

After she finished giving her reports she turned to Sierra wanting to see her expression but she kept a completely calm facade.

"Asher fix a meeting with the enforcers tomorrow at the pack house. Send a message to the media. I'll be giving a speech too" She instructed and he nodded.

"Thank you Sarah for your hard work" Sierra said sincerely.

"You are welcome Alpha. it is my duty to serve you. I and my team will work hard to find a cure. It's a promise" She said in determination and Sierra nodded.

Sierra let Asher drive her home. It was almost dawn and she hadn't even had a wink of sleep. Soon they arrived at her house

"Have some sleep Alpha. you really need it" Asher said.

"You too beta" Sierra replied and walked into her house. She only managed to remove her boot before falling unto the bed. Immediately her body touched the soft mattress she fell asleep.

It wasn't even up to three hours before her phone and alarm begun ringing. She groaned in frustration and in a fit of anger she smashed the alarm to the wall.

She picked up her phone intending to smash it too but seeing the caller, she unwillingly picked it up.

"Hello Asher" Her muffled voice said making him chuckle slightly.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep alpha but the enforcers and media are already present at the pack house. We are awaiting your presence Alpha" He informed. Sierra jumped out of the bed before she said a quick 'I'm on my way' she immediately hanged up.

She hurried into the bathroom to do her thing. After when she was done Sierra wore a full black suit. She added a black stiletto to her feet and carried a black handbag. She drove out of her building to the pack house.

She entered the meeting room to see about twenty werewolves, the pack fiercest warriors. The media was also there with their equipments neatly arranged for a broadcast.

They stood up in unison to greet her. Once She she sat down at the head, they did too.

"I've called for this meeting today to discuss about what our pack has been facing. A lone and poisoned rogue wolf had managed to penetrate into our town and bit humans turning them rogue. The once who couldn't handle transition died and the others who could are now biting humans and killing werewolves who aren't strong enough to defend themselves from this crazed wolves. We might not pay necessary attention to it because we feel that this wolves can do nothing to us wolves other than trying to kill us and feed from us. We feel that it is the humans who have to worry, but sorry to say this. This situation had made a turn around. The wolves carry poisons in their system that is strong enough to kill a werewolf. We have tested the rogue wolf who brought such misfortune to the town down to the other bitten ones. They all have the poison in their system. Now the free wandering wolves would go about bitting and killing others, also passing the poison to them. And the bad news is that no cure has been found yet. You don't want to imagine the hundred of wolves and humans we would lose to this. I urge you all to try your best and track down this wolves.

They might be your brothers or sisters, friends or lovers tomorrow. We have to save them and to do this we have to be United and work together. This is not just about me as an Alpha. It is about everyone of us. It is about saving our town. If you notice anyone around you is having symptoms of cold, fever, bleeding nose, emaciation and if also the person is turning aggressive and hot tempered please kindly report them to the research center and help will come their way. We will try our best to preserve their lives until their is an antidote to this. So for now I'll be evoking a stay at home order. The town will be going on a lockdown. The only people who are in exception of this order are the health workers and those working in the research lab. I urge you to also carry your identity card when you're out of your homes because the enforcer team will be out on patrol for rogue wolves. If they can't identity you then you'll also be caught as a wolf on loose. Do not worry about how you'll feed and survive, as we'll make sure to carry out daily supplies on every home. Please do as said because failure to do so has it's own consequences. Schools, clubs, malls, ShopRite, and every other places with large gatherings will be closed for now.

I don't know how long this will go on but I can assure you that we won't rest until we overcome this. If you feel endangered or threatened by any person you suspect to be turning out rogue or showing the symptoms of a poisoned wolf this is the number to call..." She called out some digits.

"Thank you so much for your time everyone, have a good day" She concluded with a sigh.

It was broadcasted live in many homes and on the street screens. After her conclusion, the broadcast came to an end leaving many people murmuring. The small groups that had gathered in the streets watching the broadcast began to disperse murmuring in whispers.

"I'll like that the media excuse us" Sierra said to the people who had their cameras, notepads, and iPads.

They took their equipments and began to leave one after the other. Now it was just the enforcers and the alpha.

"Any questions?" She asked.

Looking around and seeing that no one was going to ask one man raised his hands to say something and he was given the permission to.

"A stay in order is a great idea, alpha. But what will happen when we run out of supplies and still there's no cure?" He asked.

"I'll go to speak with the higher ups tomorrow to ensure that we don't lack for anything for the time being" She answered" But we also might also discover an antidote soon" She replied.

"But Alpha what about our economy. We pay heavy taxes to the government every year to live so freely in this town. What will happen when we can't contribute anything this year or next?" Another asked.

"Who says we won't be able to contribute anything this year. I don't mind using my personal funds as long as it is to protect our town" She replied.

"If the government finds out about this poison and rogue wolves, even the higher ups won't be able to protect us. Our town would be consider as a threat to humans existence and what would happen next? We'll be eliminated. their are other Alphas playing as political god father's in the hidden shadows. Not many are happy about your presence as Alpha. They'll use this Chance to strike, what will you do then?" another questioned.

"I'll ensure to keep this tightly under wraps" She answered.

"Have you forgotten that the mating season is very close. Once haze strikes we won't be able to contain the wolves. They would break out of their homes and a lot of things would happen. Even you alpha won't be able to help yourself nor anyone. What will you do then?" The real question striked and she froze.