

Second chapter as promised. This is my valentine day gift to y'all. Can I ask that you drop reviews, comments and tips if you can. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you all I love you.


She clashed with Dexter bringing him down, snarling at him as her body almost started transition. Hate, anger in her eyes when she saw him. For all the pains and tears he put her through, she wouldn't let him live. He headbutt her, jerking her off him She fell to a spot, before getting a chance up bullets met her. She growled, diving at one of the shooters, her canines longer and big she used her teeth and fingers tearing him like a mad dog as he yelled trying to push her off him. The others shoot at her, blood splattered when he fell.

White fur sprouting from her blood stained body, her eyes red, she just needed to fully take in her wolf form which She delayed intentionally. Blood lust evident on her face, She ran at Dexter he caught her and attempted to fling her over, but her feet were firm on the ground. With her sharpened claws she sliced his chest. He groaned taking steps backwards.

Feeling her body fight the bullets even as more bullets hit her, Sierra dived at another shooter, breaking his neck and taking his gun. Releasing three shots at three rogues they dropped down dead from just the bullet. Dexter came behind her, she turned around quickly not giving him a chance and hit him with the butt of the gun. She tried to hit him again, he caught it from her. They struggled with it. His sentinels shooting endlessly at her. Bullet dent formed all over skin,it was uncountable and painful.

He kicked her by the stomach she fell to the ground, he came over and stomped on her, using the gun to hit her on the head as she screamed, bleeding. She closed her eyes almost passing out.

Sierra knew she needed to do this for her people. Connecting to her quareen side, she tapped into their abilities to control minds. Dexter raised the gun to hit her again only to be shot by his own soldiers. He fell to the ground, widening his eyes in confusion. She made them shoot at him, when he began to run, they chased him. He was hers to kill, she got the soldiers to shoot themselves to death. She cried in pains as she made to stand up.

Seth ran over, blood all over him, but it wasn't his all him. "Sierra, you need help.You might die, let's go" He told her, as he helped her up. She staggered.

"No, I'm going to kill him" She said weakly pushing him away.

"Sierra, let's go now. My shadows have penetrated the fort and are about to bring the place down, they'll turn it to ruins."

"Go, I won't forgive myself if I don't kill him" She pushed him away, staggering out. Bursted lips, and a bloodied body. She tried to run at Dexter's direction.

"Sierra, sierra!" He called over her she wouldn't listen. He heard gunshots from the place Asher was, with no choice he went to them to help them. Sierra saw Dexter running through the stairs and climbing higher, she chased after him. Holding the railings to support her body. She tapped into her ability again trying to enter his mind it was blocked. She forced herself in, she compelled him to her. He began to come slowly. She heard a bomb blast and the lair shook, another blast occured. He was close enough to her, the third blast, a powerful one made her fall to her knees momentarily distracted, he regained his senses. He brought out a small knife and came at her. She dodged the knife and they started fighting on the stairway.

"You will give me back my title as Alpha" He said again striking the knife, she caught his hand and twisted it.

"Come get it" She replied. He used his other free hand to hit her. She coughed out blood, he punched her. Kicking her endlessly. Grabbing her hair hitting it on the railing before forcing it down. Trying to choke her to death. She tried to struggle out of his grip, she used her claws to slice off his fingers on her neck. He yelled retrieving it immediately. She punched him back, kneed him in the groin. He cried falling to his knees. She looked around for an iron bar. She saw one, walked to get it. He removed a small gun, shot at her from behind as she grabbed the metal bar. She staggered, but still walked towards him. He kept shooting until he was out of bullets. She flung the iron bar to his head, he groaned and fell down, she did it over and over again. She squat to him, glaring at him even with blurred vision.

"Pathetic fool" She cursed, spitting at him. He tried to reach for his small knife, before he could get it, she stabbed his hands with her claws. He cried out. Her head was spinning, she felt faint, Sierra took the knife from his hands.

"For the pain you caused me" She stabbed his stomach, he yelled.

"For all the deaths you're responsible for" She stabbed his thigh. He screamed

"For the sins of your father." She stabbed his side.

"Lastly for your sins." She brought down the knife close enough to his chest only for it to be shot out of her hand. She looked who it was and saw Phillip Morris whom she thought to be dead. She stood up glaring at him, focusing intensely on controlling him.

As he attempted to shoot again, she entered his mind, controlled his actions and made him put the trigger to his head , he struggled and tried to fight her powers, the intensity of it was too much, she let him pull the trigger thrice, he dropped down dead for real this time. She turned back to see that Dexter was gone. Her face coated in anger, he wasn't far she could hear his groaning and the blood that trailed down the floor. He was seeming impossible to kill.

She wanted to go after him but the lair was shaking, things were falling down, the gas in the other side of the lair bursted and the wires caught fire, the whole place would blow up if she didn't leave, but Dexter needed to die.

"Sierra!" Seth and Asher ran to her.

She held her side limping to the path Dexter took, Seth went to her, he stopped her from going any further.

"We have to leave, Now!" He commanded. She was about to make a stubborn remark, he carried her despite her protest, running with Asher. Parts of the lair blowing up as they ran. They made it out and he took her to the cable car forcing her in despite her weak protest.

"She's lost too much blood!" Seth panicked. The bullets wounds were slowing closing, but he could see so many dents on her. Her eyes swollen, her lips bursted, blood dripping down her nose. The cable car moving out from the lair.

"What do we do ?" Asher said fearfully seeing the alpha's condition.

"Oh shit!" Lisa cursed looking out the window of the cable car.

"What is it?" Asher asked.

"Dexter" She whispered.

All of them rushed to look at what he was up to , he stood at the far end of the lair, holding a gun wearing a grin in his face. He waved at them before shooting at the line holding the cable car. Immediately he did, the lair blasted up in flames, taking him along with it.