

The party had come to an end, She said goodbye to everyone and retired back to her hotel. She didn't feel at ease all through the night, the thought of things that could go wrong terrified her. She tried to stay positive and trust Eleanor words. When it was morning she hurriedly dressed into a black pant and blouse. 

The chauffeur drove her to his place of residence. She couldn't help but feel anxious as they drew nearer. Once they arrived, she got out of the car and head towards the house. She knocked on the door and it was answered by Asher.

"Alpha." He bowed and Sierra returned it with a nod.

"Is Richard in?" She asked.

"Yes, he's with his wife."

"Please tell him I'm here." She told him making her way in. She took in the space, pleased with Seth choice. It was spacious and almost everything was in white, just as Richard liked.

Richard would be staying here until his finished business with Alpha Seth and other Alpha's present in the pack. She saw him walk down the stairs with his wife so she smiled politely at them.

"Sierra!" Racheal said.

"Mom." She replied with a smile reaching for a hug.

"You want to see me?" Richard asked and she nodded.

"It's important." She replied

"Follow me" He told her, before leading her to the balcony. He brought out a cigarette lighting it up before inhaling the smoke.

"Go on I'm listening." He said to her.

"What I'm about to say to you right now is very important. I need you to listen to me with an open mind." She gauged his expression and he was listening to her. "On that day at the ice mountains we discovered something"

She wondered if she was making the right decision but nevertheless she continued " Marids."

He choked on the smoke coughing harshly, his eyes red and teary, then he threw the cigar on the floor, crushing it with his feet. "What did you say?"

"Creatures that aren't werewolves. Blue in color with silver scales on their skin. Ability to conduct energy and blend with their environment, gold diggers. From the bloodline of djinns and quareens. Do you know them?" She asked carefully.

He looked at her trying to decipher everything she was saying to him, his expression hard. "I know them. They were part of the massacre that happened years ago. I thought they no longer existed."

"You thought wrong. They are hiding in the mountains, Dexter was the first to discover them. In exchange for wealth and electricity he promised his female rogues to them for hybridization. They are not more than a hundred of them, so they need to increase their population." She explained.

"What?! Hybrid with rogues. There's a reason they are called rogues. They've lost sense of direction, and they're not in their right minds. They only kill and do things no sane wolf would do, why are they creating hybrids with them. This is a very serious matter, why didn't you tell me before." He asked seriously.

"I didn't want to bother you, you had too much on your plate"

"How many people know of their existence?"

"All the soldiers that went with me, Seth's shadows and Seth himself. We've been trying to keep the matter under wraps, but as councilhead you should know. That day we almost went into war with them. I made a peace treaty, they want protection and more female werewolves to continue the hybridization."

"What do you plan on doing?"

"I need them to know you're on their side. It's the council they fear, once they know the councilhead is protecting them they'll see no need to continue with the hybrid babies." She explained.

He thought long and hard before saying. "That might work now, but what about the future. What if they want a comeback? I might support their hiding but if the other council members find out about them, I'll be relieved of my position, it would cause a disorder! Especially as they have hybrid babies with rogues, you don't understand the severity of this situation. What is Seth saying about it?" He asked.

"He left it to me to do whatever I deem right." She responded.

"If we wipe them all-"

"Richard! We are doing no such thing. They deserve to live, they haven't caused us trouble. Think of the benefits, they can bring you gold, wealth and power if we keep them. I have a feeling they'll be valuable in future." She told him.

"If they still exist, there's a possibility the others do too." Richard said thinking hard. "Do you think they can draw us to the others?"

"Why do you need to know about the others?" She asked suspiciously.

"As a councilhead it's my duty to know. Sierra I don't advice leaving this creatures to continue existing, you don't know what they did in the past before we all came to the agreement of wiping all of them out." He said.

"You took part in that decision?" She whispered, her voice trembled as she recalled what Eleanor had told her about Richard being Ryan's friend. She wondered if he knew about her identity all along and was on false pretense, was there a purpose why he trained her to be an Alpha.

"I did. It was for the good of everyone. They caused more harm than good. I don't want what happened years back happening again. You don't know how manipulative and deceptive those beings are. I don't know what lies they fed you but they'll never change." He said sternly.

"When I made you councilhead, you agreed to repay the favor. I ask of you to spare them and act ignorant." She told him.

He was thinking, weighing all other options before sighing. "I see. I'll do as you've said." He told her. She smiled, pleased with his decision.

"I'll take my leave."

As Sierra walked out he watched her with cold eyes, Richard thought to himself that he wouldn't let her make the same mistake her mother made. And from the look of things it seemed to him that she was already in contact with the others. This decision wasn't entirely hers, he wouldn't allow those creature make a comeback. Just like he thought she was drawing all of them out to him, it was only a matter of time before they all revealed themselves and he would make sure to slaughter every single one of them. He looked around suspiciously before walking out from the balcony to the bedroom, he made sure to lock the door as he brought out his phone to make a phone call.

"Councilhead." The other party replied.

"Well looks like we've got a bit of a problem on our hands. This time there'll be no mistakes." He told the other person.

"What is it?"

"My suspicions were right, they still exist. Mobilize the hunters that have been on training. It's time they put good use to all the things they've been learning." He said.

"What? You mean the three clans still exist?'

"Yes, I have information on only one, I suspect the others are in contact with her. They'll reveal themselves soon enough. Take the special weapons to the ice mountains, especially the detectors. I want every single one of them dead. Make no exceptions." He said.

"Yes sir." The person on the other end replied before he hung up.

Sierra would eventually find out about what he'd done, he would take care of her when the time comes. For now he needed to know the whereabouts of the others. With that done he walked out of the room.

Eleanor separated herself from the wall and walked into the room smiling. Everything was going just the way she wanted.