
Rule #3


"First of all, I would like to discuss our ground rules for this class."

I tried to focus on Mr. Cruz' lecture but I keep on asking myself:

Why am I here? What am I even doing?

Do I even belong here in the first place?

"Rule #1. Of course, no lates and absences. Your tardiness may be considered valid if you have a valid excuse as well. Five lates is equivalent to suspension for a week. If the said violation is repeated, there will be another week that will be added on the suspension, and so on..." explained by our teacher after writing the 1st rule on the white board.

"Rule #2. No talking to your seatmate while I'm discussing here in front. That's kinda self explanatory." Mr. Cruz writes the 2nd rule on the whiteboard. "Anyone caught talking will replace me here in front and they'll be the one to discuss the topic in front."

"Last but not the least, rule #3..."

I noticed Mr. Cruz suddenly changes his facial expression into a serious one, eyes narrowing to each one of us before writing something on the board.

"Anything discussed here in the classroom, or on the facilities within the restricted area, should only remain here. In other words, you are not allowed to tell ANYONE, I repeat, ANYONE, about the things we discussed in this section."

"You might wanna ask, what is the restricted area? Well... this whole 4th floor is considered to be the restricted area." he paused for a moment and turned again to look at each one of us.

"Alpha Section is considered to be a top secret group organized by the school, so all information about it is considered as highly classified information."

My attention sparked on the very last rule he had discussed. So that's why students outside of this group have limited information about Alpha Section. But I wonder what is the rule for…

"Anyone caught disobeying the said rule will be expelled from this class. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Cruz made sure to give emphasis on his second to the last statement.

"Yes sir." we all said in unison.

"Now before going to our next topic, do you have any questions about our rules?"

Our adviser again gave each one of us a seemingly meaningful stare while waiting for someone to raise his or her hand. Eventually, his gaze soon landed on the person seated on the opposite far end corner.

"How about no losers allowed here? Do we have a rule for that?" said by the one and only egotistic jerk on this section.

Some of my classmates laughed at his remark even if it is not meant to be a joke, but it is an obvious sarcasm or an insult. I saw Mr. Cruz shook his head.

"Enough Mr. Santiago!" our adviser sternly looked at the jerk who just took his seat again and acted he didn't do wrong. The classroom became silent once more after that.

I gritted my teeth. That was clearly meant for me.

"If you don't have any SERIOUS questions, then let's proceed. I would like to tell Mr. Magbanua here, who is the newest member of this section, that you'll still have your regular classes in your respective classrooms with your previous sections. You'll only come here every 6:30 in the morning for our special training class." Mr. Cruz explained as he looked at me. I just nodded as my response.

Wait, what the heck? 6:30?! That's way, way, too early than my previous first class every morning.

"Regarding the restricted area I have mentioned, I just want to let you know that the fourth floor of this building is exclusively only for Alpha Students. There's state of the art facilities like the library, comfort rooms, computer lab, audio visual room, and gymnasium."

I literally had my eyes wide open the moment I heard all of that. No freakin' way! Alpha Students are way more lucky than what I have imagined.

"You can access all of these facilities anytime as long as you have your IDs with you, which will serve as your access cards. So just swipe that up on the code detectors on every door including here." he explains in full details.

A few moments later, we all heard the school bell ringing.

"Alright, I think that's it for today's class. But before I dismiss you, there's something I need you to ponder on..." Mr. Cruz gets an eraser and decides to wipe up all of the things he wrote on the board before turning again to face us.

"Why do you think you're all here?" His eyes squinted as he looked at each one of us. "That's the one I want you to ponder on and I will ask you all to share your thoughts in class at our next meeting."

"That's kinda weird." I heard my seatmate here muttered.

"Alright, you're dismissed. Enjoy your two-hour break." As soon as he said those words, Mr. Cruz picked up some of his things on his desk and left the classroom.

Wait, two hours break? Seriously? I was so used to the thirty minutes break I have before that it's only natural for me to be this surprised.

Well, enough of that. It's funny for Mr. Cruz to ask that question to us, because I honestly have no idea why I was transferred here in the first place. Until now, I still have doubts about me, being in this section.

"Hey Cedric, care to join us?"

I was back to my senses as soon as I heard a girl's voice. I looked up to look at her, only to be greeted by her wide, friendly smile. Her name's Kylie, right?

"O-Okay." I awkwardly responded. Darn, I really don't have good socializing skills.

I soon stood up from my chair and went to the cafeteria with this girl and with my seatmate.


