
Wolf boy

This is going to be my first story so it's going to be short so pls give opinion on this story, Thank you all.

Hi I'm alpha I'm a alpha male and I have a baby sister named Sarah she is 11 years old and I'm 20 .So this happened when I was younger I would say like 10 years old and my dad died and when my mom had my sister and when she was born. my mom had past so it me and her now and then we put are ears away to live among the humans and for us to go to school so I can get a job. So one day my sister was getting-bulled that's when people stared letting none humans live in the city I went to go pick her up from school and I seen her bleeding on the ground outside of her school I couldn't hold my ears and tail in and I ran fast as I can and my alpha roar came out so fast that the boys who was bullying my sister ran ran as far away as they can. Don't worry if you like this story I can make a part 2, thank you for reading this story.