

Immediately he said that. Seth rushed st him flinging him to the ground, the hostages scampered around in fear. Sierra brought out the gun strapped to her waist and started releasing shots at Phillip Morris who dodged them efficiently.

Asher brought out his knife both he and Sierra went head on head with Phillip Morris. He brought his claws and attacked, he was extremely fast and his reflexes were top notch. The two of them attack both sides, he would dodge their bullets, jump or flip to attack, sending a kick straight to Asher's chest that Asher tumbled to the floor. Sierra dived at Morris pushing him the wall, trying to stab him with her claws he held it from coming any closer. She struggled to bury it in him. He pushed her away forcefully. Asher was up already and he aimed a dagger at Morris. The man caught it flinging it back to him. Asher narrowly escaped the fatal cut.

Morris Growled, his teeth growing larger hair sprouting from his body. Sierra took no chance in letting him complete the transition.

"Throw me the gun!" She yelled to one of the prisoners who was close to the gun that had fallen from her. He pushed it to her, she picked it up before she shot severally at him while Asher threw more knives. He growled and attacked them fiercely. He was halfway transitioned to a brown furred wolf. He grabbed Asher's hand and attempted to twist it, Sierra kicked him in the gut he let go falling backwards. She threw the gun to Asher who caught it, immediately she jumped at him, her hands wrapped around his neck. He tried to struggle out of her grip, Asher fired the gun at him. He screamed dropping to the floor bleeding.

Seth was in a fist combat with Dexter who had been trying to run away but Seth caught up with him, dragging him to the ground and stomping ok him. He groaned and tried to crawl away, Seth pulled him back. He elongated his nails and tried to slice off Dexter's head. Dexter ducked, head butting Seth. He dropped Dexter, and he took to his heels before he could go any further he was blocked by Seth's figure.

"Going somewhere?" Seth taunted.

"You won't make it out here alive" He laughed at Seth, followed by a punch to his face. He coughed out blood, not giving him a time to recover Seth punched him again He fell to the floor groaning in pains.

"Tsk, all bark and no bite. I thought you'll put up a good fight" Seth kicked him hard to the stomach. He lay on the floor laughing like a mad man.

"For all you've put Sierra through" Seth stomped on his fingers and he howled. He leaned to Dexter's level grabbing his hair and targeting at his neck to break it only to be cut off by loud ringing alarm. With his wolf ability he heard the Footsteps, hundreds of them matching towards them.

"I recognized Sierra the moment I saw her. You think I'm stupid Seth" Dexter laughed. " I've trapped you all. Let me see how you get out of here alive. You stand no chance" He laughed again, removing a knife from his waist slowly as he tried to stab Seth sneakily. Sierra pointed the gun at him firing three shots. One to the back of his forehead, neck and back. He slumped to the ground bleeding but still alive.

"Let's leave, we don't have time" She panicked..

Asher focused on freeing the hostages from their bonds. she helped in doing so breaking the chains and they stood up. Weak and dizzy they couldn't run as fast as she'll like them to.

"Go! Go! Go!" She yelled. "Asher lead them to safety" She said

"I have to kill him, I have to" She told Seth when she saw that Dexter was still alive. She loaded her gun with more bullets.

"Sierra now's not the time, we have to get out of here. His soldiers have been alarmed "

"Go if you want to, if I don't kill Dexter today I won't forgive myself!"" She screamed at him walking out to the figure trying to crawl away, blood dripping from him.

Seth heard from afar as the doors began to shut, they were blocking all entrances to the volcanic lair with the aim of trapping all of them in. He needed to get Sierra to safe, he ran to her

She grabbed the leg of Dexter, twisting, he cried in anguish.

"You have caused me so much pain" She yelled using the butt of her gun to him over and over again. He bled and screamed. she knelt down, removed a knife from her boots ready to stab his chest

"See you in hell. She raised the knife to stab him only to be pushed to the ground by Seth, immediately several shots were fired. Snipers everywhere firing endlessly at them.Seth dragged her up to run.

"You should have let me kill him, I had the chance." She yelled. As he dragged her. She was fuming. Seth didn't reply he ran with her, she tried to struggle out of his grip. More snipers aimed at them as they ran.

"Don't be stubborn! He yelled. " You would have died before you stabbed him, did you see those guns it's filled with silver and wolfsbane. That is what Dexter wants, He's playing pathetic and weak to get us where he wants." They ran towards the door to the hallway that was about to shut close, He ran as fast he could to beat it before it locked.

"Shit!" He exclaimed when they didn't get there on time. He turned for the next route and as they got to the end, the door was shut too.

"We're trapped " He hissed.

"I should have killed him" She said, her eyes watering.

"His soldiers were there all along waiting for his signal. You wouldn't have been able to kill him" Seth said softly.

"He's a step ahead as always. I don't know how far Asher might have gone with the hostages, I should have known Dexter isn't so stupid " She beat herself.

"We'll get out of here , Sierra, shh" He said hearing approaching Footsteps. He looked around trying to find a means of escape for them.