

They made the order, and indulged in light conversations.When the food came Sierra confirmed Seth was right, it was really good.

"Good things always come in small proportions, why Is that?" She said referring to the food, yet she knew it will cost a lot of money.

"So you'll crave more. It's good business for them." He said and she agreed.

"Why are we not fighting or threatening each other? we're acting like civilized individuals and it feels weird" She said jokingly and he laughed.

"Right. It's unlike you." He said.

"Unlike me? Am I the drama?" She glared at him.

"You know you are. Either way I like you in all forms."

She choked on her drink, she hadn't expect him to be so blunt about it. Of course he liked her, at times like this she really forgot who Seth was and all the rumours surrounding him. They just seem like two ordinary people having a good time. But good things never last, she would enjoy her time here then after it the real problem would begin.

"Why do you always hold back. What's stopping you from giving your all?" He suddenly asked. She didn't know how to answer a question like that, she felt like an imposter.

"I'm not good for you." She replied and he chuckled.

"And I thought I was the bad one." He told her.

"Seth, I know with me you're a different man. You might have threatened me and said all sort of things, but you've never harmed me or my pack. To the others you might be ruthless, but with me you're calm." She said and he nodded.

"I can't bring myself to hurt you. It's like hurting myself." He confessed to her.

"What do you want from me?" She asked softly.

"To have you with me. Sierra I didn't grow up in an affectionate home, it's no mummy or daddy issues. My father was a strict Alpha, he didn't tolerate failure not in one bit. He and my mother weren't true mates, it was a marriage if convenience. There was no love, all he needed was a Luna and an heir. She was a good candidate, a beta wolf but a daughter to a strong Alpha. When she gave birth to me, her first child and the heir, he stopped paying attention to her, that was all he needed.

I was all she had, my mother didn't have an easy life, being born as a beta wolf when her father was Alpha made her inferior to her siblings. She was maltreated and she had gotten married to a man that didn't love her. He was so concerned with power she was easily discarded. She fell Ill, while he was out of the pack, they sent messages to him about his sick wife but he never came home, I was by her side all through, until she died." He said.

"I'm sorry." She said softly. He was opening to her, she wanted to have a peak into his life and he was letting her.

"I held a grudge towards him, he came back to the pack after her death but he didn't care enough. No emotion, no regrets, he buried her like she was another pack member and he continued with his life, acquiring power and securing connections. He took me everywhere to learn from him, he said he was glad she was gone, she was a thorn to him and a weakness to me. To him mates were trivial things that men like us didn't need, he craved to be feared and respected. I didn't understand why he loved power so much he didn't even slow down. He was wearing himself down, he fell sick often. He was advised to slow down until his heart finally gave away. I was made to understand that he didn't grow up in a house of love, he couldn't give what he didn't have."

"He didn't know how to love." Sierra said and Seth nodded, sipping his wine.

"My mother didn't want me to be like him, she wanted me to find love and hold unto to it with everything. She didn't want me to have the life they had " He explained looking at her with intensity she slowly began to understand him.

"What about you? Are you on your mother's side or father's side?" She asked.

"Nowhere. I didn't plan for a mate but I wasn't resentful to the idea like he was. If it came then I didn't want her to be of high rank." He said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I didn't want her in my way." He replied.

" You wanted her to be submissive and just obey you? like your mother to your father. You feared that weakness, you loathed your father for how he treated your mother but you're more like him than you know." She said harshly but he wasn't angry, he nodded.

"I was brought up in his very own image. We are more alike than I admit and I hate it. Because even in death he still has that control over my life, to be like him. He was a very lonely man." The way Seth talked about his father held no emotion, no hate or resentment or love. He spoke of his father like an object.

"Do you wish to be like him? A tyrant?" She asked.

"No, that's no way to live. People change because of other people." He said and she got the answer she needed.

'"You're exactly what I need. I exerted force to get you to me, acting just like him. I always get what I want, if I don't, I force it to me. But all of that is changing, whatever thing you do or whatever decision you make let it be out of your own freewill." He told her.

"Your mother will be proud of you." She said, he shook his head.

"I doubt she will. I am not a good man, I've done things she would have frowned at. My opinions might have changed, but I've been molded to be just like him. There's a reason people stay clear of the Hunter's pack."

"So if I reject you?" She whispered.

