

Sierra tore a piece of the uniform and tied it around her face like a veil, Asher copied her and did the same thing. They pushed the cart outside slowly and gradually observing the environment, the loud ringing of gunshots from outside was heard including the occasional blast. It would have been easier to blow up the whole place but she couldn't risk it especially when she didn't know where the hostages were kept. She'd instructed her soldiers to keep the missiles off the building.

"How do we know where to deliver this?" Asher asked.

"I'll ask" She told him. She stopped trolling the cart, she saw the rogues moving out hurriedly, carrying arms, she hissed at one of them drawing his attention. He stopped and walked to her.

"What is it?!" The rogue asked impatiently.

"We were instructed to bring this to the warehouse, which of the warehouse is being loaded right now?" She asked smartly.

"East wing, Room 15 hurry up, the general is waiting for it. Those fools outside have disrupted plans"

"I see" She nodded to him and he jogged out

"East it is. Push faster" She told him in the mindlink. They tolled the cart faster towards the East side of the building. Down the hallway, She let her eyes take into account the turns and paths. She looked at the numbers on the doors in the hallway until she got to room fifteen.

"Stay in character, if u don't have an answer to anything don't say a word" She warned Asher. He nodded..

She pushed the door open, it was a big metal door She was welcomed to another world. So many weapons of different types, computers, and different machines. Rogues filled the space, injecting aconitum into the open bullets , they wore gloves and mask to protect themselves from it. She needed to know who the general was but she needed to play it cool . She looked within them to see who gave the orders.

"You two! bring it here, stop slouching we're loosing men!" A huge man shouted at her. He seemed to be supervising the whole process.

"That's our guy" She told Asher through the mindlink.

"Unload it over the counter and go get the next badge right away" The man ordered. She began to unload the drugs, watching from the sidelines as loads of weapons were sent out from the factory, those one's had already been coated with aconitum, she guessed that they had began this manufacturing weeks before, she recalled that the bullet that was embedded in her the last time had wolfsbane and silver. The situation would turn for the worst for her soldiers. Rogues had the upper hand with numbers, this was there territory, they had Marids and mostly Dexter was good at mixing chemicals. They needed to play smart. As she was unloading she heard the general take his phone to make a call, again she tapped into her quareen ability and eavesdropped on the phone conversation.

"Yes Alpha. We'll deploying soldiers with the lethal weapons, so far they haven't been able to penetrate the fort, we tightened defenses. All rogues are in the Frontline protecting the entrance. They stand no chance with the weapons."

"I'll send my private army to come pick up supplies for themselves. If my guess is right, they'll look for a way to attack the lair." Dexter said in the other end.

"Of course Sir " He replied.

"Deliver the most deadly ones to them, coat it with three times of the usual measurement" Dexter instructed.

"Yes Alpha."

"Good, keep protecting the fort. I'll look for a way to transport the hostages. All of this is a wasted effort for Sierra, she's cost me a lot by bringing this war to my doorstep and for that she'll pay dearly " The line disconnected.

"All of you hurry up. Our king wants his deliveries!" He yelled to them.

"You two over there " He pointed at Sierra.

"Yes General " She answered carefully.

"Get more aconitum right this instant, hurry up" He yelled.

"Come Asher " She told him, she wheeled the cart out a lot faster.

"Where are we going?" He asked

"We'll wait for Dexter's own private army to come in, kill them and take disguise. For now we need to get the drugs and leave here as soon as possible before anyone discovers the dead bodies in the freezer."

"I hate being around this shit, it's tormenting me" Asher complained. They hurried to the store room filling the carts with the drugs, Sierra rechecked if the dead rogues were still in the fridge and they were, she was still looking at them when suddenly someone bursted it with a gun pointed at them.

"Shit!" Asher cursed with wide eyes, reaching out for his gun immediately.

Sierra didn't waste time to swing her knife straight to his forehead, he caught it swiftly like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Sierra" Seth's called out pulling down the rogue scarf wrapped around his face.

"Seth! Ho-" She exclaimed in surprise.

"Shh, We don't have time, are you done loading, push it out. The general is commanding more Rogues to come get the drugs."

"Of course" She locked the freezer and dragged the cart out together with Asher.

"You're dressed as a rogue" She pointed out as they took the cart back to the factory.

"Stolen disguise, the situation outside isn't very good, we're running out of resources, soldiers and time. Look, those rogues, they smell different" Seth pointed out to the men in a stranger uniform and mask matching in an organized manner.

"Our targets, Dexter's private army. Regal and powerful" Sierra whispered to him looking around them carefully, werewolves had super hearing she needed to be careful.

"We need to take down three of them and take their disguise, they'll lead us directly to the lair" Seth said.

"Yes, the problem is how do we do that?" Sierra asked.

"I think I have a plan." Asher said