

Sierra felt restless, she had a feeling she'd just made a terrible mistake yet she couldn't place her hands on it. It's been two days since she broke the news to Richard about Marids. 

He had been busy acquainting himself with the alpha's. Today they would have a meeting held for Alpha's, where new bills would be passed down for a new tenor. Another chance to spend sometime with Seth whom she hadn't seen for quite sometime because of how busy he was.

"Ian is actually being a really good partner. This co-parenting thing might just work after all." Sarah said watching her dress in a black suit.

"I'm glad it's working for the both of you." She replied.

"How about Seth?" Sarah asked.

"He has been busy. We've spoken on phone a few times, but we'll actually see today." Sierra explained.

"Will beta's be there too?"

"No, strictly Alphas" Sierra replied. "I'll tell you how it went. Take care of yourself, I'll be back soon." She offered Sarah a small smile, picking up her hand handbag and walking out of the room.

The chauffeur drove her to the pack house where the meeting was to be held. She got into the hall most alphas were already seated. She sighted Seth easily because of his impressive Aura, there was an empty sit right beside him, she smiled unconsciously and walked to him. He noticed her presence and glanced at her with a lazy smile, she sat right next to him.

"Am I late?" she asked.

"Right on time." He replied looking at her. She liked when his attention was on her, it made her feel beautiful. 

Soon the meeting commenced. The Alphas laid down complaints and talked about methods to solve their problems, ways on how to make living better for the werewolf community. Sierra had to say she was impressed with Richard's manifesto, it was spot on. When he got on stage to talk about ensuring a peaceful co-existence between supernaturals and humans, including protecting supernaturals from the eyes of the otherworld she felt as if she'd made a good choice of letting him know about the existence of Marids. It calmed her down a little. 

She saw as Seth looked around apprehensively, it made her nervous, she thought  he was sensing quareens. She knew Eleanor would be here somewhere, hiding to fit in.

"Is everything okay?" She asked nervously.

"Something is wrong, some person's are here." He said in alarm. That was the last thing she heard before a loud explosion.

Seth ducked, pushing Sierra under him. 

All she saw was bright light, blinding and terrifying then some parts of the building falling down. It was a disaster, a bloody one.

Noise, screams and howls were all she heard, more parts of the building kept falling. People running Helter skelter. She managed to push Seth's weight off her.

"Run, we need to run!" She yelled. Her eyes wandered around frantically. Richard was on the floor, blood pooled around him. She screamed. "Richard! ,Someone help him"  She tried to get him, but Seth caught her.

"I need you to get you out of here. I'll get him." He assured her. Her heart was beating fast, confusion marred her face. What was happening and why was it happening.

"Go Sierra! I'll get him out," Seth yelled at her.  She nodded trustingly, so she darted towards the entrance, joining the crowd of alphas attempting to get out, not caring who they crushed on. From the corner of her eyes , she saw blue figures like shadows moving swiftly, crystals glistening and staffs in their hands. Her eyes widened. The Marids were here and they weren't hiding their identity.

"Holy shit, what are those?!" One of the alpha's yelled pointing at them. It brought the attention of others. Some began to shapeshift to attack.

"Eleanor, Eleanor!" Sierra tried to reach out to her aunt in her head.

"Sierra get out of there immediately. They've come to kill you. I can't attack them, it'll risk my identity." A reply came from Eleanor. Before she could get to the door something slammed her down. She hissed in pain.  She looked up at the figure descending downwards. It was Dara.

"Traitor." Was all she said before she lifted her staff to her and Sierra began levitating. Again she was slammed hard against the broken pieces of iron and rocks from the falling building. It was so painful, she saw stars.

"Dara please calm down. Why are you doing this?" She asked huskily. Something dripped down her face, she touched it to see that it was blood.

"You betrayed us." Her voice was furious. Her eyes shun in anger, there was blue liquid coated on her. Sierra recognized it to be Marid blood. She was confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

Dara lifted her staff again putting her in a chokehold. She was unable to breathe, her Soul sucked into a dark void. She heard terrible screamings, blue blood splattered everywhere. Marids after Marids beheaded, their hearts ripped out of their chest. Children killed without mercy.

"You caused this. You did!" In that tornado of dreams she heard Dara's voice echoing. The storm twirled her forcefully. She knew Marids were such powerful mind creatures, but she didn't realize the extent of their powers. She was trapped unable to go out.

"What's going on." she asked again, tears streaming down her face.

"Are you happy now. I trusted you, and you betrayed us. You gave us to the council, and yet again history has been repeated, each and every one of my kind slaughtered without mercy. As foolish as your mother, you will meet an end just like her." Dara yelled.

Sierra felt something drag her from that sea of dreams back into reality, she was bleeding from her nose, eyes and ears. She saw Seth grab hold of Dara, his hands wrapped around her neck. 

"No, please." She shook her head weakly to him. He was enraged. His eyes red, his fangs and claws out ready to tear her into pieces.

Blood was everywhere, the Marids who had come with Dara lifeless on the ground, some alpha's killed alongside. It was quiet now. Most alpha's already escaped the hall. It was just a few soldiers and alpha's present watching them, blood dripping down their bodies, some in their wolf forms. Everything was a ruined mess. She winced in pain.

"Kill me, just as you've killed the others. No matter how you try, we'll never be gone for good. There are always others after us. You babaric dogs." Dara cursed at them all, her eyes glaring at Sierra hatefully.

"Seth." She whispered begging him with her eyes to let Dara go. He began to calm down a little. Just when his hands loosened around her neck, three shots were fired.
