
Alpha Prime's Exiled Wolf

Ember Darkthorn, exiled from the only home she's ever known in the Mystral Pack, finds herself lost and alone. In her darkest moment, she crosses paths with Nate, a stranger who becomes an unexpected and indispensable friend. Together, they embark on a journey to Moonsand City, the prestigious domain of the Alpha Prime, leader of all werewolves. Before they can reach the safety of the city, they are ambushed by rogue vampires, the Alpha Prime arrives to their rescue. Ember is stunned to discover that he is not only the powerful leader of their kind but also her true mate? [Newbie, give me some space if I have errors] [Side couple is a queer gay couple, be warned]

Sofie_Vert01 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Kellan Grimlock

"Kellan, where are we going? We've been moving aimlessly all week. If you could tell me what we're looking for, it would make it easier," Tristan's voice nags at me, the familiar tone of my beta bringing a growl to my lips. Restlessness has consumed me for the past week, an incessant nagging from my wolf urging me to "go," "find," "now."

I am Kellan Grimlock The Second, Alpha Prime for the past 70 years, belonging to the lineage of the Grimlock family who has held the title of Alpha Prime since the supernatural beings revealed themselves to the world. It was my great-great-grandfather, Kellan, who paved the way for our family's rise to power. He was a cunning pack alpha who seized opportunities in the new world order, swiftly gaining control of industries and businesses across various wolf packs and shifter communities, while the world was still reeling from the effects of the human race being practically wiped out.

With his influence and wealth, he naturally rose to become the leader of the wolves.

The Grimlock legacy of wealth and power continued with his son, who further multiplied our already substantial fortune. When I inherited the mantle of Alpha Prime from my father, wolves may not have been the strongest shifters, but we were undoubtedly the most financially secure. The only other race on par with our financial prowess were the vampires, those immortal beings who once controlled the humans from the shadows before their near-extinction. They remain a formidable and somewhat ominous presence in the supernatural world. Scary creatures.

Unlike some other wolves, my wolf is well-behaved, but lately, it's been restless and moody. This behavior is unusual for me and I find myself snapping at those around me, including Tristan. But I know better than to ignore my wolf's instincts. If it's urging me to go somewhere, there must be a reason.

So, with Tristan following at my heels, I head towards the outskirts of the city. My wolf's senses are heightened, its instincts driving us forward.

We're on another wild goose chase, searching for something elusive and unknown. But I trust in my wolf's guidance, for it has never led me astray before.

There's something out there, waiting for me and until we find it, this restlessness will continue to gnaw at me.


We've been wandering aimlessly for four hours now, deep into the forest outside the city. My wolf is growing increasingly restless, its instincts on high alert.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a ball of blonde hair slams into Tristan, sending them both tumbling to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

I stand there, initially stunned but amused by the unexpected collision.

So this is why my dear beta, Tristan, has been absent from our usual nighttime activities. The ball of blonde, now on the ground, is muttering incoherent phrases about saving someone, the threat of death, something about ember? Fire?, and rogue vampires. Then, without warning, he bolts up and takes off running in the direction from which he came.

Tristan and I exchange a bewildered look before we decide to give chase. Whatever has gotten into this blonde whirlwind, it's clearly urgent.

Despite his seemingly unassuming appearance, the ball of blonde is surprisingly fast. Tristan and I struggle to keep up as he dashes through the forest with an almost frantic energy. How he manages to maintain such speed in human form is beyond me; his agility must be even more impressive when he shifts into his wolf form.

We navigate through the dense underbrush, dodging branches and leaping over fallen logs in our pursuit. The urgency in the blonde's movements is palpable, and it spurs us on to push harder, to run faster.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity of chasing, we manage to catch up to him. But just as we do, he kicks it into an even higher gear, his pace quickening with each stride. Tristan and I exchange determined glances and push ourselves to match his speed, determined to keep up with this mysterious individual.

The forest flies past us in a blur of greens and browns, the ground beneath our feet becoming a mere blur as we race onward. The air is filled with the sound of our pounding footsteps and the rustling of leaves as we tear through the forest.

As we continue the chase, my mind races with questions. Who is this blonde ball? What has prompted his sudden urgency? And most importantly, where is he leading us? Could be a trap? But I dismiss that thought, I am after all literally the strongest wolf. All I can do is focus on keeping up, trusting that whatever lies ahead will become clear as we chase this enigma through the forest.

Just when I believe the ball of blonde can't possibly get any faster, he surprises me yet again by accelerating even more, leaving Tristan and me trailing behind.

With determination coursing through my veins, I push myself to go faster, the urgency of the chase driving me forward. My strides lengthen, my heart pounding in my chest as I make a concentrated effort to catch up to this elusive figure.

The forest blurs around me as I push my limits, leaving poor Tristan struggling to keep up behind me. Every muscle in my body burns with exertion, but I ignore the pain, focusing solely on closing the distance between us and the mysterious blonde ball ahead.

Suddenly, we emerge from the forest and are greeted by a harrowing sight. Over 30 rogue vampires encircle a red-haired woman, who stands amidst the carnage, drenched in blood and viscera. I watch in awe as she effortlessly dispatches a rogue vampire, hurling him into another, causing three vampires to tumble to the ground. Her claws tear through the hardened skin of a vampire's stomach, a feat that leaves me awestruck. She eviscerates a couple more of the rogues, the splattering blood landing on her.

A blonde whirlwind joins the fray, his elongated claws swiftly severing the vampires' throats. Shaking off my reverie, I rush in to lend my aid. Rogue vampires are no match for me, and with Tristan's support, the skirmish concludes within minutes.

As I retract my claws, I turn to face the red-haired woman, who leans against a weathered truck, quenching her thirst with a bottle of water. Approaching her, I find myself holding my breath as her expressive green eyes meet mine with a curious gaze. Her hair is matted with blood, her face spattered in crimson, and I swear upon the moon, I've never seen a woman more captivating.

At that moment, my wolf sends a clear message to me. "MATE."


One thing I love about wolves? the Mate bond! the possessivenes!

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