By the time we arrived at the cafeteria, I was a little bit surprised to see no one here except for us and the staff. Later, Kylie explained to me that Alpha Students are always the first ones who are being sent to have their break schedule from the rest of the group.

"Ahhh, so that explains why. I was so used to having late breaks." I said.

Me and the rest of my companions have taken a seat on a vacant table at the far end corner of the cafeteria, and soon a cafeteria staff suddenly went near to us and placed three styro containers on top of our tables. Afterwards, the lady walked off without saying a word.

Wow, is this our meal for the day?

Again, I was kinda surprised to see carbonara, two pieces of tuna pie and one mango tart stuffed inside the container.

"You'll get used to it." I heard Mitch say who is seated in front of me and next to Kylie.

We all soon became silent as we started to dig into the meal prepared for us. None of our classmates joined us here, and I don't actually care where they went to.

"So, about that last statement Mr. Cruz said earlier..." I said, breaking the silence, The two of them looked at me at the same time.

"What last statement? When he dismissed us?" Mitch casually asked.

"No." I said in a flat tone, lips pressed to each other.

"You mean that statement when he asked us to report in class what's the reason why we're here in this section?" Kylie asked. My face suddenly lit up.

"There! That's what I'm talking to. Do you have any idea why we're all here?" I said in an awkward tone, but I saw both of them just shrugged simultaneously.

"No idea. We just started our class honestly, ever since you came in class. During our whole vacant period in Mr. Cruz' special training class, we exactly did nothing." Kylie explained then took a bite from the mango tart.

"Same here. I don't have any idea as to why I was suddenly transferred here. I'm sure you don't have any idea as well since you're the newbie." Mitch responded.

I sighed. Obviously he's right. I don't have any goddamn idea as to why I'm here.


I had just finished the carbonara when we heard the school bell rang again for the second time around.

"That means it will be break time for students who belong to sections 1 to 3." Kylie explained.

I paused for a moment.

Oh no... that means I will see my best friend here any minute from now.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mitch waved one hand in front of me which sent me back to reality.

"I'm fine." I said, looking away.

With that thought, I can't somehow relax in my seat right now. I can't imagine the look on my best friend's face the moment he'll know I was transferred to Alpha Section... the section I hated before.

And speaking of him, I just saw him entering the cafeteria and took a seat at our usual spot which is the very first table when you enter the cafeteria. I bet he chose to sit there always so that I could spot him easily since I was the one who had a late break schedule between us previously.

I somehow feel guilty hiding from him right now.

"What happened to you?" I heard Mitch chuckled. "You look like someone who had just seen a ghost."

"Uh excuse me, I'll go ahead. There's some place I had to go to." I lied, completely ignoring Mitch's remark.

I didn't wait for them to respond and immediately stood up from my seat and hastily went out of the cafeteria while ducking my head in the process.


All throughout the discussion of my teachers from my regular classes, I can't even understand a word to what they're discussing in front and mindlessly turned to face the window beside me. My mind is too preoccupied right now to even listen.

As Mr. Cruz said, I am currently back in my previous room for my regular class.

I can't help but to think what Andrew will have to say about me, who outrageously declared to him that I don't want to be part of this section, once he'll know I was transferred here.

Well... I didn't mean to be transferred in this section anyway.

Heaving out a sigh, I once again turned to look at my teacher in my last period class which is History. Maybe I'll just tell my best friend later about this once I get back to our dorm, instead of him knowing that from someone else.


The moment our school bell rang for the last time, that also automatically ended our class for today. As soon as we were dismissed by our teacher, I hurriedly picked up my bag, and hurriedly went to our school dorm.

I was just practicing the script I created in my mind when that time came that me and Andrew would see each other in our room when I came face to face with him as soon as I opened the door. He was just getting dressed when he suddenly paused from unbuttoning his polo and turned to look at me.

I unconsciously swallowed an invisible lump that's kinda blocking my throat before forcing myself to look at him as well.

"Y-you're a bit early today." I said just to start a casual conversation.

"Yeah. Our teacher from our last subject decided to dismiss us early." he simply responded.


I closed the door behind me first before taking a few steps forward towards my bed, my eyes are now glued on our carpeted floor.

"Today, I heard some interesting news that's currently spreading all over the campus. This is about a section 6 student who was suddenly transferred to Alpha Section."

The moment I heard Andrew spoke, I instantly froze in my place and slowly looked up to meet his gaze. He's now giving me a seemingly icy stare, lips firmly pressed together as he looks at me.

A few seconds later, his cold gaze soon landed on the badge that is currently pinned on the left side of my chest.

"Now I know who is that student they are referring to..."