primary radar to detect and measure the approximate position of aircraft using reflected radio signals, and the secondary Surveillance Radar process in which information is transmitted back from each aircraft when it receives a radio signal"

"Did you recieve any signal?" Sierra was the one to ask.

"Yes we did" Another spoke from the other side. Sierra cast a glance between her men, they had to agree that Seth's men were efficient and extremely fast. While she and Seth were battling with words his men had been working with the clues. She didn't want to feel like her own people were not skilled enough but Seth team was better.

He shot her a knowing smirk and she rolled her eyes." Where's the signal coming from?"

"Alpha we're getting the signal from a dessert in..." He went ahead to point out the location.