"There'll be blood and deaths, but none will be yours. I am my father's son."

She didn't know why she felt goosebumps on her skin. He said that so calmly like he hadn't promised to cause havoc if she said no to him. He didn't want her to reject him or say yes out of force, he wanted to ease her into it. It's either she gave no answer at all or a yes answer.

"The abilities you have, is it just you or every Alpha from your pack?" She changed the topic.

"My lineage. The Alpha title has always been in the Damons hand, so yes every alpha had the ability." He said.

"Wow, and all the Luna's gave birth to sons?" She asked again.

"There has always been a son, whether the first child, a middle or a last child. I like to consider it some sort of blessing. Because we've been around for long." He said and she nodded.

"How long have you been, Alpha?" She asked.

"Fifteen years." He replied.

"That's a long time. I am the first female Alpha to lead a pack, paired with one of the most powerful Alpha's. Amazing," She smiled.

"We make a powerful couple. But I see why you won't give up your pack. You earned that title, you know we would have more female Alpha's leading a pack but they don't aspire to lead, they always end up Luna's, Or beta's. It's never been a thought to be the leader, it's like an unspoken rule. You want to be different, and throwing it all for me will put you in the same category with them." He explained.

"They're no less because they don't aspire to lead in the crowd of men. It's not an easy position to be in. It's not just about equality, all she-wolves have the bone of submission in them, it's like the natural order to have the men lead while they render assistance. I didn't become Alpha to be different. I have a purpose." She told him, when he saw she didn't want to give away any other thing he let her be.

"So you have a submissive bone in you?" He teased.

"Submission is earned not taken." She replied. He thought about it, indeed it was. That night with her she was submissive, all though a bit defiant but she submitted, he bond her and she let him.

"Just like that night?" He asked.

"It isn't always going to be like that. Don't get used to it." She rolled her eyes. He shrugged wearing a smile.

They ended their meal and the dishes were cleared up. She was glad she shared this moment with him.

"Why did you come with your delta instead of your Beta?" He asked as if remembering.

"Sarah and Ian have history." She said.

"But they aren't mates. They slept together?" He asked. She gauged his reaction before answering, he didn't seem angry.

"They did. He fled the next day like a coward." She glared at him, he wondered if she was talking to him or to Ian.

"They're consenting adults, is she here to confront him." Seth asked her.

"No, she's pregnant. She's here to inform him." She dropped the bomb, he was taken aback.

"We sure have a situation in our hands. Ian has commitment issues." He said.

"I see what the Hunter's men have in common. Are you sure he isn't your father's son?" She said and he grinned.

"Not at all. They'll sort it out themselves, he has a soft spot for her."

"Right." She answered with a sigh.

"The council elections will hold the day after tomorrow, there'll be a celebration soiree at my pack after the results have been announced. Will you be here until then?" He asked hopefully

"I will." She replied.

"It's getting late, let me take you back." He offered.

"Of course." They both stood up, and he held her hand, her palms fit right into his.

"You know, you never responded to my apology." She told him.

" I don't mind being seduced by you, but I don't like being used." He told her.

"Point taken at the seduction part. If I ever want something from you, I'll go around it in a better approach." She said sincerely.

"Then we don't have an issue." He replied. She smiled back at him. They had just left the restaurant when a woman rushed forward screaming Seth's name.

"Ashley? I almost forgot about her." Sierra said frowning.

"Seth, you're in the pack? I would have visited you, I wasn't aware." She was smiling coyly at him. Sierra despised her, werewolves were territorial beings and the fact that this woman had a past with Seth made a sick feeling rise in her stomach. She glared at the brunette who was now a blonde. She had dyed her hair in an awfully bright blonde.

"Hello Ashley, we meet again." She interrupted. The girl turned to her wearing a glare.

"Yes, Sierra. Rumours have it you're going to be our Luna soon." She said in blatant jealousy.

"Well there's always a bit of truth in every rumour. I didn't know visiting your pack Alpha was a welcome gift. Is it a regular occurrence?" She turned to ask Seth who was watching them amusingly.

"Of course not." He replied with a smile.

"We'll catch up later Ashley." She pulled him away from the girl fuming with jealousy.

"You are awfully possessive today, Sierra." He was enjoying it, she glared at him.

"I don't like her, keep away from her, you're a mated man." She said sternly.

"Yes Luna." He grinned.