

"What do you want to talk about, alpha"

"Not here" Sierra glanced at the wolf that had been killed a while ego. they both left the cell area and she led him to another hallway. He looked around the place in a calculating way that made her roll her eyes.

"I'm supposed to have you blindfolded."

"Why didn't you? I'm not your friend, just a present ally. I could turn out to be a potential enemy to you"

"I know. At this point I don't think there's anything to hide from you. If your pack wage a war on mine, we'll lose. No amount of hiding will save anyone " she deadpanned.

He nodded in agreement "I agree" They passed several enforcers on their way until they got into an office. Sierra made sure to shut the door before she began to talk.

"We have to come up with a plan just Incase we don't get any lead from the chip "

"It'll work, trust me"