

"My dear sister" Dexter laughed wickedly, closing the laptop he turned to Steven by his side.

"You've done really well Steven. The time has come to finally claim my pack. He said

The helicopter slowly descended on a clear spot, many men marched up to them, they looked lethal and blood thirsty. Steven and Dexter alighted the helicopter and the men bowed.

"The rogues are here, i see" Dexter nodded pleased " I'll head over to the pack house, he's waiting for me there" He said to which Steven understood the 'him'

"I'll need you and your wolves to keep sierra busy, if possible kill her. Finish her off at once, I would have loved to do the honor but I've got better things to take care off"

"Of course, Dexter" Steven replied.

"Find the alpha" Steven ordered his werewolves. Feral growls left their mouths followed by the snaps of bones as the wolves began to shapeshift. Dexter seemed please, he got into an awaiting car and drove off.