

Seth had wanted to let Sierra be, if she didn't want him to know about her little secret journey he wasn't going to probe, but as as a whole day, passed without him hearing from her he grew more worried. According to that nuisance of a beta, she was supposed to be back today. Deep down his heart something told him he needed to look for her, he was never the one to ignore his gut feeling.

So he went back to the command Base where Asher was, he stormed in, no trace of playfulness on his face.

"Where's she?!" He asked immediately he got in. Asher was with the commander, they were talking in hushed voices when he came in, he didn't care about the conversation, he cared about his mate.

"I don't know wh- argh." He cried from a punch he didn't see coming. He could never fully comprehend Seth's speed, Seth held his jaw and he groaned.

"Alpha, we can resolve this peacefully. " Augustine tried to involve himself in the situation.

"Step away or you'll get hurt too. " Seth warned he grabbed Asher by the collar bringing him down to the office chair, he folded his fist around his neck. Asher struggled to breathe, his face turned red with every force Seth exerted.

"Where the fuck is she? I won't hesitate calling Ian to let you have a taste of his injections and see how lethal they can be. Spill!" He threatened.

"Alpha, please calm down." Augustine said cooly.

"I'm not here for all this nonsense. Tell me where she is right now, or I'll start by breaking your hand," He pressed further into Asher's neck. Augustine was scared that he'll kill Asher, he panicked.

"The ice mountains ." He yelled, he wasn't supposed to know of her location, but each jet had a tracker, he'd seen that they had flown to the ice mountain.

"Good ." Seth smirked. He delivered one last blow to Asher's face, holding himself for back from turning Asher into a bloody mess. The man's loyalty was solid as a rock, but his anger at that point didn't need games, he needed to see his mate. Asher gasped for air, he was wheezing and holding to his chest.

"Why did you tell him. " He barked at the commander in anger.

"He needed to know, he's the Alpha's mate besides we haven't heard anything from the Alpha's side , including the enforcers she travelled with, that alone says something. " Augustine retorted. Seth ignored them making a short phone call across to his shadows.

"I need three jets." He said to the commander in particular.

"Yes Alpha." Augustine nodded.

"What do you think you're doing, the Alpha wouldn't like that, she entrusted us with her secret. If she needed him to come, she would have told him " Asher yelled.

"I'm doing this only for the safety of my Alpha, no other reason. " Augustine replied walking away. Asher gritted his teeth in fury, his face hurt, it was swollen and bruised, he glared at Seth wishing eyes could kill.

"You'll stay here, I'll go for the Alpha. " Seth told him.

"She's my Alpha. I just can't seat here doing nothing."

"You don't seem to mind, when I punched you. Don't argue with Me little boy, you won't be so lucky the next time." With that said he walked out. Seth didn't want to believe Sierra had ran away because she was trying to avoid him. She was a lot of things but not someone to hide from her problems. The restlessness he felt told him she might be in danger, he wanted to stay positive. But anytime he thought about how she was alone in a mountain of predators he couldn't help but grow worried.

He knew Sierra must have gone to see the Marids, so they could come in agreement and a conclusion be drawn, but that alone shouldn't take so much time. Seth spent his time inspecting the jets with some others, In a few hours they were done and ready to move, he needed only his shadows with him turning down the rest of the crew. When it was time to leave, they entered into the jets. He had reluctantly carried Asher along, making sure he flew in a different jet so he didn't end up murdering him in cold blood.

They were on air the entire night, the closer they got to the ice mountains, the more nervous he became, an emotion he hadn't felt for quite a long time. He couldn't sleep despite the many hours they spent travelling, he wasn't worn out.

"I see something." The commander cried looking into the telescope he was holding spying the mountains as they hovered close enough.

"What's that?" Seth asked snatching the telescope.

"The jet Sierra came with." He observed.

"Quick land over there " Seth instructed. Soon the jet was sliding through snowy grounds. They hadn't even fully settled but Seth was already out jugging towards the Sierra's jet, as he got to it, he let his hands run through it.

"It's been packed here for a long time. Search the premises." He ordered the werewolves. His shadow had moved almost invisibly to join the search. Seth tried to break the jet, so he could go in, it was proving a lot difficult than normal.

"Alpha, I've found something." One of the men he came with yelled, he walked towards the source of the noise only to see a shredded corpse of a werewolf.

"Rogues, it's still new. This happened recently." Seth said as he sniffed for her scent, it was very strong confirming his thoughts that indeed Sierra had been here, he stalked towards another place to see another corpse, then another one, this time wearing the uniform of the enforcers, two of them. He didn't want to imagine the bloody fight that must have happened.

"I've seey a bridge." Asher announced. He left the bodies and they all followed him to the bridge.

"I'll lead the rest of you follow," Seth said to them and they nodded.

"What if it's a trap?" Asher asked worriedly. Not caring about the whining boy, he stepped unto the bridge wondering where it'll end and what was it on the other side.