

It was a new day, another day of administering the vaccination and she didn't follow them this time. Opting to go to the command center, and address few things at the base. She almost forgot what It felt like to have a normal pack, she kept looking at her back waiting for the next big bad Wolf to jump on her She didn't want to feel too relaxed or calm about anything, this was the calm before the storm she could tell. She passed by a few soldiers, they bowed to show respect, she replied with a curt nod before going towards her office.

She sat at the table admiring the town, her pack.The command was just at the center of the town, she could see the place, with it being one of the tallest building, it'll be three years soon since her reign as alpha, she'd almost forgotten. During this short time she'd come to learn a lot of things.

The threat of a virus was gone so was the threat of Dexter and other packs, yet she didn't feel any better or safer. Quareens were out there so were the Marids who had just come into the picture, now her godfather Richard had come with his own scheme, she must fend off all of them carefully. They were like fragile, intricate pieces. How could she forget to add the beautiful yet dangerous bastard Seth, he wanted no games and he wasn't a nice Man. She doubt that if he chooses to attack her pack anyone would survive.

She hadn't seen all of his army, just a bit of his shadows, not more than five of them but they were lethal weapons, he himself was the most skilled werewolf she had ever seen or heard about. he would take her out , but if quareens were to join it'll be a lot difficult for him, still that didn't assure her that she could defeat him if worst comes to it.

She sighed, she had decide to abide by Eleanor's plan, It was the most safe option, and the only way to bring quareens back into power, play him, have him fall for her and use him as she pleases then discard him when he was no longer needed, it would have been easy

If the man in question wasn't her mate . The past few days the thought of this things made her restless. She walked to her table and called in for Lisa, her gamma. In less that five minutes the lady came to her, she was looking a lot healthier, dressed in her boots and uniform, weapons strapped to her.

"You sent for me alpha?" she asked politely.

"Have a seat" She pointed. Lisa nodded before sitting down as requested.

"We haven't had the time to have a proper discussion two of us, I'm a bit free and I thought to see you " Sierra said.

"yes, I believe we haven't. What do you wish to discuss with me, Alpha?" Lisa asked.

"your stay in Dexter's dungeon. What was it like?" she asked curiously

"Not a good experience at all, Alpha. I've been dying to speak to you about it That night with the attack with Stephen, I was assigned to the lab following with me catching the virus, he came to attack, he was ready and prepared, like he'd see everything that would happen before it did happen, He was led in by somebody, his helicopter just flying above our building. He got the spot where I was caged with his men, he got in with no struggle, took his time to select the hostages. While he did, he communicated through the ear piece he had on I recalled he said 'you were right, everything is going as plan. I know of whom to take as hostages to get the Alpha riled up. Make sure the coast is clear when we prepare to leave' After which he hung up and his men pulled us out of the cages. Immediately they sprayed as sleeping gas, I tried t resist, I was outnumbered and weak. I lost consciousness, I woke up only to find myself in prison with the others.

We were there for three days without food or water or any communication. There were three children with us, the first died from starvation, that was when they finally let us taste food, rotten food."As she explained further Sierra felt her mouth dry, she regret not being the one to put a bullet through Dexter's head and watch him blead to death.

"When Dexter finally came for the question, he would inject morphine to me to stop me from being hysterical, then he would start questioning. He wanted to know how we operated and how many soldiers we had, our strongest and weakest point when I wasn't willing to divulge the information his rogues would beat the shit of of me, tie me to a chair, pour freezing cold water on me electrocute me until I passed out. Repeating the same process over and over again. They tried questioning the hostages, but they didn't know anything about the packs security,I was the only person. He got desperate, then he wanted to break me, as well see you, so that you make mistakes. So he made that video of the ch-" She choked out.

Of course sierra remembered it very well, the blood of the kid who had done nothing wrong. The guilt almost overwhelming her.

"I tried to find a means of escape for us all, but it was way too difficult. I resigned to my fate, I knew you would come for us, I just didn't know how long." she explaine incredibly shaken by the encounter.

"I understand Lisa. Words or Money can't make up for the trauma he put you through, I'm deeply sorry I know fully well that there's a mole in here, I just don't know who this traitor might be, for him to have grant Dexter easy access to the Lab, then it must be a very influential person of the society and of this pack. I'll have this thoroughly investigated."She assured.

"I know you will, I have faith in you , you're a hero to us, Alpha." Lisa bowed again.

"Did you get anything on Marids, all through your stay there?" sierra asked.

"ohh Marids, the forbidden ones. No one is to speak of them, some say they are spirit, ethereal beings. I heard few discussions about them . Dexter once told Morris that they were getting more harder to conrol, he didn't like them one bit, but he had no choice, he was in their mountains, creating his own empire, but they were useful he said. All their discussions about Marids were private. The Marids wanted more to my knowledge, something Dexter couldn't afford to give. He was already falling out with them."

"I want to fish out the traitor in this team I'll leave it you to look into it for me. Efficiently and quietly, only ur most trusted should be with you." Sierra ordered and Lisa nodded.

"For the Marids, I'll ask for a meeting with the leader soon. Call Asher on your say out." She dismissed politely.

Lisa bowed and walked away. She had always known there was a betrayal, a close informant to Dexter. She was still engrossed in her thoughts until Asher walked in.

"I felt like I haven't seen you in forever." she said sizing him up. He looked better than the last time she saw him.

"Just been a bit busy here at the base How are things going in the Lab. I heard they've started giving out vaccines. Fast." he commented.

"I agree. Seth's giving me five days to complete my side of the contract."

"What do you plan on doing? Are we still setting the other plan in motion?" He asked.

"No, change of plans. Eleanor wants me to seduce him, he has authority in the council. She needs it to bring out quareens, we can't afford to lose his favor. Richard wants to be in the council, he needs Seth's influence."

"This won't play out good. Quareens want to take over the council and destroy werewolves. The same council your Foster father wants to be elected into, they want to use Seth as bait. A dangerous man ready to destroy anything in his path that'll obstruct his plans of having you. I don't like this at all." he said nervously. "We should just stick to the first plan, get rid of him."

"I know, but that won't be easy. He'll come for the whole pack, although we have quareens but they won't be enough. We don't know his army. He knows this pack like the back if his hands, he studies us. Our only strong point is quareens, still we can't be assured they are enough. If at all they we succeed and win it wouldn't end. Everyone will be on high alert about the sudden appearance of quareens and they'll eradicate them again like before. The second plan is safer, seducing him won't be hard, he's my mate after all " She concluded..

"It's not him I'm worried about. You do realize this is mateship, the strongest bond in the world. Once you say yes there's no turning back."

"I'm not verbally saying yes I'll play my cards right, don't worry about me. I won't fall in love with him." The last part didn't sound so convincing to her ears. She could see that he didn't believe her.

"How many more days do we have?" Asher asked

"Four." She replied.

"So what's the plan?" He asked,his eyes twinkling with mischief.