
Alpha Nightsky

A Bunch of kids who were experimented uses their power to escape the Facility, And One day take revenge against the scientist who tortured them all.

ArklainneV2 · Adolescente
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11 Chs

A Weapon?

Beta rolled over and sat down, she was slightly injured. since she was crippled, she can't stand up and walk. She looked around and saw grass growing over concrete covered in some moss.

"Is this?" Beta asked and looked around the place they've been teleported too.

The Children all looked at Beta with an anxious face, worrying about her health and asked. "Are you okay, Ate?"

"Where are we?" Beta asked. "If I'm correct, this must be the place from my memories"

Large structures of Metals were rusting in the place, there were benches yet covered in webs, And the place was empty. Completely different from what she had in her memory.

"This is... An Abandoned Amusement park?"

Beta looked at the sky and saw it was night, the Moon was full and stars were visible. The 800 children then went towards Beta and asked.

"Ate Elytrix and Ate Charlie, where are they?"

Beta used her power to float and answered. "They'll be back soon"

She looked around and saw an old newspaper. "This is, I see, That's why this place was abandoned"

I was the Reason.


"Is that....." Nightsky, Omega, Delta and Ling looked at a large rifle as they entered the armoury room.

The place was covered in Blood as they massacred all the guards in just a minute. Facing Intelligent kids who have powers is terrible even against ordinary guards without one.

Not just the guards, The scientists were all dead, some were beheaded.

They all decided to come to the armoury room to replenish their stock and find some kit to help aid Omega on his wounds.

Armours are too complex for Delta to make, that's why they decided this is the best course of action.

Nightsky equip herself with some Carbon-steel bulletproof vest. A Light version of the sand type Bulletproof vest That covers her chest and some boots for her feet.

Ling and Delta took some too but added pads and gloves, Meanwhile, Omega was heavily armoured with and was covered in Carbon-steel.


As they were looking around, They saw a large rifle that had a futuristic design.

It looks like a rifle but doesn't at the same time. This must mean.

"The Magnetic Railgun?"

"Rail-" Omega asked. "What is that?"

"It's a gun that lets shoots bullet at the speed or faster than mach 30"

"Mach- what are those things?"

Delta and Ling looked at each other and nodded as they know Omega's knowledge about these things are limited.

"It's fine Omega" Ling told him. "Just imagine this rifle, but-" Ling fired off the gun and continued. "Look at the bullet, imagine it going much much faster, like 50x faster I guess?"

"Ohh, I see, I get it now, We will use this against that Big Hybrid kapre, Oni and Genie right?"

Nightsky asked. "Does anyone even know how to use it?"

Delta and Ling looked at her and said. "We thought you knew!!!"

"I- I'm just a 9 year old girl, how should I know!" Nightsky shouted. "But I know who can"

Elytrix and Charlie then met together with them and asked.

"A Railgun? Elytrix asked. "Are we use-"

"Yes!" We all replied.

Charlie looked at Omega and asked. "Who is this guy?"

They introduced each other. "I see," Charlie nodded.

"so Our plan is to kill that guy and free all the children" Nightsky set out the map of the Laboratory and began strategizing.

"The Adults don't really pose a threat against us-" "Wait a minute Nightsky" Elytrix interrupted and brought a black stick at the table.

"These Adults can fight, and they use this" she activated the stick and it turned into a Plasma blade.

"Wh- what is that?" Nightsky asked. and Elytrix continued. "some adults can pose a threat so at best, we should probably avoid some of them"

Omega, Charlie and Ling nodded.

"I see, anyways, we should also go at the Torture chamber, or as named in the map, The Awakening Chambers, We should find the guy that manage the laboratory

After that, Me, Omega, Elytrix, and Ling will fight the Big guy while Delta and Charlie release the other children"

"A segway formation huh" Delta replied.

"Yes, The Big guy so far can regenerate, But his regeneration is slow, and it doesn't really mean he's really immortal. If somehow we can destroy the heart and the brain at the same time, we might be able to kill it"

"Is that really true?" Charlie asked.

"It's just a theory, Plan B would be, stall time then escape! If we really can't kill that big guy, we will escape, got it?"


"Now, always remember, Be as dark and impenetrable as the night and struck the enemy like a thunderbolt"