

Sierra left the tub, she pulled down her underwear tossing it into a basket with her dirty laundry. She wrapped herself in a towel, looking at the figure in the mirror, the person staring back at her looked as if she'd literally been ran over by a car. She left the bathroom and went into her own room, Seth wasn't inside. She wondered where he'd gone to, when she checked the time it was three in the morning, and still very much dark outside. She was still thinking about him when he walked in. All the buttons of his shirt undone, she took him greedily, from his chest down to his abs and god the man had muscles, she thought she'll go through another heat watching him, his slacks hung loosely in his waist, that delicious v that disappear into his trousers displayed for her to see, she swallowed looking at the impressive bulge in his trousers, he was hard.

"Ian's room is locked." He said bringing her out of her dirty thoughts.

"It's always locked, I don't know if he hides dead bodies in there." She teased and he chuckled.

"What do you always do in heat?" He asked curiously.

"A run through the woods, it's the first time I hadn't shapeshifted," She didn't need to tell him the other part of it. If he knew she was holding back her answers he didn't probe further, he changed the topic.

"I need to change my clothes, you're fine now. I'm going out." He said as he began to button his shirt. She thought about something, she couldn't let this chance go like that and she needed him to spend some more time with her.

"You're leaving the day after tomorrow right?" She asked.

"Yes?" He wondered where she was heading at. She walked up to him, stopping him from doing the rest of the buttons.

"Why not leave me a little something to remember you with." She whispered seductively. Her body hummed in agreement, she needed to convince him about the announcement, and she knew she was lying to herself saying that was why she needed to trap him in her bed, but her body needed his touch more than ever.

"Go to bed, Sierra." He dismissed.

"Well I'll have somebody else indulge me." She muttered making an attempt to leave and he chuckled.

"Is this post-heat?" He asked.

She stopped withbthe teasing expression and she turned to look at him. "I'm very much aware of my own actions, you can leave. I'm not stopping you." She said to him.

"Fuck it!" He cursed and dragged her to him, he kissed her like he starved for her. She returned his kiss fiercely.

"I had the worst case of blue balls not too long ago ." He muttered in between the kiss. "Don't tease me Sierra, I can't promise I'll behave."

"What if I don't want you to." She kissed him. "Tell me what did you do, you said you had the worst case of blue balls" She replied kissing his jaw.

"You don't want to hear how I went into the shower stroking myself to the thought of you, your beautiful body and how you touched yourself before me." He whispered to her, she moaned as he kissed her neck

"Let me indulge your fantasies, Seth " She told him running a hand across his chest down his abs, he held her hand.

"What do you want?" He asked her.

"Everything you have to give." He let his resolve go and with one tug her towel fell to her feet. He kissed down to her breast, sucking it and teasing it his tongue. They fit into his palm so well, they were made for him. He massaged it, kissed and licked on each breast, she moaned out. He kissed down to her stomach, through the slope of her waistline. Her body was created to be worshipped, her stomach toned from all the working out she did, she was so beautiful he doubted she was real.

The way her hips curved in a perfect symmetry, made beautifully to suit her frame, he bent down trailing the kisses down to her abdomen. Seth grabbed on her ass, soft and supple, he massaged it. He grabbed on one leg and hung it on his shoulders, he went on his knees kissing her thighs. Sierra grabbed unto him, afraid she would fall, she'd turned putty in his hands.

He kissed all the way to the place between her thighs, the delicious scent of her arousal welcome him and he kissed her where he knew she needed him the most.

"Oh my god" She cried out once he licked her. Seth stood up and lifted she wrapped her legs around his waist indulging him in a kiss, he took her towards the bed and lay her on it, spreading her legs for him. He needed to see every inch of her and feel her everywhere.

"You're mine, all of you." He declared to her. "Don't ever think of allowing another man touch you."

"I am my own person. " She challenged wearing a grin. He removed his shirt and tossed it away, she looked excited as he drew out his belt not until he grabbed her hands above her hands tying them.

"Bastard!" She cursed as he pinned her still. "You know I can easily break out of it." She grinned.

"Try me." He warned. She wanted to touch him too, feel every bit of his skin, but he had bond her. He kissed her lips again all the way to her neck licking a spot he wished to brand her with his mark soon. And then all way to her breast made for him, they were sensitive, every flick of his tongue she would writhe against him. He sucked on her skin, licking down to her abdomen. He parted her legs and his eyes darkened with lust she was bare before him, all for him to see, he slipped his finger between her folds, she was so wet he didn't think it was possible to be that aroused.

