

So tomorrow is the day of love. Y'all I have no val, I've never received gifts for valentine before, urghhh To those of you that'll be receiving special treatment tomorrow I'm so envious of you. Anyway my lovesss here's an update.


The approaching Footsteps set them on alarm again, with all the entrance closed they needed to safeguard themselves. Sierra watched for an exit of any kind she couldn't find any. She reached out to Eleanor in her mind.

"Aunt!" She called there was no response, she had blocked the access to her mind, Sierra wondered why she would do that, maybe she was too occupied.

"How do we leave this place?" She asked worriedly. The ceiling was way too high. Every turns only had cells, the three doors to the underground cell had been shut, it was either they broke it down or face the soldiers, the numbers of soldiers they didn't know. Besides the soldiers had several advantages with their advanced drug laced weapons. The odds weren't in their favor at all.

"Do you still have the handbombs with you?" Seth asked her.

"No " She shook her head lightly. He groaned, they need to blow up the doors. The Footsteps were near, he took her by the hand and they ran towards another direction, hiding at a corner buying out more time to leave this death trap.

"Asher Asher "she called in the mindlink and he came through.

"Yes Alpha" He replied.

"The hostages are they alright, where are you people?' She asked.

"We weren't able to leave the lair, we're locked up in one of the rooms here, there are so many soldiers outside looking for us. Only a matter of time before we're discovered I don't know what to do." He panicked.

"Seth and I are still trapped underground. I'll reach out to the commander and give him the location of the lair from the fort if they can penetrate. I can't reach Eleanor "

"We're doomed " He said fearfully.

"We'll make it out alive, I promise " She said in a not so firm faith. She tried to reach the commander in the mindlink again she couldn't, it seemed as if there was something In the lair that blocked her access to people outside of it.

"Asher is currently safe with the hostages for now, I don't know how long it'll last we have to leave here" She whispered peeping out from where they hid.

"I know I'm trying to figure out something. Soon the soldiers will spot us, I'll slow them down. we need to blow the doors is that something you can figure out how to do?" He questioned.

"Seth this is too dangerous. There are dozens of soldiers out there, powerful rogue sentinels you can't defeat them on your own!" She yelled at him.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle them. Trust my abilities " He assured her.

"I can figure out a way to open the door, but still I don't want you to get harmed because of me" Tears welled up her eyes. He caressed her cheek softly.

"I need you to believe in me. Nothing's going to happen, I'll hold them down, you just figure out a way to open the door. Can you do that for me?" He asked. She muttered a small yes, with a determined face.

"I love that spirit" He smiled.

"Don't let them escape, search for them!" The angry voice of Dexter rang out.

"They're heading towards our direction, in count three I'll turn to fire at them, take the opposite direction and run as fast as you can. Try your utmost best to open the door, we have limited time" He said loading his guns with bullets.

"I understand"

He looked out and saw the soldiers closing in on them he took a deep breath and said "Three, two, one. Run!" She took to her heels in the opposite direction.

He got out of their hiding spot firing straight at the soldiers. They in turn began to shoot at him, some dropping dead as his bullet got to them. He zapped fast with amazing speed they never saw coming. Dodging the bullets precisely, running towards them, snatching the guns from their hands, snapping necks and shooting at the others. He was so fast that everything was happening in the blink of an eye. More soldiers poured towards his direction firing at him endlessly. He grabbed one of the rogue using him as a shield, several bullets piercing through the rogues skin. He dropped the rogue, running towards the soldiers that had come, his claws working as blades he slashed them, cutting off heads and hands blood spilled on the floor. They stood no chance against his strength.

Dexter watched from a distance seeing the unimaginable speed Seth had. He gave the signal to snipers hiding to fire at him. Seth was just tearing through a rogue that had transformed into his wolf form when three bullets pierced through him. The shock sending him backwards. He was normally not affected by silver bullets but this one contained something stronger. His skin melting only to heal itself. But it slowed his movements down. That got him angry, shooting at the last three wolves that came at him. He made towards the snipers hiding in the platforms above. Before they could comprehend, he ran through the wall, jumping high enough to catch the platform. He lifted himself up, easily taking the sniper from the rogue and shooting directly to his head.

He sighted Dexter making a run for it. He jumped down and chased him, more bullets firing at him as he chased Dexter.

Sierra used the head of gun to hit the keypad on the wall that needed a fingerprint to open. She hit it until it opened, the wires coming in view. She began to disconnect only to reconnect them again. She focused intensely at the task at hand, communicating with Asher in the mindlink as he directed her on what to do with the wires.

"Finally join the blue and the red" He said to her in the mindlink. She did just as he said and the door opened immediately.

She ran down to get Seth passing dead bodies in the hallway, a whole lot of them. In a matter of minutes he'd manage to kill so many rogues. She heard sounds of gunshots from the next hall and she made for it, bringing out her gun, she saw rogues both in wolf form and human chasing after Seth who was chasing after Dexter. She fired at them drawing their attention to her. They rushed to her.

"Seth!" She screamed. They needed to get out before the door locked again. He heard her and gave up on chasing after Dexter, turning back to run towards her, killing the rogues after her on the process as they made toward the door.

"Don't let them escape! Shut it, shut it!" Dexter yelled seeing them so close.

The door was just about to shut close Seth grabbed Sierra into his arms, in a speed she had never seen before he passed through the door two seconds before it shut close.