

"Sierra" He said staring in utter disbelief at her.

"Seth" She replied coldly.

He was suddenly aware that she was naked and his beta was right beside him. Growling and feeling discomfort, He quickly shrugged off his jacket and flung it over to her but she let it fall to the ground, her eyes still trained on him.

"What Is the alpha doing in a place like this?" Her eyes went to the shovel on his hands "And with a shovel at that."

"A little digging" He answered nonchalantly, but the little flick in his expression said otherwise, he didn't like being caught or trapped.

"Ian" Sierra said in a feigned surprise as if realizing he was with them.

"Alpha" He quickly bowed, keeping his head down to show his respect.

"I wasn't aware that there were experiments that now required that you visit graveyards" Her voice was calm and steady but the hidden venom wasn't missed.

"This experiment has nothing to do with the virus. It's actually a private affair " Seth cut in.