

Sierra had spent the following days confined in the house , she used her time to reply work mails, finish her sketch designs of new jewelries that she wanted to be added the collection, made phone calls, browse through the net, drank a lot of coffee, read books and then slept. She barely had appetite for food, or the energy to go out to and check the pack situation. Sarah called her always and sent reports to her Mail, Asher would drop by once In a while.

She knew she'd done enough self pity, it was time to stand up and keep pushing, her hurt over the past few days was suffocating, she thought about calling him or texting him but she decided against it, she didn't need this attachment to him, maybe the distance was a good thing.

She dressed smartly for today's occasion, Wearing her black suit pants and white blouse with black stilettos. She did her makeup, and hair.

She managed to force down food for the sake of Cynthia's hard work and also to stop punishing her body. When she was done she went to visit the lab first of all. The situation was a lot better, only two wolves were confined to the cage.

"Why are they still here?" She asked Sarah.

"They are not totally free of the virus yet, two more shots I think they'll be good to go. Nevertheless their situation isn't dire." She explained. Sierra nodded and then checked on both Humans and the newly transitioned, the situation was good. None of the humans were strapped, they were all free and healthy, only kept so that the side effects could be monitored. The ones who transitioned had completed transitioning and the one's who didn't were alright, it was a very good development.

"Alpha, two journalist are here, they said you had asked them to come " One of the lab technicians reported to her. She was with Sarah in her office checking results.

"Yes let them in." Sierra said.

The journalist came in with their cameras and microphones. Sarah granted them an interview with her, after which they were led to the empty rooms so they could take pictures and videos that will help in the broadcast later, it'll convince everyone that the pandemic had finally ended.

"Thank you " Sierra said to them.

"Sure Alpha. This will be played shortly after you've addressed the people. We'll edit it, showing what needs to be shown just like you wanted " One of them said. Sierra smiled.

"We'll take our leaves now." They both bowed and left.

"It's a good idea. The empty beds and cages will convince them." Sarah told her.

"I know, I'll go now. The broadcast will be held at the command base. I have two announcements to make today, don't miss it." Sierra said.

"I won't." She replied, With that Sierra left the Lab to the command base, her enforcers were there in their uniforms. Bowing to her when she was sighted, the commander came to her, he led her to the room the Media personalities had gathered, each sitting in front of a desk with their equipments, some standing at the sides. Asher and Richard were present, including the pack elders.

They all stood up and bowed to her when they saw her. She smiled, urging them to seat. She went to stand on the pulpit, there was a mic stationed there, she cleared her throat and began.

"As you all know, today I'll be making a few important announcements. The first, I'll like to be broadcasted only within the premises of this pack. The second should be across the werewolves web, within every single pack existing." She briefed. They were curious and confused at what the second announcement was, but time would tell.

"Now we're clear on that. Let's Begin." She signalled them to turn on their cameras, phones and laptops. The familiar flashes reflecting on her, the clicking of cameras and the sound of typing was all that was heard,all the chattering had stopped. She smiled to them , she knew everyone in the pack would be watching.

"Since the past few months, we've been faced with several difficulties, from a war, to threats, a virus, a kidnap and I've been challenged. I was told to step down, insulted and looked down on. All of it I tolerated because as Alpha it is one of the virtues I must uphold. We've scaled through all our battles, we defeated our enemies, I brought back home our people that were hold hostages. I've proved myself as Alpha, I've gotten rid of most threats that had been looming on our heads, and most importantly today, I declare the pack virus free." She smiled. A round of applause followed from her spectators and the media men.

She bowed in appreciation. " I'm beyond thrilled. This is to say that the malls, clubs , schools will all be opened from tomorrow, every social gathering can commence, life will go back to normal again. All the infected persons have been cured of this plague, our team of doctors and scientist have done a marvelous job of ridding us of this evil and bringing back serenity to our town again. A special thanks to Sarah, Beta Ian of the Hunter's pack and all their teammates, we'll forever be indebted to you. And to you Alpha Seth, you've helped this pack come this far. Thank you." She knew that he might not be watching but the people in the pack needed to know how much he helped her.

"Thank you all for your patience and devotion. I do not hold resentment towards anyone who challenged my authority in the past, I understand it was coming from a place from hurt. But I can promise that things will get better from now on. May we continue to stand together and grow together as a pack. Thank you." She concluded, finishing with a long bow. When she raised her head, the live broadcast ended.

"I'll take a short break." She said and walked out, She went the store room to get water. She drank it hurriedly feeling a bit nervous for the next announcement. She removed a small mirror from her purse, reapplying her lipstick and checking her makeup and hair.

"You're not backing out, are you ?" Richard asked behind her. She gritted her teeth turning to glare at him.

"I'm not allowed a water Break?" She asked.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. Just concerned about you."

She rolled her eyes, he was only concerned when it involved him, she suddenly felt irritated by the thought, but she bit back her words. "I'll head back in." She didn't wait for his reply she went back inside and he followed in shortly taking a seat with the elders. She stood at the pulpit again, this time more confidently.

"Please begin." She said in the mic.

It took a few minutes for them to connect across the servers of other packs, immediately they got the connection she was signalled.

"Good day everyone, I am Alpha Sierra of the moonlight pack as most of you know. I've led this pack for over three years now, when I first stepped in as Alpha so many disapproved. I understand that it was because I am a woman so many of you thought I would be incapable to lead, I've proved my strength, not with the intention of making you like me but to prove to you all that even a woman can become Alpha, and as Alpha you desire your other half, a person to walk alongside with you. I've been fortunate enough to be blessed with a mate, a very powerful man who's helped me in more ways than I can explain." She hoped Seth was watching, she needed him to hear how important he was to her.

"I've always thought I didn't need a man, I could handle things on my own. I've realized that having a mate doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger. And being paired with an Alpha was the least of my wishlist, but you don't always get what what you want, still I won't wish it to be someone else." She didn't know if she believed this words or not, contrary to what she thought about making this announcement, she thought it would be hard and she'll force herself through the lie, but everything came to her naturally.

"He's been an amazing and supporting man to me and I deeply appreciate all he's done. My mate, Alpha Seth of the Hunter's pack."

Well, the reaction that had appeared on the faces of the people with her said enough. They knew Seth was here to help her maybe in exchange for something, only few had known he was her mate, their expressions missed with disbelief, awe, shock made her feel a certain kind of way. If they were this shocked, she wondered what the reaction outside would be like, indeed she had taken the world of supernaturals by storm. It might as well be called the most powerful pairing for the first time in a long time.

"I'm honored to have been paired with him, as mates our pack will work together from now on. We expect the general of public to respect this relationship and support it. Thank you all for listening." A bow followed with that the broadcast ended, she had gotten through it in one piece, it was hard, she thought of Seth's resentful face as she stood there and made such a big announcement. She knew people would have thought she'll announce dates of the mating ceremony and elaborate further on the future of both packs but she needed to keep them on suspense.

"Alpha! Alpha! One question please." The reporters swam to her like bees as she made to leave, Augustine and Asher quickly handling the situation, making an effort to dismiss them until she was safe in a more quiet environment.

"Are you alright?" Asher asked and she nodded, she just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Yes, thank you " She said to them

"Please excuse us." Richard walked to them. Both Asher and Augustine walked away.

"Thank you, Sierra. I know doing this wasn't easy for you, you've done a good deed today," He assured her.

"I hope I don't regret it." She said quietly before walking away.