"Fuck, Seth!" She cried when he pushed his finger in, placing her legs on top his shoulders, he pumped in and out in a pace she liked. His thumb massaging her clit, she ached and rode greedily against his fingers, he added a second finger and she cursed out. As he thrusted his fingers, he drew out her juices, hitting every sensitive nerve in her, she felt her orgasm approaching.

"Oh god I'm close." She told him, he increased his pace, her stomach contracted she came so hard she heard loud ringing in her head. He brought the fingers to his mouth and he licked it, When she thought he was done he leaned down, replacing the absence of his fingers with his mouth.

"It's too much, I can't." She pleaded, the pleasure was too intense, she writhed in his hold, he grabbed her legs in place, then he stroked her with his tongue, massaging her entrance and fucking her with his mouth.

"Seth." She pleaded, she felt another orgasm coming, Sierra didn't think it was possible to come again so soon, but he was proving her wrong. His mouth was meant for pleasuring her.

Every lick, every stroke took her to the parallel universe, when she was close enough he stopped, she almost cried.


"Beg for it." He said to her, if she needed to come she would work for it. Sierra was ready to do anything to let him make her come.

"Please let me come." She gave in.

"You're mine Sierra. Every single part of you "

"I'm yours, all yours." She quickly added, he was satisfied.

"Good girl," he pushed his fingers in again, only removing it briefly to put his tongue while he massaged her clit. She rode against his mouth, the feel of his stubbles between her legs was amazing, she came again, hard. He sucked her clean, she fought out of the bond, her hands going to grab hair.

"Disobeying me already, I see." He smiled in a way that told her he wouldn't let it slide.

"What will you do about it?" She gloated, she thought he'd given her orgasms, he had no hold on her.

She was wrong when he retrieved himself from her, so he spun her around making sure she was on her knees , with her chest and face pressed to the bed, he took the belt and tied her hands tightly behind her.

"What do you want to do?" She asked anxiously, yet the excitement in her voice couldn't be missed. He looked at her ass raised for him just like he'd always fantasized in his head.

"Punishing you for your disobedience." His words ended with a smack to her ass.

"Fuck!" She cursed, pain and pleasure hitting her, it stung, but hurt so good, she clenched. He spanked her again, caressing the skin after, she moaned when the third came. He slipped a finger inside her and she had gotten wet from him spanking her.

"Punishments are not meant to be enjoyed." There was a dark edge to his voice that terrified but yet excited her, he slapped in between her legs lightly, it felt so good she thought she would come. Then he spanked her on her ass cheek harder than before. She bit unto the sheets moaning.

"If you were on my bed in my room, you'll get more than spanking." He said followed by another smack.

"Shit!" She knew she would be sore all through the day and even tomorrow, but she couldn't bring herself to care, if he spanked her one more time, she she would come. She waited eagerly for it and it didn't come. Instead she saw him pick his shirt up from the floor, putting in on and fastening the buttons.

"Don't tell me you're leaving?" She asked. He grinned lazily. She groaned and fell to the bed, her hands still strapped behind her, he was going to leave her high but definitely not dry. He untied her hands, taking the belt to wear it again.

"What about you?" She asked him, he hadn't had his released, he didn't even let her see him naked.

"It was all about you. Don't worry, a time will come when I'll put your mouth to good use, you seem to love using it for all the wrong things " He said, a promise she saw in his eyes, she smiled back.

Before he could leave she remembered what she really wanted to tell him, the thing that had given her a push in seducing him.

"Seth!" She called and he stopped. She took in a deep breath, he might not take it well, but whatever the outcome was she'd ready herself for it.

"The day I declare the town to be virus free, I want to make an announcement."

"What announcement?" He asked curiously.

"About us being mates, It'll be broadcasted across the pack." She explained and she saw his good mood change.

"No! You will be a target, I have enemies, Sierra. They'll hurt you and I'll be far away. You can do that only when you've agreed to join my pack." He disagreed.

"I can protect myself!" She argued back.

"Why do you want to announce it, not long ago you hated the idea of anyone knowing." He eyed her suspiciously. She battled between lying to him and telling him the truth, either way he would find out about it, she'd rather tell him the truth.

"Richard is contesting for the council head election. The publicity will help him win." immediately she finished talking she saw how his expression turned resentful.

"Was that why you gave yourself to me?" The way he said it made her feel cheap. She could tell him it wasn't the reason but she knew he wouldn't believe her. It was part of the reason she'd come to him, but saying it would hurt too much. When she didn't answer he took her silence for a yes.

"I see." He smiled an angry, hateful smile. He didn't look at her the way he did some minutes ago, he glared at her.

"Seth please -"

"Do whatever you want, Sierra. I'm out of here." He left slamming the door.

She didn't know why that hurt so much, but she deserved it, she buried her face in the pillow and cried.